Wintry Wednesday PWYC

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Re: Wintry Wednesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Wed Jan 17, 2024 11:24 pm

Ramblin', great news that he is so interested in the car show. I hope he has a fun time with it. You really have discovered a lot of remarkable information about your distant ancestors. A lot to tell your ds.

(((Villagers who are feeling down))) Hoping things look better tomorrow!

Twins', that is almost too much for a dog to take, and almost too much for you to take, too. Her ears are sensitive, of course, in ways humans don't approximate. I thought it was wise of you to assume you knew where the noise was NOT coming from by watching where she was willing to go. Just thinking - then she had to go to the vet on top of everything. Good grief. Glad the noise seems over.

I did get to some sewing today, although I thought the interruptions would never cease! It was a good eating day and I had a good workout.

It's cold!

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Re: Wintry Wednesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Thu Jan 18, 2024 12:01 am

Twins, (((HUGS))) for you and ddog! I am so sorry your day has been so frustrating, and likewise, for several of you who have been feeling "weepy" and frustrated today.

I have had a relatively productive day, except dishes are STILL in the sink -- and the pile is definitely getting bigger... and I never did make any cookies, so Kathryn, WTG... and I never did the 3rd of 4 loads of laundry. :roll: AND I still need to shower before bed.
HOWEVER -- I have ta-das:
* finished vacuuming the bedroom and bath, so I can say WHB vacuuming has probably been done for the first time since Christmas
* Finally downloaded a remote app on my phone, and wonder of wonders, it works! (I got frustrated with the new remote control for new tv (the "extra" one I bought today at Wmart.) It was some kind of fancy Roku thing that didn't have a POWER button! Ain't nobody got time for that!
* I am loving this new Chromebook. THANK YOU to all of you who encouraged me to get this! And to stick with it when I first thought I would send it back! Right now, I am sitting on my bed typing, while dgd is lying on her pallet in our room -- she still won't sleep in here or in her room by herself -- and I'm watching AU and Vanderbilt on tv, and it's just very nice to have everything right here.

DMom sent us home with spaghetti so that is what I had for supper. DGD ate a little of it, plus half a jar of salsa with chips, and some ice cream. DH hasn't wanted anything since his quarter-pounder earlier in the evening.

Rose, that is great that your dh is interested in the car show. And very interesting about your ancestors and how both sides of the family connect for ds!

Harriet, good for you getting in some sewing time. I sooo understand the interruptions. It seems like it is constant around here. And these snow days have NOT allowed as much time for R&R as one would think. DH can't stand to be stuck at home... dmom needs things from town... WE needed a new tv... dgrands need to spend the night... ALL of these are good things, but you would think there would be time to sit and snuggle in under a quilt and just enjoy the quiet. Shaking my head.

Kathryn, I think you can safely say you got your money's worth out of the bed frame, even if you didn't get to pass it on to someone else.

I know there are probably a lot of you with snow on the ground, right? Kathryn? Blessed? Cathy? And y'all are still just going going going... it is so different here. I mean, we're "going," but it is so nerve-wracking and when you get there, wherever you're headed, everything is a sheet of ice in the parking lots and a lot of the places are still closed. Drug store was drive-thru only. DDIL worked 4 hours this evening, and she said it took her 15 minutes to make the normal 3-minute drive home.

Nancy, it does sound like you're kinda housebound at the moment. Good for you getting in your steps. I have done NOTHING in the way of exercise since last week. And the snow calories are beginning to show. Sigh. I MUST GET BACK IN THE ROUTINE OF WALKING AWAY THE POUNDS.

I said I was DONE with Christmas, but I do want to look over my cards for the holidays and maybe re-do some of them to be a bit more realistic in how I prep for Christmas and the put away. I think I have a pretty good plan -- It's a six-week plan, and I start October 21, right after ds' birthday, and start making my lists, shopping, budgeting... but I don't do 1/5 the first week, 1/5 the second week, etc.

I hope you all have a peaceful, warm, and quiet night! It's 26 degrees here, and supposed to hit 17. Rain and a high of 33 tomorrow. Maybe dh will be content to stay in a little while. LOL. Good night, everyone!
Tomorrow is another day.

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