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Stay a While Sunday

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:55 am
by Harriet
This is shamelessly borrowed from a PWYC beginning from Cathy earlier this year, but I like it!

Can you sit still for a while? We expect it of our pets and (sometimes) our children.

So, come and sit and stay for a while this Sunday morning.

Reset, relax and revive yourself.

Sitting and staying a while might also help plan the week, or the month. Hmmm... .. no one needs that, do they?

Re: Stay a While Sunday

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 11:32 am
by Twins' Mom
Perfect opening for today! I'm hoping I can stay awhile here at home today for a quiet day. We had people heavy social occasions on Thanksgiving and then evening after, then were at the river for several hours yesterday. We sat out in the wan sunshine, saw a towboat with barges three wide heading up the river. Then watched some of AL/Auburn game. Our friends A and V, of the river, are Birmingham natives and naturally AL fans. I pull for whoever is playing AL for I do keep quiet. We left the river at half-time to head home and saw the rest of that game at home. My condolences, Lucylee, a hard loss to stomach.

Then the FL/FL state game began, with dh anxious over FL State's performance. I went on to bed but he watched to the end and I'm sure enjoyed it.

I slept way too late this morning for someone who has a busy week. I'm trying to get my head around getting up early tomorrow, and being away beginning Wed. p.m.

Re: Stay a While Sunday

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:46 pm
by Harriet
I have been out this morning but only on this road.

Finishing oatmeal brunch now.

Dd25, who has been making the most of her 4-day weekend, will go to grocery today and asked me if I wanted to go with. So that will be my one outing. She's on the golf cart now, doing a few of our chores for us, and we'll go after that.

She went to her future dsisil's concert (cantata?) last evening. It is performed three times and dd will attend again Friday evening at a town celebration, when her dsisil has a solo song. The extended family was in a huddle, having failed at convincing the Dad to attend again Friday. He figured he'd BTDT and K had been singing around the house to practice. Dd says she just went to him for goodbye last night and said, "I'll see you this weekend for K's solo!" He asked, "When?" She said, "Friday evening! See you then!" and he said he'd see her then - with a smile. At least right now, dd can do no wrong in his eyes and he usually agrees with her. I'm sure that won't be forever, but then he's known her for years.

Of course, dd has had a lifetime of experience getting what she wants from her own old-and-set-in-his-ways Dad.

Re: Stay a While Sunday

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:55 pm
by blessedw2
This post, d harriet, touched my soul to relax. Thank you!
I need to plan my week so that I also take time to read, create and rest without guilt.. lol - mostly without guilt.

I am working hard to go with the feeling I want rather than the list.

Cottage Fairy, mentioned today that learning to rest is an art; especially in our society! Slowing down, listening and resting! Accepting that you are not in control and it's okay.

hi d twins! I hope you have lovely quiet day!

hello everyone!!!

Re: Stay a While Sunday

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:05 pm
by CathyS

Dh made me French toast for breakfast this morning. He used cinnamon bread that he got from a local bakery and it had been in the freezer for a while.

Then we went to Costco to get dh a case of soda. I got a case of iced tea.

Right now I am making smoked pork hock soup. There are onions and carrots boiling in the pot along with the smallest pork hock I could find at the store.

The guy doing our hall said he would be back here at some point this afternoon for "a couple of hours".

It's sunny and cold and windy. Dh is watching an NFL game.

Re: Stay a While Sunday

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:26 pm
by blessedw2
sounds delicious d cathy!
I hope you enjoyed your walk d harriet

hello d everyone

I am moving slow but it feels good!

I received a new dehydrator - I plan on doing my oranges today.

next: I already said a prayer of thankfulness for a new day.
1. pull my basic list for this week.
2, empty dw
3. counters
4. microwave - dh had an egg pop this morning - it was happy to say - I am here, I am done!
5. stove top.

Re: Stay a While Sunday

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 2:36 pm
by Nancy
I woke early 4 I think it was.
Have been doing my morning stuff and resting.
Have not been outside yet.
I have soup cooking on the stove do not faint I made it from scratch!

It smells wonderful good to have left overs for it.
Yes I need revived.
I did s2s.
I clipped ddoggo's toenails & she has forgiven me.

We had fog today. 36* out 38* is the hi today.
Tip of the day I added bean & bacon soup to the turkey soup! Yummo!
This was one of the best post turkey day soups I've ever made!!!

Music appreciation Day Card is up!

Re: Stay a While Sunday

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 3:10 pm
by CathyS
I almost forgot to add the cabbage. So now there are carrots, onions, potatoes and cabbage along with some vegetable broth. The meat was removed, and dh cut it up and put it back in. I went outside to move the truck and it smelled so good when I walked back in.

Re: Stay a While Sunday

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 3:34 pm
by Harriet
That was more than a "big" trip for groceries. That was for an Army. An Army with a large budget, too. ;) Thank goodness for dd to carry that many heavy things. HRH is doing all the put-away since he was spared the long walk on concrete floors - ouch.

I do not like either of my dds' passenger car seats as far as height - you get in and you wonder if your bottom is going to be scraping the road as you go along. I say "get in" - more like "fall into". What are they mimicking, De Loreans? That would be worth falling into.

HRH and I worked together on creating and resizing a homemade sewing template for me today. I'm so pleased because to purchase it would be the cost of, like, a new hardback book, so I know I would put it off and wish instead of buying. I have it on typing/computer paper now and will glue onto thin cardboard. Choosing between weights - maybe very stiff.

What is that aroma?
Ya'lls kitchens smell so good!

Re: Stay a While Sunday

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 5:38 pm
by LadyMaverick
Tell me something— how do you set up cards for vacuuming? Is each room separate or do you do the whole house as one card?
Same with dusting and mopping and cleaning bathrooms?
Do you do all the WHB tasks on the same day?

I vacuum from one end of the house to the other end every day (except Sunday). My situation is different than most SHE's so I need to adapt. We have 3 dogs and 2+ kids in our home which means hair and dirt on the floor is a fact of life. I can either stay up with it on a daily basis or let it pile up. I don't vacuum on Sundays, so I get a weekly reminder how fast the dirt/hair accumulates when it isn't done daily. Henry is a battery powered canister vacuum that follows me through the house with no cords slowing us down. We have no carpet or rugs because wood and ceramic tile are easier to keep clean. Someday I will time how long it takes me to vacuum from one end of the house to the other (the main 7 rooms). I would guessimate 5-7 minutes. I do not vacuum DS15 and DD12 bedroom & bathrooms daily. They vacuum & mop their rooms weekly.

Daily vacuum from one end of house to other is on one card. Each of the kids have a weekly card to vacuum and mop their bedrooms & bathrooms. I have weekly card to mop the rest of the rooms.

I have weekly card for dusting the living room. Dusting the rest of the rooms is currently being ignored. That is one of the cards I will add in the future.

Cleaning bathrooms has a lot of weekly cards. I must break it down into small pieces so I won't rebel. I don't know how to explain why breaking the tasks down into many cards makes it seem easier, but I just know it works for me. The kids clean their own bathroom and they each have similar weekly cards with the tasks broken down and explained in detail.

Our weekly cards are scattered throughout the week. However, there are more weekly cards accomplished on Friday and Saturday because no school means more time is available. I try to leave Sunday as card free as possible. One day a week only the bare basic cards are done