Tuesday PWYC

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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby CathyS » Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:21 pm

Flexible ice packs after my dental surgery were bags of frozen veggies. They worked. Veggies were okay to be used for up to 30 minutes as they could be out of the freezer for that long, plus because the bags were all unopened when I used them, the veggies inside were still okay to eat. (How's that for entertaining?)
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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:21 pm

Noon CI - 72 cards completed.
I watched an organization utube while filling 62 electrolyte containers. The video wasn't inspiring, but it did keep me mentally occupied.

DS15 worked two jobs yesterday and has a sore back today. Is he going to slow down? Nope. He has already got a job lined up to do when he gets off work today. His energy level and stamina seem to be unlimited.
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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:59 pm

DD47 is having more of a traveling adventure than she planned. She had ticket to leave Dallas at noon yesterday headed to LA then at 7:30pm fly LA to Australia. Plane delays meant she missed connections and is currently sitting in airport in Canada. 24 hours after she boarded the first plane, she is still on this continent. Hopefully the Canada to Australia flight will go better. Once she makes it to Australia, then she has 2 more connections to make to reach her final destination. Flying seems to be much more complicated and unpredictable than it used to be.

2pm ci = 82 cards completed.
Yesterday I planted sunflower seeds. Today I planted Zinna seeds. Now I wait to see if they will sprout & grow.
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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Tue Apr 23, 2024 3:27 pm

I have been out of the neighborhood to do some errands.
Picked up my will and copies for the kids & dgd#2 as designated people for stuff at the end of my days.
Then went thrifting for fun and
... loud plane over head had to close patio doors...
Found milk jugs only in a patter to so with a vase I have blue on the top and bottom and heart with designs on it.
I forget the name of that pattern but I like it. Got a butterfly wood you can paint I got it for tracing designs for planner pages.
Some paper a ream of it half the reg. price, nice stuff for resume's. I can use to cut & punch for my various planners.
Doggo barked opened the door...
Got pens trying out some diff. ones 4 packs of various brands from Walmart & food.
Used my large folding wagon for getting that out of the jeep I put some items in dog crate that are
boxed and will be save in there like the two herb plants I got to plant by the patio.
The restock has happened and cupboards are ready.

Got the doggo walked and 98% of my steps are done for the day.
Got the an back from the curb when I fetched the mail.
Got a pen pal letter today.
Lots of pollen outside sinus on one side is acting up had 2T. salsa medium heat.
Sipping diet soda mandarin orange flavor / clear American not orange in color.

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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Apr 23, 2024 3:35 pm

Flying is not fun anymore. We were delayed long enough in ATL to miss original flight to Zurich, and had to be put up at a hotel to take the flight 24 hrs later - this on trip to Europe. When we got to the hotel in Long Island, it was probably midnight and there was a long line of travelers waiting to check in. The last time we flew before this, we were delayed overnight in charlotte nc, a long way from home.

It’s exhausting. Feel for your dd, LadyM.

Dfriend M came by and we walked a slow lap, her w dmillie, her dh w r uby. It’s a glorious day out. I came in and iced arm some more. I should start a load of laundry if I can get bottles open.
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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:43 pm

Afternoon CI ~ had a bit of lunch mini pumpkin pie.
I have moved a pile of rose bush canes I pruned off last evening after dinner.
Got one wheel burrow load & three garbage cans of em.
One more smaller pile to move on the other side of the gate on the next round.

Wrote some notes for letter.
Dusted off the top of the fridge and china hutch.

Oops forgot the stove hood that's / Done.
Next up pen test new pens.
Oops got a three pack of fountain pens by mistake lefty do not do as well with those.
The pens all are great journaling done.

Got the last of the rose branches I pruned moved closer to the fire pic & not too close but handy.
I need to put away the pitch fork & pruners & move the branches in wheel burrows a bit more out of the way so I can water if needed.x
I planted 3 herb plants.
My hands are complaining from the work so did not do any fire that will be later.
Dinner was chicken fries & blueberry coffee cake on the new deck!
Dishes are done hand washing with epsom salts at the end had my hands feeling SO much better very healing.
got over 10,000 steps I today.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:40 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:15 pm

4pm CI - 93 cards completed.

In the past we have used neck gaitersto hold ice packs to knees, shoulders or back of neck. The neck gaiters we have are wide, soft, stretchy material that can be twisted, doubled and positioned several ways. They weren't designed to hold ice packs but we discovered they work better than anything else we have tried.

DD12 is home and in a good mood. She is fairly sure she didn't make the talent show but is okay with that. She has a classmate that has played and sang professionally for a couple years. Everyone knows he will win so the talent show is to find out who will place 2nd and 3rd in the contest.
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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby MysteryWoman » Tue Apr 23, 2024 8:31 pm

Apparently my post earlier today didn’t submit….

Hey, everyone!

Hmm… I don’t know that I have any excitement to share, Twins. I’ve just had lunch, and I just heard my load in the dryer stop. I hope I set it for enough time. I’m working on my paid work, not the big project I’ve been working on, but a smaller one we’re squeezing in. We’ve got a lesson that uses new robots, and they want to add something for folks that have older robots. So an instructor wrote something up, and I’m trying to make it look as much like the new stuff as possible.

We had book club yesterday. We met, as usual when someone else is hosting the main outing, at a restaurant that specializes in soup. (Zoup — I don’t know if they’re a national chain or just a regional one.) DD likes the place, so I told her I’d bring back soup for her. DH suggested we have it for tonight’s dinner, as he will be out with the guys. So I got for DC and myself as well. Well, now DD wants to have hers for lunch, and I don’t know what to do about dinner. :roll:

Lucylee, generally the interest-free offers come with convenience checks to use to transfer your debt from one card to the other.

The timer is about to go off, so I will have to add more mundane stuff later if I remember. :)
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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:15 pm

Glad to see that both Twins' and Nancy had nice dog walks. LadyM, how is your new dog visitor doing?

Also, happy that the Twins are enjoying time with their mom in different ways. Millie must have felt things were back to a normal.

Got a lot done today, especially while out for errands, then crashed for a nap. I think this had to do with HRH sharing some takeout LoMein with me, and I wonder why it might have made me sleepy.

Wow, a layover in a completely different country for LadyM's dd. Hope everything goes well for the rest of the trip.

I'd gotten the quilt top to the point that it was ready for the hand-guided machine quilter and went ahead and sent it today even though it's early. When she sends it back to me, I'll get busy on the finish, then adding a patchwork label, then the sleeve for the back. I also emailed an explanation of a bunch of things for the quilter to know, mostly reassuring that I've made sure she has all the items she needs.

This must be machine quilted because of time - hand quilting would take many months, even by pros. But also, it is not one I'm willing to let be quilted in an all-over pattern, so hand-guided is the way to go. She'll do the work in a couple days with her type of machine, but she needs time to plan.

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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:00 pm

[x] call retirement service
[x] call health department
[x] go to my teacher group meeting @ local sheep farm
-- VERY interesting. But my goodness, sheep certainly seem labor-intensive, especially when they are having babies.
[x] go back to drug store -- to get the allergy syringes

[ ] go to Wmart -- stuff for tomorrow night's church supper (just dessert for me) and a few other items, return solar light
-- solar light -- shaking my head. While at the sheep farm, I learned this thing has an ON-OFF switch. Duh. :roll: Now it works perfectly, but guess what, somewhere along the way, I have lost the part that sticks in the ground. I am going to look for a 3/4" wooden dowel tomorrow when I go to Walmart, because I never made it there b/c 15 minutes at the health department turned into more like an hour and 15 minutes. :roll:
[ ] go to bank
-- never made it there, either b/c of health department... :roll:
[ ] go to another ballgame
-- LOL, never made it there, either, b/c ds needed me to take dgd to softball practice

Twins and Mystery -- that would be a good solution, if they offered checks, but it occurred to me this afternoon, the new credit card might not allow me a $13000 limit either. :shock: Well that would make it useless also... So tomorrow, I'm just going to go into the bank and talk to someone and get some advice. Maybe I could find some info online about credit limits on a new card like that. I may just be in trouble till savings bonds come due later this summer. Or I might could borrow it from my dmom. She would not charge me interest. Sigh. I hate to ask her though. She has just spent a king's ransom getting mold out of her rental house and re-doing the plumbing. She had to redo flooring and even cabinets in her bathrooms out there.

What a trip LadyM's dd is taking! Wow. Australia by way of Canada...
Tomorrow is another day.

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