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Wednesday on the Run PWYC

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 8:53 am
by Twins' Mom
I'm on the run today, how about the rest of the village? What's up?

Re: Wednesday on the Run PWYC

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 9:12 am
by Twins' Mom
I have a massage at 10 and then am picking up dcousin J. I think dd is going with us. We'll have lunch then go to cemetery to spread dMuff's ashes. Dfriend M is coming over for wine tonight, not sure if before/after dinner, and to catch up.

I'm devoting tomorrow to travel prep, assuming we're going. Dd still hasn't heard back from these people that they received her signed acceptance and is panicking, as I've shared in J&C. Yesterday she got another offer - a place she would really prefer to go, but significantly less $$. Dh talked to her last night, not me, so I don't know what's up.

I gotta get moving...goal is to have a.m. routine done before I take off.

Re: Wednesday on the Run PWYC

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 9:18 am
by blessedw2
waving at you d twins (and all)
I will be thinking of you. again I am so sorry for your loss of your sweet dog

Re: Wednesday on the Run PWYC

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 9:32 am
by Harriet
Thinking of you today, Twins', and of your dd. We never are sure which are the windows opened for us to dive through - that's true for everyone. Here, our version of your dd concerns almost ended with a different company, there was some exasperation, then a better, happier "window" opened - how can we really know what would be smart? We can't - and maybe we wouldn't want to lose the oddities of life that way.

Hi to BookSaver

The "no-hassle" of gasoline yesterday turned into a big hassle by now. On our errands before dark, we found 4 stations out and a 5th with lines that stretched in two directions, one so long it threatened to block an intersection. This morning HRH and I almost insisted that dd take the truck to work even though it's a poor commuter choice and not suited to a tiny parking lot. Ultimately, HRH emptied all the gasoline dd had bought and put into cans for the lawnmower, into my car :roll: and she took that. She could have probably made it without going to the trouble, but in this situation, who would have the gas to go help her out if she needed them? So we considered that a 1970s-style insurance policy. (kinda smelly insurance) She called from work and said all the stations along the way were in the same situation we saw last evening.

Re: Wednesday on the Run PWYC

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 9:35 am
by LadyMaverick
Good Morning!

We are 15 degrees below our average temperature for this date. I'm having moments of regret for turning the supplemental heaters off. The central HVAC system is always available but it is not my first choice of heat.

Today DS12 turned his alarm off and went back to sleep. I told him that was a sign that his anxiety is reducing about the new-to-him experience of working. It is starting to become a normal part of his life and he is learning to not be stressed about it. Who knows if he will eventually need to go back on medication to help him control the anxiety. I'm not against that and will definitely use meds if they become necessary. Either way, he still needs to learn that life has stressful moments and to have the confidence that he can get through them.

Our normal Wednesday schedule is happening. It is a busy day.

Re: Wednesday on the Run PWYC

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 9:45 am
by Twins' Mom
Harriet, I'm worrying a little about gas on the way to NJ, assuming we're still going.

Re: Wednesday on the Run PWYC

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 9:53 am
by blessedw2
waving at d harriet, d twins, d lady, d everyone.
I woke late and need to start work - see you soon!

Re: Wednesday on the Run PWYC

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 9:57 am
by DeeClutter
I too lost a fairly large post yesterday and just didn't have the "wherewithall" to reconstruct it. Yes, Harmony "broken in the shoulder" is very hard. Mine was actually the shoulder joint/tendons/nerves torn apart and a break in the humerus. Not fun and now 26 years later, it still isn't. Hope your friend heals quickly and well, RR.

Slept fairly well last night. Woke up around 6, took my thyroid med and went soundly back to sleep until 8. Probably not the best idea going back to sleep until after I ate -BS at 8 was only 57. Know it's too low and my Dr is not going to be happy with my counts. She cut back on my glipizide both last June and again in October.

Need to get my day started. First up count my cards from yesterday and then see where I'm going today. I've only gotten through breakfast, took a small bag out to the trash can by the road, and turned on the slow cooker for dinner. DD put a roast, potatoes, carrots & onions together last night & brought it in from the fridge before she left this morning. Note to self: make sure crock pot is plugged in! :o It "didn't" cook for about 30 minutes.

Oh, I also transferred some $$ and paid off our A merican E xpress bill this morning. Nice seeing all those zeroes.

Re: Wednesday on the Run PWYC

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 10:40 am
by MysteryWoman
Good morning!

Much running around here today, too. First appointment is virtual -- a Zoom call to DH's dAunt for her 89th birthday. I'll only be able to stay on that 15 minutes tops before I have to take DD to the dentist. Total guess how long that's going to take, so I'll probably wait in the parking lot. Ooh, maybe the new chocolate shop across the street will be open, and I can take a look. After that, I need to go to the library to pick up a hold. The gang wants to come along, so who knows how long that will take -- all I know is I need to get out of there in time to go with DH to a 4:30 appointment for taxes. The nearest office, mere blocks from our house, is closed (originally due to Covid -- I don't know if they'll reopen next year), so we have to drive 15-20 minutes to get there. And at some point, I need to get to the drugstore to pick up toothpaste, toilet paper, and DC's acne gel. I could send one of the kids, but I don't have the cash to hand them -- I should add a trip to the bank to the errands. Oh! and we need a trip to the local small grocery store -- their ad yesterday shows that they will have an item DC has been looking for as one of their specials starting today, and those specials run out pretty quickly.

Twins, depending on the location of the other job, might a lesser cost of living make up for the lesser pay?

Glad you were able to get your DD some gas, Harriet. This thing worries me -- if this sort of disruption can be caused for ransom, how much disruption could be caused if the intent were an actual attack?

As ever, there is laundry to be done! See ya!

Re: Wednesday on the Run PWYC

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 10:51 am
by BookSaver
Good morning, villagers ~
Hello to Harriet and everyone. I'm glad to see you.
I spent a long time writing out why I haven't been around, but then I bumped the keyboard and lost it all.
No time to rewrite but in summary, challenges continue with slight improvement to some situations.
Cautious optimism? :)
I hope you all have a good day.