Make your Magic Monday PWYC

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Make your Magic Monday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:41 am

Tap that wand and make it all magical! Do you need to complete Santa's list? Or some extra holiday rest and relaxation? Or some house cleaning magic so all is in readiness? Tap the wand and make it happen today!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Make your Magic Monday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Mon Dec 18, 2023 10:05 am

I have the last card made out yea!
Glad for that.
I need to round up the dish cloths and hot pad for gifts that go with Christmas cups.
QT is done up on time. Some journaling still to do.
It's frosty outside here.

Thinking on the items for food snacks type on the gathering.
I have a plan I need to remember what that is...
meat stick / summer sausage guac./salsa
deciding on the dev. eggs .

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Re: Make your Magic Monday PWYC

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Dec 18, 2023 10:43 am

I have my planner set up for this week.

Today I need to return library books and get my office in order.

Woke with my wrist hurting. Wondering if it’s the brace I’m using. Plan on just wrapping my hand tonight. Right now I’m sitting here with my hand wrapped in my heating pad. It helps.

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Re: Make your Magic Monday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Dec 18, 2023 10:57 am

I'm getting a usual late start for Monday but I've been next door and outside with the two French bulldogs next door. Their family has gone skiing, and the teen who takes care of them goes to school early on MTW this week, so I'm doing morning shift. They are sweet little guys.

I need to get moving. I think I need breakfast before I walk dMillie. We're eating out tonight - first time at our favorite in several weeks and tonight is eggplant, so I don't have to cook tonight. I do need a trip out to Michaels to pick up tape runner, and need to figure out my stash of cards and get into envelopes. Dh took another this morning, I'll probably make a few more too.

I'm finishing breakfast, and need to get into clothes and walk the ddog. She went out this a.m. for a few minutes with the next door dogs.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Make your Magic Monday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:03 am

Hi, everyone! Enjoy your wands! Always use your Superpowers for good.

Had a nice conversation with ds this morning as he sat waiting for the agility portion of his fire dept physical.

Seeing blessed's comment last evening made me put my 3 categories of deadlines for the week into groups and they turned out to be 5 items each. That was helpful, to "get it down" and see that it is do-able and can be taken in small parts, even though I realize some are more time consuming than others. Also, to see that some are not so immediate.

Last bit to mailbox today, as a few straggling addresses have gotten to me now.

Dd43's family is due home, and I'm not sure if they still have days of schoolwork. Ds' family has today and tomorrow.

Dd26 will be around a lot next week because she has the entire week off. Gee, I could have used her this week, lol.

Kathryn, happy to hear your interesting part of the service went well.

Ramblin', I also set up my planner for the week. I do think I'll order a stamp for weekly check-off this coming year to avoid the thickness. Hope the warmth helps your pain.

Twins', how pleasant to get to visit with sweet new morning companions for a while. Have fun making more cards.

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Re: Make your Magic Monday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:59 am

Wishing I could skip Christmas this year.
Told the kids what I wanted they did it without me ....
working through that emotion this morning.
Trying to decide how to react to people that say I would like to _________________ with you but never follow through. Non family and family members do it too.
It must be Mnday.

Spare room is done now yea!
At least till I put the non Christmas decor items back up.
I have some items to donate out of that room so I'm going to get them loaded in the rig that needs to be driven next.

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Re: Make your Magic Monday PWYC

Postby Dove » Mon Dec 18, 2023 12:10 pm

Hello :)

It's so nice that friends in your neighborhood help each other out with dog care, Twins. French bulldogs are adorable.

Great that your cards are done, Nancy. So sorry that kids & friends have disappointed you & that it has caused you to feel blue. (((Hugs)))

Bummer that your wrist still hurts, Rose. Glad the heating pad is helping. Can you please share the name of the new planner you are using? Thanks!

Nice that dd43 & dgrands will be home soon & that dd26 will be around a lot next week, Harriet.

Thinking of Cathy -- wishing her & her dh a wonderful trip.

LadyM, thanks for the Co mmand H ook suggestion for rehanging some lightweight decorations that had fallen down here. Dh ran to H ome D epot & bought a package of clear ones & they worked perfectly. :)

I'll be waving my magic wand in the kitchen later this morning after posting here, baking cookies. Dh reminded me that he is available for taste testing :) . I wrapped lots of presents over the weekend while listening to Pam & Peggy's "Home for the Holidays". Still have some family gifts left to wrap. I also visited CEO's site to print a few things. Started to get sidetracked reading her article on planners but will save that for after Christmas when I sit down to really focus on 2024.

A few weeks ago dh & I went to a Christmas Craft Show with hundreds of vendors. It was fun even though it was very crowded. One booth was selling cake pops in various flavors. I picked two up & asked how much they were. $4.00 --each! I said thank you & put them back. Soon after a flyer came from S am's C lub & they were selling cake balls (pops without sticks) much, much cheaper so I treated myself to a package when we were there last Friday. It still would have been cheaper to make them myself but I saved a lot of time not having to bake the cake part, roll them into balls with frosting, dipping & drying them & cleaning up afterward. They're delicious. I was also delighted to see that S am's has broccoli, cauliflower & carrots again! Just not in one bag anymore, but separate ones. We love roasted veggies but I was getting a little tired of our default Brussels Sprouts. Dinner tonight will be salmon & roasted veggies -- yum.

Looking forward to breakfast with a dfriend tomorrow. I'll package up some of the cookies to bring her.

~~~Waving & wishing you all a wonderful day! :)

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Re: Make your Magic Monday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Dec 18, 2023 12:11 pm

Harriet said:
Twins', how pleasant to get to visit with sweet new morning companions for a while.

LOL, I just walked dMillie and one of those sweet companions has broken out of his crate! Noticed Boston, the one who is normally crated, at the front window with Charleston as we walked by. Glad I saw them because other wise he would have the run of the house and destroy something. I'll let him think he got away with it for a few minutes and go over with some velcro tabs to hold it the crate closed. I couldn't get it open when I got there, he had the bottom two fasteners opened and only the top held it, but the door wouldn't slide up to release. So I need to go over and capture him.

I still haven't run my Roomba. I think I'm putting it in our bedroom. Dh thinks it would be better in the DR but the rug there has fringe, and it's a "public" area. Dh is afraid that it won't find the rest of the house if it starts in the bedroom but I think it will be fine. And the dog probably spends more time there than anywhere considering that she sleeps there too.

I think first I need to take care of my little friend next door. I'm taking some velcro twist ties for the crate too.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Make your Magic Monday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Dec 18, 2023 12:17 pm

magical - I will take it!!!
thank you starting us with seeing the magic in this beautiful Monday!

My eldest has been the spirit of Christmas and it's wonderful to see.
dearest Nancy I am so sorry that they didn't think about what you wanted. Could you speak to one of the kids that tend to be understanding and tell them that you feel a bit hurt that they didn't follow through. It a lot of non thinking - Oh mom won't really want to do - to them selves. I think it's okay to say you are hurt without blaming. again I am sorry and I pray your heart feels better.

(my nephew and his new bride are doing a lot of this with my d sis in law - only child- they are now in their own little world and he (their son) can't see they are hurting his parents)
(oh my goodness - I am by myself - dh went to the store)

D harriet!
how nice to have a lovely conversation with your d son!


hi d twins I have heard that French bulldogs are sweet creatures! Enjoy your morning!!! enjoy your walk and your dinner out today

hi d rose yay on the planner - praying your wrist starts feeling better.

I wish everyone the most wonderful day!
I wish your hearts feel peace
That your bodies are strong
and that your spirit guides you as you go through your day.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Make your Magic Monday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Dec 18, 2023 12:19 pm

sorry dove I just saw you.

waving at you!!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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