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Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 9:15 am
by Twins' Mom
Again, we're in "Write it Down" mode. Short week, new year beginning soon, Christmas/holiday put-away process, and we're not as young as we used to be. Whether it's a list, goal, schedule, calendar, or note to someone, let's get it down on paper!

Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 9:36 am
by LadyMaverick
Good morning!

Twins = Thank you for the write it down reminder. It is a necessity for me.

DH and I are making last minute packing efforts. We will only be gone for 40ish hours so we don't need to take much besides essentials. It only took me a few minutes to throw a few things in a bag. DH is more methodical and thoughtful than me, so he takes longer getting packed. We will leave once he is ready.

DD12 is with DD47 and has money to pay for her appt with counselor. I so hope DD47 will follow through with her promise to take DD12 to this appointment. I sent all the gifts to be returned with DD12 with encouragement to return them and use the money to buy something for herself. DD12 is eager to spend time with DD47 so i hope these 3 days together go smoothly. We will pick DD12 up on Friday morning.

DS15 is surrounded by mentors who have his best interest at heart. I find it somewhat amusing that I have not asked anyone to keep an eye on DS15 while we are gone, but he has! He has mentors in place for nearly every minute of his day. He will be fine.

the 7 animals will be cared for by DS15.

Note to self - stop overthinking things. Just go and enjoy these rare hours with DS50 and family.

Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 10:29 am
by Twins' Mom
This is the busiest day of my week. I have a haircut, followed by body work, followed by a trip to pick up ordered CPAP supplies. I really didn't get anywhere on the QB invoices for the HOA yesterday, except to decide that I'll move the accounting to another software package at some point. Dneighbor agreed that what QB online is now is not what she was using, and it doesn't make a bit of sense. So I still have that, plus getting that accounting caught up for year-end.

Whoops, and I just actually wrote down what "should be" "could be" done this week. And all I feel like doing is hanging out doing nothing.

I'm having breakfast, have s2s-ed and still need to walk the dog. I need to be out of here in 50 minutes so I'm doing okay.

Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 10:35 am
by CathyS

I think I'm a bit better this morning. I was laying in bed thinking about getting up and I thought I smelled bacon frying. I got up. No bacon... :(

Dh loaded the dishwasher yesterday. I will unload it today. I also have to switch the stuff from the washer to the dryer. Plus the litter box needs to be done.

The cat sitter brought back the house key this morning and dh is driving her home. She is leaving her car here because she needs the brakes done or looked at to see if they need to be done.

We will have leftover turkey and all that stuff tonight.

It's pouring rain here.

Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 10:53 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Good morning!

I had roughly 8 hours of sleep last night/this morning. Not quite uninterrupted but not bad.

I have done tea and chocolate and too many cookies.

I have started research for my sermon (for this week, arghhh!) and the All Generations Conversation. It turns out this lectionary reading is one we seldom hear at this time of year. It is the Feb 2 reading normally so we hear it when Feb 2 falls on a Sunday (looks at notes: 2003, 2014, 2020, 2025) and I never did find when it falls as Christmas 1 just because the lectionary calendar I was working from only goes back to 2000. My 'hook' in the sermon is an extended Christmas gathering where you see someone who is vaguely familiar but you aren't used to seeing them at Christmas (Simeon and Anna). And then getting to know them a bit better.

But all this is stirred in, somehow, with calendars and the New Year, new beginnings, new commitments, so the All Generations Time starts with focus on calendars. I also wrote out exactly the calculations for Easter.

All this will hopefully form something coherent, healing, and inspirational from what is currently a mushy mess of thoughts about extending/scheduling Advent into the New Year, faithful patience, praying, and the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love, literally filled into the blank calendars/planners waiting to be filled in.

Tomorrow is our Family Christmas (dh's birthday celebration as well, although that isn't until the 30th), which means writing out food plans to confirm I have all incredients, and I didn't do much house blessing yesterday so there is that to focus on as well. And baking dh's birthday cake, which is due 2 days earlier than expected. That is an extension of the recurring theme of this season, everything is sooner than I think it is.

After church on the 31st, we are driving to Peterborough for NYE, so that is also in the back of my mind, although I can put off action on that until the afternoon of the 30th.

Then there is the list of stuff I wrote down in my planner last week. I guess I should look at that as well!

Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 11:49 am
by MysteryWoman
Good morning! I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas; we did. It sounds like LadyM is in a rush to get somewhere; I hope it is nothing bad.

We will be doing a good bit of writing today, Twins. DC has been readmitted to college for the second semester and will need to register for courses ASAP. It will likely take a bit of planning, since it’s an off semester, and they’re only permitted to take 9 credits a semester. So we can’t just follow the regular departmental guidelines. But in addition to planning a course schedule, I’d like them to plan some strategies for working around the ADD. They had to discuss that in their application for readmission, so they should have some thoughts on that.

And my therapist is running me roughshod. My “homework” for this week:
• take each kid out driving 3x
• have my friend over for tea
• finish clearing the boxes out of the dining room (we have a couple of DC’s left to do)
• put away all the Christmas boxes
• clean out the overflowing kitchen pantry cabinet
• clean the rest of the kitchen
• start noodling on what I’d like my living room to look like in order to be comfortable having people in, and
• keep journaling my feelings :shock:

I’m not sure how I’m going to fit daily life in there.

I am also hoping the calendar that I ordered (far too late) arrives before the new year. There will be writing when that comes.

Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 1:45 pm
by Nancy
I slept in till seven got like 10 hrs. of sleeps :o was up briefly a couple times to let the dog out.
Have been doing qt and journaling this morning.
Yesterday I found a spot for one of my pretty pans with roses so I can see it glad I got that area cleared early in the month.

Mixed up biscuits. / Timer just went off. 3 more min.
I need to get dressed after I wash my hair.
It is raining here just a bit.

I did a round in my butterfly room it is looking even better now I can see the progress yea!

Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 1:52 pm
by blessedw2
good afternoon!

thank you for the reminder to "write it down", d twins!
you do have a busy day! hope it's a great one!

hi d lady good morning
praying that your dd's enjoy their time together and that it is a benefit for dd 12.
Mentors can change a child's life! wonderful

hi d cathy! glad you are feeling a little better. Hope as the day goes on that you feel better and better!

hi d Kathryn
enjoy planning your year!

hi d mystery hope you had a good Christmas as well!

hi d Nancy! enjoy your day as well

Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 2:07 pm
by blessedw2
The end of Christmas always sends me into - Time to let go mode - Now that I am getting older, I can see that I will need to simplify even more instead of dealing with the stuff.

I have been thinking a lot of what my purpose should and will be this year and in future years.

My goal is to live a simple and positive life, help others in my way, spend time outdoors, learning, reading, doing things I love and work on things that give me purpose.

We have dinner reservations for a fancy schmancy (new) French restaurant in town.
Mom is home - her luggage is in my car - dd older helped her pack.
Pick up her sweater at the tailors
clean car
fill it with gas
room by room

have a great day!

Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 2:09 pm
by blessedw2
timer on:
first check in:
family room put away vacuuming going on right now. already swept.
mom fed and meds taken - praying she actually took her meds - I ordered a good meal for her and I will check to see if they gave it to her.
dh cleaned cat litter
dh turned on dw
2nd check in
flipped laundry
counters and sink clean
ordered new washing circles for Bissell mopping machine
ordered additional bona and other things needed.
spoke to mom and she got her lunch but hadn't eaten
wiped tops of laundry machines
did a put away from tops of laundry machines.
pulled meds for dd's to take with for mom in florida.