Seasonal Saturday

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Re: Seasonal Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Dec 02, 2023 11:13 pm

I got out to the store, then another, another, another, desperately searching for the boughs of fir. None available so we came home empty handed. But I remembered I needed red taper candles while I was at Walmart for the mini-lights so that purchase saves me a drive out to the craft store.

I set up the balcony decorations without the greens. I don't expect to find them now but if I do, I'm ready. Otherwise it just looks unfinished but not too stupid.

While dh picked up his Chinese food for dinner I got the lights and ornaments up in the kitchen and after dinner I did the cleanup of both the dinner prep and getting the lights up.

I need to read up on planting sprouted onions and whether I can start propagating my African violet right now.

Earlier in the day I set up my new hot water pot and spent time cleaning the old one to store. It needs a new lid seal but is 20 years old so they aren't available. Searching online, the 3L version of mine came up for sale on A-River but made by the company my new one is from. So I'm wondering if they took over Sanyo's technology. It seems suspicious that the buttons are exactly the same and the shape of the pot is exactly the same. There isn't a lot of variation in either but this one is exactly the same. So now I need to figure out if a seal for that one would fit mine (which was the 2.2L version.)

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