Starting Sunday

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Re: Starting Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Apr 07, 2024 11:28 pm

Smiling to think of Cathy's house yelling at her.

I have no idea what we'll do about noticing the eclipse tomorrow. Ds' children say it's a normal school day for them, but they do have glasses. I think dgdC is actually out of school before the height of the interest, but her brother is not. I haven't heard whether dd44's order of glasses ever came in. She had had an update that said they would arrive in time. Hmmm ... ..

We have a calm week ahead. HRH says it will be balanced by so many appts the next week. Sigh. :roll: I know about mine, but had better get his down in my planner.

As far as home deadlines, I am on a schedule for sewing and want to make certain milestones through the week. I measured the floor space in the living room and there will be room to spread the top out when I need to, barely. That should happen sometime this week and shouldn't have to stay more than a few hours.

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Re: Starting Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Apr 07, 2024 11:29 pm

lucylee, I meant to say "and I HOPE there is no cellulitis". Lost a word, there.

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Re: Starting Sunday

Postby lucylee » Sun Apr 07, 2024 11:58 pm

Right, we probably can't 100% rule out cellulitis yet, but it does look like relief is in sight. DH actually took a FEW steps without aid of walker or cane tonight -- so it looks like the steroids will do the trick. He'll start the oral tablets tomorrow -- five days' worth.
LOL -- thanks for that cheerful report, Harriet! :lol: But that is awful, that the medicine made you so sick. The gout medicine has such an effect on dh that he can barely get to the bathroom with the diarrhea. Last night, he said NO MORE. Besides running to the bathroom, he felt nauseous and his stomach hurt. He says my cousin mentioned a different medicine for gout a few weeks ago at daunt's visitation. I need to text dcousin and see what he takes.

Y'all -- dgrands have been sooo good today. And I just have to tell y'all, I have enjoyed dgs so much. Y'all will probably think this is weird, but you all know dgs is a little different anyway. He has spent most of two days, playing "Town" in the floor of the grands' bedroom, setting up these two sides -- the Communists and the Capitalists, and apparently they are having a border dispute. (That's probably the weird part, an 11-yr-old boy choosing these sides.) But for a kid who spends probably too much time on the internet, his phone, etc... this is so rewarding to me -- because -- he is using Fisher Price people and houses/garages/barns... Old Maid playing cards... large size Legos... and some assorted cars and army vehicles. Today dgd joined in with him, and when they left the house tonight, they told me, "Do NOT clean up the bedroom!" So apparently the battlelines are still drawn.
Occasionally he would come give me an update or ask me to come see the progress, but mostly he has just played by himself and been perfectly happy.
He's growing up sooo fast, and it's just nice sometimes to see him still being a kid.

We used to eat HH stroganoff. I think dh got tired of it. I actually cooked more when we first married. Our fast food options were much more limited here in Tiny Town 44 years ago.

Glad your ds & family are home, Harriet. It's always good to have all our babies back in their proper nests. Mine is making a long drive home from Missouri tonight, so I'll be glad to get that early morning text saying he's home.

My house was doing a little yelling too, Cathy, but I have the kitchen s/s, dishes washed, floor swept... making some progress to getting the week off to a good start * I HOPE * !!! The week ahead has three ballgames and a church meeting, plus Wed. night church, BUT weather report makes the ballgames kinda iffy. I have to pick up dgs after school tomorrow since dgd will be going to her dermatologist's appt. I hope she isn't too disappointed to miss the eclipse excitement with her class, but it still looks like tomorrow will be cloudy and rainy here, so not good viewing weather anyway.

And yes, good to hear good church stories from LadyM & Nancy.
DDIL is very "down" on our church right now. She has a problem with the preacher, the lack of children's Sunday School attendance -- most Sundays, ours are the only ones there, maybe two or three more. She was really on a rant Wed. night when we had dmom's bday party. I told her, it is just my prayer that God will put us where He wants us to be -- either we will disaffiliate and our church will grow as a result, or we will not disaffiliate and our family will be going to the independent church nearby that dd and I think we would really like. DS pointed out, no matter how wonderful a preacher is, one should never choose a church based entirely on that preacher -- no preacher is going to stay forever. In this case, our preacher and the independent church preacher are both over 70, so obviously, their days are likely numbered.

Waving to all our SHEs... thinking of Kathryn, Harmony, Sunny -- we have NOT forgotten you ladies. Looking forward to the day when Harmony is well again, and hearing news from Sunny, and Kathryn posting more often again!
Tomorrow is another day.

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