Strive to Thrive Thursday

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Re: Strive to Thrive Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Apr 18, 2024 5:55 pm

Okay... I'm TRYING to thrive in this new world I've landed in. I certainly didn't want to take this trip, but looks like I've got to learn to navigate the new territory.
And the hardest thing so far, I'm seeing already, is wanting to share things with him -- something funny on the news... something someone said... something that no one else would think funny, because it might seem disrespectful or irreverent, but he would share my thought that it was hilarious. This is going to be the hardest part.

But. Thriving.
* I have (unfortunately) cancelled his credit card and (fortunately, after two hours) got a new one headed my way in my own name. Sigh.
~~~ I did NOT want to cancel his/ours because it has a larger credit limit. But as I was explaining that this morning I had received a "declined card" email re: satellite radio... I told the lady that my husband had just passed away and that was why I had this huge, unusual charge. Sigh. She said they HAD TO cancel that card now that they had "official notice" of his death. Apparently he was the primary user and I was an "authorized" user.
The good thing about this is, now I don't have to be in a rush to cancel all the arthritis meds (Relief Factor) and creams, lotions, etc, that dh ordered, which have been recurring monthly charges on the credit card. Charges will just be declined, and I can notify them to cancel the product on my own timetable.

* I have been to the elem. and middle schools and dropped off "Oh the Places You Will Go" for dgs/dgd's teachers to sign. Also picked up a little gift -- Christmas ornament and key chain -- that a dear former teacher of dgs' had gotten for him. It's a little cardinal and it says "I am with you always."
~~~ While at middle school, I told them in the office, "Just keep an eye on him," and one of his teachers was in there and said, "When I saw him at the funeral, he told me, 'Pray for (dgd). She's too young to understand all this.'"
* Went to the florist, returned the stands that wind chimes and afghans were on...
* Asked them to get me a list of any addresses they had for plants and flowers. Lady said they would.
* Went to funeral home; I just felt a need to tell them how well-pleased we were with everything.
* Went to Sonic and got myself a medium sweet tea with cherry added.

In about 30 minutes, ds, dgrands, and I are going to dgs' ballgame. DDIL had to go to a disaster training session at work.

(((HUGS))) and prayers for you as you recover from the broken wrist, Twins! You definitely need a day in "rest mode."

Nancy, I gave dgd bubble bath with "calming lavender" scent Monday night. DDIL could see no evidence of calming, sadly. :lol: Not that dgd was distraught or anything -- just that she and dgs were wild, running up and down the hall playing ball, etc.

Celebrating end of school year with LadyM and ds! Rose is exactly right -- it takes a while to decompress! Just enjoy yourself!

YES -- Rose -- Noseeums -- I've heard my brother talk about them in Florida and I didn't realize we had them here too. Oh my goodness. I'm still itching!!! I will DEFINITELY spray myself before going to the ballgame. (The previous bites were at the cemetery Tuesday night, so on concrete instead of grass, I'm thinking it might be better at the ballgame... but there's still the grass of the field itself and the playground -- I must spray dgrands!)

I will be eating supper at the ballgame, Cathy. This park always does good grilled hamburgers.

Hope you all have a good evening. I'm already feeling sleepy (although I did sleep well for about 6 hours last night).

A life well-lived and time well-spent. I'm trying, Harriet!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Strive to Thrive Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Apr 18, 2024 6:40 pm

Between the pollen (which is also in physical evidence, covering the automobiles) and the very close work I've been doing at sewing machine, I have what I believe is an aura starting. So, I'll take a pill with supper (which is on the stove almost ready) and at least dim lights, maybe stay away from screens. This may not be a migraine, but it's taking a warning form.

We do not have noseeums here, I don't believe. lucylee, have you never had them in your area before?

Glad you had a good meal out at restaurant for a date night, Dove!

Tried to listen to music while sewing today - youtube is always suggesting, so rather than spend any time I just scrolled down through theirs and found an album of Simon and G. Didn't count on all the ads. Sigh. Put up with that and it continued into James Taylor, so I was pleased for a while, but it was eventually very tear-jerking so I dropped that. Should have searched for instrumentals! But I've never been able to listen to music and get much done - I think it has to do with my suspension of disbelief, which is also very strong. I take all tv and music seriously - nothing is ever "background" for me.

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Re: Strive to Thrive Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Apr 18, 2024 6:55 pm

dh is asleep in front of the tv. i successfully heated up a bowl of chili that a friend brought us. mostly resting today i don't think i napped which is probably good

thinking of you and the new normal lucylee and feeling sad for you

tomorrow i may aspire to a shower
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Re: Strive to Thrive Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Apr 18, 2024 8:44 pm

I don't understand why my energy level drops mid-afternoon. I am trying to think of anything that could be the cause.

I made two dishes for supper. DD12 requested one and DH requested the other. I was out of several ingredients and made substitutions. I was getting a little wild (IMHO) with the substitutions but before I did it I asked DD12 and DH and they approved. DD12 wanted mac and cheese. I didn't have any macaroni, so I used spaghetti pasta. I used bacon bits instead of ground beef. DH wanted shrimp pasta dish. I used angel hair pasta with Honey Mustard dressing. It shocked us both how much we like it.

I need to go grocery shopping. The first part of this week I ordered pantry restock items to be shipped to the house. But i can't have cold things or fresh fruit or bread delivered through the mail.
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Re: Strive to Thrive Thursday

Postby CathyS » Thu Apr 18, 2024 9:05 pm

I made sure I did some stuff after supper. I actually put some books away in the library. Clean dishes got put away from dishwasher and the drying rack. Now the dishwasher is absolutely full and doing it's thing. There is also a clean surface on the stove, so I need to wash some pots and pans. I feel like I have been so lazy lately, but I'm just avoiding things. Things meaning paperwork.

The huge work table is up in the library, so no more excuses. I hate paperwork, so I put it off. I'm so sick of always having to do it, so I really, really want to get up to date, file stuff away and never have to deal with it again.

I also have 2 more shelves on the one rack in here to sort out and put where it "belongs" and then I have the 6 shelves on the rack which has all the actual food on it that needs to get sorted out. Urologist's office called and dh has his first appointment with them on the 7th of May.

Oops, I deleted part of this and I don't know what part. Probably about 2 more shelves have to be deal with on the rack I was working on yesterday. It has all our canning stuff, including all those bottles... plus tissues, toilet tissue and paper towels.

It is so good to see LucyLee and Twins' Mom posting.
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Re: Strive to Thrive Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Apr 18, 2024 9:51 pm

I napped twice today. Some smoke or ? in my eye had to rest plus it's been a bit week for me . Glad I got the yard better. Did not start any more pruning on the next area that can wait & I need to finish with the inside weekly stuff. So glad it was not as windy today yea!

Lucy L. that happened to me with the main bank acct. and secondary one & I had to open one in my own name it is okay now but stuff took a while. I am still getting junk mail of this or that supplemental ins. for him.

Neighbor said the yard looks nice.
The other neighbor is back home that the ambulance came for the other day.

Still not done with that paper work I signed today it is in effect but I have to go back to pick up the document later after next week some time.
Sigh I thought I would have it today so another thing to add on my errand list. Seems to never end.

Lunch take-out was great but I did not cut it in half like last time I ate it all! LOL!

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