Write it down Wednesday PWYC

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 28, 2024 3:46 pm

I am so glad you had a lovely time at the zoo d rose!!! hope your headache goes away!

We have had lots of different appointments with our neurologists for dd younger and dh - we were always called in to see the neurologist after visiting with our regular dr. and testing - to cover all the bases. We always knew the call would come from the neurologist after testing or just a regular dr. visit. Having him/her double check everything is a good thing. I know it's scary to receive that call. I am glad you are seeing him - he will probably be the one who follows up for recheck testing etc. bc that's his specialty.

I know we all with be with you for your appointment on Wednesday! (((d rose)))

d lady - I find it so so interesting!
how wonderful that teachers are there to help! I am so happy there are learning resources now!!!
Do you learn along with him?
enjoy some time to yourself!

hello d everyone
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 28, 2024 3:47 pm

I have been sitting on my Aunt Franny but have accomplished paper duties along the way.
I haven't washed the floors but the kitchen is put away and clean.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:06 pm

Our temp has dropped to fifty already.

I'm at a stopping place with the DAR application. I'll let her review and hopefully sign, etc. I've done my best, I've studied, I've moved things around, changed them....

I'm going to spend some time upstairs....playtime.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:14 pm

Writing it down is definitely not my problem... oh, how I love to write it down... :lol:
I just don't like DOING it.
HOWEVER -- I am happy to say: TA DA --->
(These were not written down, but just ordinary daily or end of month things written in dh's head ;) )
* went to the post office
* checked off some financial stuff for dh
* helped dh average his monthly bp
(These were written down for today -- )
* called daunt
* called middle school re: Beta Club induction tomorrow
* cleaned bathrooms

Also written down but not done yet --
[ ] dusting
And not written down but have to do
[ ] put on make-up before church tonight (I am s2s, just no make-up)

I don't really know why I even write dusting in my planner. I never do it. I mean, I DO it, occasionally, if we have company coming or something... or if it's really really bad... but it's a WHB task, and it certainly doesn't get done weekly.
Of course, vacuuming is a WHB task, and if it gets done twice monthly, that's a big accomplishment.
I promise, my house does not LOOK bad, y'all... we're very tidy... but the real nitty-gritty of CLEANING takes a back seat a lot of the time. :oops:
I kinda feel like Weekly tasks become Monthly... and Monthly Zone tasks become Yearly or Never... and we're kinda just wandering through life over here. Having dh home 24/7 is very distracting. When I am in the mood to clean, he's in the mood to go somewhere or needs me to do this or that, or he's asleep and I'm trying to be quiet. I wish he would join the Masons, LOL... or some kind of weekly men's group. Ha! They need to meet twice weekly -- once for my "Me Time," and once for my cleaning time. :lol: :lol: :lol:

LadyM, I am copying your answer to ds this morning. That is a wonderful attitude, and I am trying to follow your example.
I'm not happy all the time because drama and sadness does happen. I try to process it and then accept the new normal and keep going forward. I wake up eager to start the day and give thanks for the privilege. Then i get up and get going.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 28, 2024 6:36 pm

Back from town did five errands. Yea! Some were fun, Some not so much.
It helps to add some fun ones in with the others.
I got the stuff unloaded, put away the packets of paper work glad I had what was needed yea for that.
Book store was one of the fun ones I got two used ones, a cook book with fun art in it and a non fiction that seemed to peek my interest.
Did the lawyer apt. Got my Rx. Did bank stuff too.
Glad to get a hoodie with a zip front like I wanted last year but could not find one yea!
Got my steps in then... Walked ddoggo around the block as she did not get it.
Picked up the back yard.
Marked plants to move too.

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Wed Feb 28, 2024 7:08 pm

CI on my ta-da list:
[x] went to the post office
[x] checked off some financial stuff for dh
[x] helped dh average his monthly bp
[x] called daunt
[x] called middle school re: Beta Club induction tomorrow
[x] cleaned bathrooms
[x] put on make-up before church tonight
[x] ordered dmom's birthday gift
[x] ds stopped by, visited with him for a while
[ ] WHB dusting :roll: :oops:

You know, I group tasks on my cards -- like WEEKLY DUSTING has half a dozen lines -- rooms & time required and space to mark "last done." Maybe I would do better if I had separate cards for each room, like I assume you do, LadyM. But I do like a list, and I like being able to see it all in front of me at once. (I guess I like it; maybe if I truly liked it, I would actually DO it.) :?

Anyway -- question -- :?: I am thinking already ahead to next year, dmom's 80th birthday. I'm thinking of following an idea I saw in a magazine, where a girl sent out emails and asked all her dad's friends to send her a memory of something they had shared with her dad. Her goal was to get 60 memories for his 60th birthday. She put them in separate, decorated envelopes, and he had so much fun opening and reading all of these.
I'm thinking to do that with dmom's friends, no set goal in mind, and just make her a sort of scrapbook of all of these. Maybe some will send me an actual card, and some I can just type and print from emails and FB messages.
How much advance notice should I give? I'm thinking to send my request out 6 months before her birthday, and then maybe follow up 3 months and 1 month later?
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 28, 2024 8:06 pm

Ok good news after the lawyer apt. today. But I still have a bunch of other apts. and stuff this year.
I have the tv to deal with that needs attn.
I want to get a dresser and put it together.
And at least 7 other apts. plus prob. two more follow up on the stuff today.
So till fall I am booked as K in C would say.

Trying not to be overwhelmed and just take it one day at a time.
Okay just remembered some desk stuff I need to deal with.
Poofers...Did that. It did not take long.
Read a bit in my new to me books.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:04 am

This sat here for hours, sorry. Better post before I'm further delayed!

lucylee, I believe it was on PWYC that I read that Harmony was able to be at home. Maybe one of us had seen it on fb?

Ramblin', two answers that I have been given when suddenly a specialist wanted to see me, even though I was just being monitored - 1) to make sure I was a "patient of record" rather than let my referral fall through the cracks (this from the specialist's office); and 2) so they are sure to get their money! (this from a cynical but knowledgeable friend!) I just thought I'd tell you this, because neither of these meant an actual change had happened in anyone's reasoning.

Twins', I second smoothies, but I have never been adventurous enough to go past produce and nut products except for venturing into tofu, I guess, which is from soybean. I really appreciate Ka Chava (one word) powder for fast, very complete nutrition, which some people do use for recuperation from whatever, and for keeping up strength when you don't feel good. But I just use half the amount and put it in with everything else to round out the meal's nutrition, and, frankly, because it is chocolate. (straight face - chocolate is excellent food for the attitude)

LadyM, your upcoming dental appts are on my mind. Somehow, I feel as though we here should be able to help you with this. :? The champ in my family was my ddad, who was often asked by dentists and hygienists how he remained content in the chair for difficult procedures. He had been hurt on the farm so many times he had developed the ability to mentally distance himself from the part of the body that doctors were working on. He insisted that all he did was decide that area wasn't part of him right then. I remember ds asking him once, saying, sure, you could do that for a foot but how do you do it for teeth? He shrugged and said he just did. I have tried, and I got as far as being able to concentrate on something to do in the rest of my day, especially a treat, or "planting" in a mental garden plan. I would be very pleased with that thinking, very interested, but I never achieved my ddad's level of mind over dentistry.

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