Talk it over Tuesday PWYC

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Re: Talk it over Tuesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:32 pm

waving at you d Nancy! glad you had your utilities!
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Re: Talk it over Tuesday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:43 pm

Mystery, Amazing Marvin sounds interesting. My problem with any app is knowing how to use it, how to use it fully (not the same thing), and if I will actually use it.

I have a Remember the Milk set up somewhere and the Pomodero program I use is partly set up (but that part is unused, I only use it as a timer). My daily and weekly 'cards' are in google calendar but the zone work resides on paper in charts I have set up to check off when things are done.

I just pulled out that clipboard (it resides next to my computer here) and best I can tell, it hasn't been touched since Jan 2023. And for Zone 5, only one item was done in Jan a different one in Feb and nothing since then. I'll give myself grace since I had dgs for 1/3 of the days in January last year, then regularly in Feb and all that was lead up to him being with us for 10 days over the same time frame as dh having open heart surgery, then remaining in a medically induced coma, then home and me getting Covid a week later, and then the long wait for him to be able to have the cardio inversion to get his heart reset. Then it was summer and our trips to NS, Hay Lake x2, and then it was October and ds's wedding and then I was sick for over 5 weeks with the never-ending cold and then Christmas.

No wonder my zone pages are basically blank for 2023!

I would argue it matters not what system I use, none would have anticipated a year like 2023 (or 2020, 2021 with their covid lockdowns). 2022 was much better, I worked the zone chores reasonably well that year as part of my return to normalcy but then things fell apart again.

On the other side, the dailies and weeklies are such habits, plus we are a family of 2 adults most of the time, so the apartment stays pretty clean and reasonably tidy (or at least 15 - 30 minutes away from company ready). Even when dgs2.75 is here, I have his toys set up so the living room can be completely tidy in 15 minutes (maybe longer if he's 'helping'.) And along with the weeklies, I often do zone chores out when things are getting 'bad.' For instance, I took the time to vacuum behind the bed yesterday (but not under the dressers) and, of course, the the spare bedroom was completely cleaned last week when we set up the new beds. For things like changing the vacuum bag and the brita filters, I keep a record on the actual boxes so if I wonder if it needs doing, I have an answer, as opposed to my system telling me to do something.

That all said, I've been meaning to pull out the zone work and since my back is getting better now, I should restart it, or attempt to.

As for a PWYC check-in, I'm dressed, the shower curtain used to repot on is now clean and hung to dry, and the kitchen floor is mopped. The snow continues. Apparently we are expecting 4". So the question is, where are the plows. I look over two main roads and neither have been plowed, nor to I hear plows in the distance. Actually, it is lovely and quiet out my windows right now since the snow is muffling the sound of cars.

Next up: breakfast. Then filing.

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Re: Talk it over Tuesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:46 pm

I made breakfast burritos for freezer out of left over jalapeños, a little bit of sausage, eggs -
made 2 breakfast biscuits out of the left over biscuits,
scones are wrapped and going in the freezer in serving size
banana bread - I didn't freeze bc it usually disappears.

lunch will be a smoothy from left over yogurt, peaches and strawberries

tea: tea, scone, double English cream (a bit), and raspberry jam - a little.

dinner: we have left over soup, left over chicken for those who want meat, cut up veggies and hummus.
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Re: Talk it over Tuesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jan 16, 2024 1:00 pm

Good morning

Twins - Thank you for the start today.

DD12 has been safely delivered to school. It is 4F this morning but thankfully we don't have wind, ice or snow to deal with. Some of the surrounding schools have experienced freezing pipes so are closed today.

Our home still has frozen pipes and red light flashing (letting us know it isn't working) on the aerobic septic system. We are not washing dishes or clothes in an effort to reduce the amount of water going into the septic system. Our temps will get a little above freezing tomorrow at noon. I'm looking forward to it!

I chatted with DH about the risk vs rewards of going to the gym today. We both voted not to go because coming out of the gym all sweaty and hot into the frigid cold air didn't seem like the best idea.

Repeating meal plan happening here. I can't get past wanting to eat the same thing because it tastes so good and hits all my health markers. I made another big pot of pantry minestrone soup this morning. I have two packages of hamburger meat thawed that I use to cook something. I'm leaning toward meatloaf or Manwich. The lil potatoes are a hit here every time I make them and they are super easy (using air fryer). Green salad is always ready to eat. We will be getting Tuesday Sonic cheeseburgers later today for the family.
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Re: Talk it over Tuesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Tue Jan 16, 2024 1:19 pm

"mid-month report" was what I just posted in H and F, Twins'. It's so interesting you had the concept of mid-month and resolutions as a topic.

We are facing very cold tonight, very, very cold Saturday night, but neither anywhere near long-time lows. Still, it's the drop that counts, and our drop is promising to be a doozy. I'm glad most of our family won't have work and school following the Saturday chill, although of course anything can happen with ds. The precipitation is doing a dance around the cold temps - if there isn't much and enough time between, we might not have bad roads.

I'm so happy to see that the village has warm houses.

I've visiting my colorist this morning.

:?: does anyone have a recommendation regarding microfiber hair towels? Are they really better than others?

Next up is lunch for us.

Ya'll are so wise on houseplants. I have only my violets (8 now) and two of dd26's. One of hers is a succulent, so it is in extreme danger from my ignorance, lol, and I don't know what the other is except spindly. Dd43's aloe is ready for stardom, big and strong, but she is as surprised as anyone.

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Re: Talk it over Tuesday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 16, 2024 1:34 pm

LadyM: I still haven't done up the meal plan for January. Today's plan of Costco roast chicken may go by the wayside as the snow isn't letting up. I hate to take the car out when the driving is so bad because we only have one car and repairs on Teslas take forever. I don't think I'll hit anything as I'm a very careful driver and have snow tires, but I don't think I won't be hit by someone else not being careful or without snow tires. There's enough food here we don't have to go out.

I need to make some changes to the food plan since my cholesterol was up in my blood test last week (not medicate levels yet, just change diet level) and I got a call from the doctor's office with a warning. I'll make some changes and then redo the test in 4 months or so. Of course, doing the test so soon after Christmas and the day after fish and chips (with deep fried schnitzel and fries the night before) wasn't helpful.

In 2007 dh did his after our cruise where he had caviar every evening. It was high and the doc said to change diet but told him to google what he should do. I started him on V8 since he refused to eat lots of veggies and nuts, and when he tested 3 months later his number was down so dramatically the doc demanded to know what he had done. Basically, stopping caviar was likely the main change in diet!

For me, I've slipped away from lots of veggies so will go back to that (somehow, no plan yet), will add some better nuts, and reduce the servings of fried food (last week we had deep fried dinners 2 nights in a row and onion rings the third night along with our pizza.) I'll lower the size of meat servings as well, they've been creeping up at times.

Over breakfast I went over my Zone Work charts and have restarted them in Week 1. Which is the zone for Balconies/locker/car/Paperwork/Plants. Seemed like a great zone to start in since there is no balcony stuff at this time of year and I worked on the plants yesterday so can tick that one off! Make a hair appointment was on the list so I just did. Not until Feb 20th but now it is made and on the calendar.

Now to start digging through papers and try and file. This is a pomodoro task, so that I will stay focused.

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Re: Talk it over Tuesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Tue Jan 16, 2024 1:54 pm

I have been walking around in the house getting steps up to my goal that is something but feels a bit unproductive.
Sounds better than waiting for the next snow shoveling opportunity LOL!
Dd called we chatted a bit she was telling me to remove old snow before next one had done that already like two days ago I did send her a pic.
Sipping my cran - juice in a goblet.

K in C love that account of your dh #'s for the doc.
Eggs are done boiling and cooling.
Glad I'd been shopping for 2 wks. at a time came in handy this month!
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Talk it over Tuesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:30 pm

I never heard of the Pomodoro program. Very interesting.
Without knowing it I play my own version using my timer and cards. To know that someone made a program to focus, is very interesting to me.

hi d Kathryn. Happy paperwork/filing day! Happy zone work as well. I love that you do a menu planner - I always forget where I put it.
Glad your back is getting better.

hi d lady hope your dd has a lovely day at school.
Glad you don't have wind. praying your pipes clear up soon.

d harriet stay safe with the cold coming. I will be praying for everyone in your area.
Can't wait to see your new color hair do!

hi d Nancy
I just finished boiling eggs.
well done on getting that snow picked up! look at you - all ready for the next snow fall - well done!!!
well done on having groceries during this cold spell!

hello d everyone!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Talk it over Tuesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:41 pm

played find the duck with the dogs
they don't want to go outside - smart dogs.
I did weight exercises
I have dishes still in the sink even though I am washing a load in the dish washer.
cleaned my cast iron pans and oiled them up again.
having an orange from the box that dd's sent me from Florida. really good!

I am thinking of talking to my brother about being prepped for the cold next year. I am thinking of putting insulation in the back of the kitchen sink (it is next to the outside wall.Same with the areas that the pipes come in. I am also considering other options so that I am prepared for next year.

zone work - I took d Harriets Zone Cleaning focus and put it through my planner. I have also decided that if I can't do the zone work that I will hire the cleaning company to do it. With the dogs and myself, I find that the cleaning focus keeps the house running and the underneath dirt from over taking the house. I never would have asked others for help on this before, but if something happens where I can't keep up - I will ask for help on the zones.

alrighty time for learning and lunch.

I got our first gift for the white elephant for Christmas 2024. I always look during the year to see what I could find.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Talk it over Tuesday PWYC

Postby CathyS » Tue Jan 16, 2024 3:18 pm


We have a bit of snow on the ground.

Because it is cold here, I am having a "hot" type of supper. Butter chicken, aloo gobi (potatoes and cauliflower) and Basmati rice. I have the chicken the sauce and the rice. I ordered the veggie dish from a local restaurant and I just picked it up. It smelled so good that I had a bit for lunch. My lips are tingling now!
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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