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Tuesday Ta Dah PWYC

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 8:35 am
by Twins' Mom
I need some Ta Dahs today and this week. How about you?

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah PWYC

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 8:56 am
by Twins' Mom
Yesterday I got overwhelmed and frustrated by all the work here, questions from workers, and dh looking over everyone's shoulders, and I did not really get much done because I just fled upstairs to get away and do some genealogy. I am so glad that painters are done and their noise gone.

Thinking aloud:

I have almost unlimited to dos this week, so many that I need to get myself jump started into action. I tried to explain to dh that I have a lot of different focuses and that leaves me overwhelmed but he doesn't get it. (The word isn't unlimited, it's more like way too many to imagine.)

I'm thinking aloud:

-Guest bedroom: houseguests this weekend. Up there I need to vacuum, dust, straighten, wash sheets, freshen bathroom and shower, not sure what else.

-Outside: The screens for the porch are going up today, workers already going out there. They are to be done today (fingers crossed) so we can move outside furniture out of the garage and back to porch tonight. (Since I have a Zoom meeting at 7, he may enlist a neighbor to help.)

Inside: oy vey. Practically the entire downstairs of the house needs attention.
---DR and Great room: Need to move stuff back into Great room if possible. We don't have TV up yet, they are to do the mount for us, hoping that gets done. Tiling is happening today so we can clean up at that point. Lots of stuff in DR, like the bookcase, that won't go back, what do I do with it? Need to dust surfaces not previously dusted and some that are dusty again.
---MBR: move stuff back into laundry room cabinet that I emptied yesterday for them to straighten. Can I purge anything else? Try to get it back together, move extra desk that was in breakfast area into garage also?
---rest of house: dusting and usual cleaning as needed,

-We want to have Shabbat dinner here on Friday night - Dh wanted oven brisket, challah, and a keto cheesecake, among other things. We may compromise and grill steak instead of brisket.

Dh will be home on Friday and promises to be at my disposal, but the issue is that a lot of times he wants me to stand by as he does anything instead of working independently. And then he will advocate that things really don't need to be done, or done the way I want.

I think today I need to get guest bedroom together. I need to get a list going for the week, too.

Oh, and we can't get a sprinkler company to respond. I'm sure it's high season for them and the guy we've used before hasn't responded, nor the one I called on Friday and again yesterday. :shock:

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah PWYC

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 9:08 am
by CathyS

I was actually up before dh for a change today! That almost never happens. I know he was up during the night.

I have been thinking about getting an antique typewriter for the library. Looking in marketplace over on FBook and I looked at the antique market I went to a few weeks ago. I had a dream this morning and I woke up thinking I should look closer to home. We have an antique market a lot closer to home than the one I went to a few weeks ago... so when things open up again, I will go there and take a look around.

No idea what we are having for supper.

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah PWYC

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 9:09 am
by LadyMaverick
Good Morning!

Yes to the TA-DA's! I tend to keep my focus on what I still need to do instead of stopping to appreciate what I have accomplished.

Last night was so much fun. It was fun on a level that I haven't had in a long time. 24 of the ladies in the church gathered together to eat, visit and play a card game. The card game was 12 hands and for each of the 12 hands you switched tables, partners, and game rules. There were 6 tables set up in different rooms. By the tables being in different rooms it helped subdue the noise of everyone non-stop talking. ANYway, this meant you got a chance to visit with each person attending for about 10-15 minutes. I'm not an extrovert but I loved every minute of this time together. Either I'm really dumb and don't see it or this group isn't cliquish. Every person is welcomed and included.

Today is the LAST DAY of our normal school schedule for us. Tomorrow DD9 will go take her final state test and we will be done with charter school!

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah PWYC

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 9:18 am
by blessedw2
you really have a lot on your plate d twins! I still think men don't think in multi task - it's one thing at a time bc that's usually the one thing they do as with most women - we are doing different areas (or thinking of the work in the different areas and things hanging over our heads).
My dh can't flow in between different thinking, worries and planning. If he tries he gets overwhelmed.

hello d twins, hello d lady, hello d Cathy, hello d everyone!

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah PWYC

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 9:25 am
by blessedw2
I am going to cancel the cleaning ladies we had for when my ankle surgery. They have been a Godsend and am very grateful for them.

I want to work outdoors and do my dailies
When it gets hot - yes its going to be in the 80's shocker - we have had freezing for a long time and suddenly - warm
call landscape company
the freezer repair people haven't gotten the gasket yet so that will be moved
make an appointment to have a took pulled

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah PWYC

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:52 am
by Ramblinrose

I woke to a nasty migraine before midnight so I took my meds and went back to sleep. Still have a twinge of it but it’s not as bad as it was.

I have a hair appointment at 1:00 this afternoon, but need to do a few things around the house. Need to vacuum up some hay that managed to get into the house and my office is in need of some attention.

Also need to water my flowers which are starting to bloom. It’s been a weird season as they have bloomed early and many of my sunnies are on the short size. Have no idea why, but think the cold March nights and mornings might have something to do with it.

Hurry LadyM... glad Dd9 school year is finally over and your part of the world is getting back to normal. I haven’t been wearing my mask in any stores and it’s nice to be able to freely breath again!

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah PWYC

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 11:01 am
by Twins' Mom
A round of pretty unfocussed ta dahs...

-dusted guest bedroom (still need to do blinds?)
-found art that we're not using to put up over chest of drawers in guest room (honey do list?)
-rehung the clock (although now I realize it's running slow in spite of changing the battery. :roll: )
-shifted washer, which had "walked" during the first load, and cleaned out both behind and between washer/dryer and swept laundry room
-started sheets from upstairs in washer
-brunch, meds, vitamins
-emptied a box of papers, mostly recycled, some upstairs for family history

I feel overheated. I have rested, will start time at TOTH and work to :15 before the hour. I may have to just be unfocussed at this point but I'm gonna keep working.

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah PWYC

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 11:35 am
by LadyMaverick
DS12 effort in working is still unknown. He returned to insulating pipes under a house today however it isn't going as well as yesterday. Nothing changed but I think the excitement & adrenalin that got him through the stress of yesterday has worn off. Now he just has the anxiety of it. He has called me 4 times in the first hour under the house.
** The first call was a request to bring him bug spray. I delivered it to him at the job site along with his favorite drink. DS12 is working alone which I am not okay with. At DS12 insistence that he was totally fine, then I came back home. DS12 is working about 1/2 mile away so he can easily come home if he wants.
** The second call was "Talk to me. Help me get through this". I told him there was absolutely nothing wrong with not being able to stay underneath a house. There are lots of people who couldn't do it. There is no shame or guilt if he can't. I asked about his fears and he talked about them. I asked if his fears have come true and he said they hadn't. Then he told me he wanted to try again.
** The third phone call was his acceptance that he couldn't do it. He wanted to just listen while I talked and get himself recentered.
** The fourth phone call was asking how to tell his boss that he can't do it. He asked what he should say. My advice to DS12 is to be absolutely honest and open with his boss.

DH and I have both been mowing. It is predicted to start raining later today and be wet for the next 48 hours. We want to get as much of the mowing done as we can before the rain starts. I've mowed 2 bags of grass clipping and put them in the compost pile.

DD9 is working on her school assignments.

36 SHE cards completed

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah PWYC

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 11:52 am
by Twins' Mom
That 45 min went fast.

-I ordered a cleaner for inside of washer
-started dusting the bookcase by the door to garage, was there when timer went off
-rebooted laundry
-folded a load of laundry and hanging laundry that was dry in our bathroom and put all away
-cleaned stove top and checked off clean kitchen counters

Don't recall what else...odds and ends too.

LadyM, it's a life lesson for ds to learn that there are things he isn't cut out to do. There's no harm in trying again when he's more mature too.