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March Forward Friday PWYC

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:08 am
by Twins' Mom
It's March, and we are on the move! March into the new month and share what your days!

Re: March Forward Friday PWYC

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:19 am
by blessedw2
I need to march forward this month! thank you for the start d twins!

hello and good morning all!

Re: March Forward Friday PWYC

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:34 am
by Twins' Mom
Lost a post somehow.

The house is quiet: dh has gone to his Rotary meeting. I hope he will go to his office while the dcleaning lady does her magic but I'm not sure what his plans are.

I need to figure out a vegan dessert option for tomorrow night. We are invited to a dinner party at friends' - I think five couples? Of those there are two vegans and two diabetics. Dh is lobbying for a keto cheesecake. I might do that and also get a vegan brownie mix, and bring fruit to mix and match. I need to decide on that. Left to today to worry about - kind of being sure dh was negative for COVID first.

Gotta get ready for dcleaning lady now.

Re: March Forward Friday PWYC

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:38 am
by blessedw2
d twins enjoy having your cleaning lady!

Re: March Forward Friday PWYC

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:38 am
by Harriet
I certainly saw a March today. Have been trying to watch the funeral but the feed was blocked and then US feed blocked too, so dependent upon spoken word or posts, then the feed did come back for a little but was ended. It was in Russian first, then translated anyway, so it was slow. The march of the mourners for the journey from church to grave was moving. They say the casket was lowered to Sinatra's "My Way", so I sent that on to the children.

I did get a few minutes with dd this morning and nagged her to carry an apple to work.

I made a couple notes last evening on what I want to accomplish today so I'd better March Forward.

Re: March Forward Friday PWYC

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 11:15 am
by LadyMaverick
Good morning

I am making an effort to up my game and track how many hourly challenges I can do today. The mornings are fairly easy but as the day continues my focus & effort wanes.

>>>skippable....thinking out loud<<<<<
I requested an informal meeting with DH. I wanted to discuss my gut feeling that we should be together more. DH is clear thinking 99% of the time but is starting to do some confusing things. I want to be able to watch him closer. This morning DH forgot how to make our daily tea. We have been making our daily tea the same way for years but today DH got confused. It is a very simple process - put tea bag in quart jar and pour hot water over. DH put the correct tea bags in part of the jars but instead of tea bags he put other items in the two of the jars. It is weird for him to do that. I want to be more observant.

DH most used chair is on one end of the house and mine is located on the other end of the house. There are two closed doors and about 75' of space separating us most of the time. I want to change the location of our chairs to the same room. We discussed the 4 possible rooms that would accommodate us both. DH chose to move to the same location as my chair.

DH watches TV so that means putting us in the same room will include a TV. I haven't watched TV in many years so I expect it will be an adjustment for me. The room I stay in most of the time has 13 individual chairs, a 12' wooden church bench. 8' dining room table, 2 full size desks and 5 misc tables. To move DH chair, 2 side tables and his 70" TV into "my space" means some of this furniture needs to go. At a minimum, I will have to remove a desk, 3 chairs and a table. Where am I going to put those? Two of the chairs are sentimental (my grandmother's chair and my mother's chair) so I want to keep them. Hum.... I need to start moving furniture and try out different possibilities. I have furniture that has no sentimental value that can be given away. I need to think about each of the chairs and decide if it should be kept or given away. If kept, then where to relocate it? Repeat. Repeat.

Re: March Forward Friday PWYC

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 11:27 am
by blessedw2
d harriet - I was surprised that Russia televised the funeral of Alexey Navalny. It is very sad!

d lady (((dh))) We had that with the gas pump the other day.
I have dd older watching as well.
it's nice that he chose to sit near your chair!
I hope you find a nice place to put your sentimental items

I am starting my day late - headache is still trying to hold on; just a bit of an ache.

dh is emptying the dw - that a wow - it's been at least 2 weeks since he could do this.
he Brought his dirty dish to the sink - another wow.

Got down to 17 emails from 7000+ emails.

waiting for the window washer/gutter cleaner

Re: March Forward Friday PWYC

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 12:30 pm
by LadyMaverick
Doing errands with Dh. We arrived at bank to get our monthly cash only to discover DH lost the paper that i wrote how much of each denomination to get. He went through each of his pockets twice but couldnt find it.

Re: March Forward Friday PWYC

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 12:32 pm
by Nancy
When I have sinus stuff it effects my thinking.
Glad that is gone yea! d

I woke around 5 ish did not get right up but was up on time before six.
QT x
Journals x
Defrosting the deep freezer so I'm checking on it every 2 hrs so it will not be
a big mess like one year. I have learned to keep sop up towels handy and check on it more often.

Up next some exercise inside. X

Need to wash my hair.
I am going to get a new dresser and need to move others out and decide where the other one goes.
In the basement some where.

Re: March Forward Friday PWYC

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 1:05 pm
by blessedw2
hi d Nancy so so happy your sinus infection is gone!
yay on your journaling and now defrosting the freezer!