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Saturday Swish and Swipe Suspicions

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:03 am
by Harriet
Are you suspicious? :? Is there a surface in your home that has become a bit too mysterious? Do you need to become a detective?

Homemakers' investigation is a big benefit around the house. I've always been inspired by P and P asking after our bathroom air quality: "Does it need some Pine-Sol in there?" :shock: Something about that question would get me immediately suspicious, no matter where I was when I read it!

And there were/are episodes of cleaning shows that could get me right up off my seat, turning into a detective quick!

Are you swishing and swiping today, making the house safe for society? Delegating responsibility?

Re: Saturday Swish and Swipe Suspicions

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:15 am
by blessedw2
I love that:
making the house safe for society?

thank you for starting us d Harriet!!!

Hello dear everyone!!!!

Re: Saturday Swish and Swipe Suspicions

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:28 am
by blessedw2 Gardener's world

I thought I would share R.A. Javier's YouTube Channel above. (I love Gardeners world, as well as other British garden shows). R. A. Javier shares the current Gardener's world show every week and I wanted to share my Saturday morning enjoyment for you if you would like. . For me, it gives me a chance to delve into beautiful gardens and start my day in a deliciously tranquil way.

I have Brit Box and am able to watch the BBC garden shows but R.A. Javier's YouTube channel allows all garden enthusiasts to partake in the same shows without having to pay for them.

I hope you enjoy.

We still have snow :shock: (grumble grumble). Second winter, in my area, always comes and lol it came!!!

Re: Saturday Swish and Swipe Suspicions

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:52 am
by Ramblinrose

The day is still kind of iffy with rain.

My mouth is still not back to normal so I’m continuing to take my meds. In the past I had pain from my TMJ and keeping my mouth open for over an hour on Thursday has set it off again. That leads to and ear and headache. I know what to do for it but it will take several days to settle down.

The other day I asked my dentist why my teeth have shift so badly leading me to have a snagged tooth in the front of my mouth. She said as we age our bones shrink including our jaws which of course are made of bone. That surprised me, but made sense. I asked for Invisalign braces to deal with it and will learn more when I see her again in mid-April

In case you didn’t know horses’ teeth continue to grow as they age. It’s one of the reasons older wild horses die. Their teeth grow into either the top or bottom of their mouth making eating very difficult so they starve to death. This happened to several of the wild horses we rescued and brought into our care center. They were starving to death even with our personal attempts to feed them in the wilds.

Shadowfax the granddaddy of many wilds in the desert is one of my favorites and for many months spent countless hours searching and then delivering alfalfa to him in the wilds. After a while it became apparent he was in serious trouble of starving. We had to get special permission from several federal and state government departments to rescue him and bring him to our care center.

Although we don’t attempt to domesticate and tame our wilds, Shadowfax was very used to us because we were trying to feed him. We brought him into our care center and had our vet look him over. The vet had to sedate Shadowfax and that’s when it was discovered he had three teeth that had grown so long it made eating almost impossible for him to eat.

The vet filed Shadowfax teeth own and then we had to design a special feed for him to eat. The pellets we fed him had to be first soaked in water before we go give them to him. Overtime Shadowfax began to gain weight and he at the age of 28+ is back to his magnificent self enjoying scratches from the volunteer and romping with us to make sure he get his exercise.

Re: Saturday Swish and Swipe Suspicions

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 12:06 pm
by Harriet
Ya'll are SUCH interesting and informative people with such varied life experiences! I learn more stuff here ... ..

We had a startling morning when HRH began to gag or choke on some rice. It's odd, but there is no food that causes this for him except rice. It happens maybe twice a year. It was so profound this time that he ran for the bathroom, retching, and did sort of vomit, although not much, since he had just started the meal. Thankfully, as usual, it was over fast.

But he was pretty embarrassed and worried about the bathroom for our sakes, so while he sat down to catch his breath and consider whether he ever wants rice again, I did a thorough clean in there. It was mostly to reassure him that it was no big deal. The bathmat, which dd25 had left in the floor as usual after her morning shower ( :roll: why does she do that? ) was tossed into the wash.

So, done and done. But it did make me think of staying vigilant about our surfaces. A little philosophy.

Even if there's not much to worry about, if the family doesn't think everything's okay, well, it's not then, is it? Part of the importance of household chores is the CONFIDENCE that things are cared for well, so we all feel we are, too.

Re: Saturday Swish and Swipe Suspicions

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 12:41 pm
by blessedw2
I am enjoying following sweet Harriets lead to a swish and swipe Saturday. I am keeping it easy and trying to remember that swish is swipe doesn't not mean deep down clean or perfection!

I am sorry your mouth is still not healed! praying for continued healing!!! the jaw hurt and migraines combined sounds awful. Pain go away for d rose!
I didn't know that about horses. So sad that this happens. I am so grateful that there are people like you who cared for animals in their lifetimes. I never knew that horses teeth could be filed. Thank you for sharing.

How scary for your dh and you d harriet!
dh has the same with rice when he doesn't chew well. dh still eats it :shock:

Part of the importance of household chores is the CONFIDENCE that things are cared for well, so we all feel we are, too.

thank you for sharing this!

Re: Saturday Swish and Swipe Suspicions

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 12:47 pm
by blessedw2
canceled or cancelled some automatic A river monthly shipments bc I have enough for a couple months
washed so more dishes
cleaned the stove top'
cleaned sink
Listed veggies and herbs to grow this spring and summer/fall
only 10 of my garlic came up

My Sat. Successes

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 2:21 pm
by Nancy
My Sat. Successes include but not limited to....
quarterly planner reset
pulling out used pages & adding new ones.
Going through other years planners for notes ideas and adding and or tweaking lists.
regular a m routine stuff.

This is the perfect day for this as it's been raining.
So glad I fertilized the yard yesterday yea!

Today's goal to look up spices in KFC recipe x

Re: Saturday Swish and Swipe Suspicions

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 2:46 pm
by blessedw2
waving at you d Nancy!

Re: Saturday Swish and Swipe Suspicions

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 2:46 pm
by blessedw2
has anyone heard how our sweet Kathryn is doing?