Thursday PWYC

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Re: Thursday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:43 pm

LadyM, you know, I was just thinking, I bet my dad and his brother spent a LOT of their time taking cars apart and seeing what they could do to "improve" performance -- I bet your ds would remind me a lot of them in some ways. Neither of them could ever be still either -- always working on something for money, or trying to see what they could do to a car. :)
And I am sooo glad your dentist appt wasn't as horrible as you feared. (Even if the ride there rivaled something at Disney world, LOL!)
(((HUGS))) for your dd. What a trip... shaking my head.

(((Harriet))) for poisonous vines. Yuck.
Unbelievable that oldest dgs is graduating!

Twins... probably exhausted from all that "showering." :lol: :lol: :lol: I'M SORRY!!! I couldn't resist!!! Ducking and running...
I must say, Rose has the right idea. If two people are going to share a shower, it is very advisable to have two shower heads. Ask me how I know... tried it ONCE (with single shower head) and thought one of us at least was going to freeze to death! No more showering together around here!
Sad about the groundhog... if had been a mole, however, my dmom would be cheering for the coyote. She was bemoaning the state of her yard today -- mole trails are everywhere, making it much harder for her to manage walking. She does use her walker when she is out in the grass.

Nothing is getting any attention around here, Nancy, except funeral business. I got forms from the retirement system that I must fill out and it has a w-something that MMN (makes me nervous.) And they didn't even enclose a self-addressed envelope, which always makes me nervous about important correspondence.
I did receive the new credit card today, so I can start updating monthly charges that need to be continued. I am going to subscribe to our local paper. DH and I always bought it on Wednesday night at local convenience store, but that's $1 a week. Subscription is $35... so I'm comparing $52 to $35 and I figure the savings is worth the wait till Thursday morning. ;)
Haven't even started thank you notes yet -- and LadyM -- (I think it was you!) thanks for the suggestion to save screenshot to photos and print. That worked great!

I spent most of today at dmom's. She asked if I wanted to go to a local catfish restaurant with her, so I did that, and then helped her declutter her desk. Threw away a BUNCH of papers going back to 2021. Actually, she had an address list from her old church which was dated 2007! :shock: Desk looks much better. Now to tackle her kitchen table -- but at least the piles there are more recent.
Renewed her newspaper subscription.
Gathered some landscape rock from her yard for children's director at church, who plans to use them in some sort of activity.

Dfriend (A) called and told me, "No pressure, you may not even want to go, but IF you want to go to our class reunion, dh and I would be so happy if you would ride with us." Reunion is two weeks from Saturday. I probably will go with them. It MMN... (makes me nervous)... but I do feel like I want to go to the reunion, and it would be probably more comfortable to walk in with someone else, rather than alone. I like her dh a lot, and he is an old friend of my dh -- there is probably 8 years between this couple, where there was 10 between us.
Actually, another dfriend (B) and her husband invited me to go with them as well, but I'd probably feel more comfortable with the one that called today. We've all been friends (both women) all our lives, since we were babies in the church nursery, but second couple... there were some rocky times when she thought I was too close friends with her husband (then boyfriend). He WAS a very close friend all through high school, but he asked me out while they were broke up once. We didn't go because he broke the date and they got back together... shaking my head... you see? Too much history and drama with them. They came over Sunday night before dh's funeral, and it's all good now, really, but if I've got to choose, the one who called today will be it. In fact Sunday night, B friend said, "I know you've got A & her dh, and you can go to the reunion with them, but you are more than welcome to go with us, too. If you feel like going, and we understand if you don't." Both told me that, that they totally understood if I didn't want to go at all. But I think I do.

After I got dgd to come over, she did let me take a nap, which was desperately needed, after McD's and a slice of Italian cream cake. Ohhh, I love that stuff. I took half of it to dmom, and some of the cheesecake sampler. Froze the rest of it.

I will have dgs the next two nights, and will take him to his ballgame tomorrow night. Sunday church, and both dgrands all day and night, till school drop off. THEN... back to the quiet, which I will probably appreciate by then. ;)

DGD is already asleep. She had to call her mommy and daddy, though, in tears because she didn't have her FAVORITE "stuffie"... and they brought it to her. Y'all say a prayer for her... her eyes, ears, and scalp are in such a state that she has to do --
* 1 eyedrop in right eye
* spray that goes across entire eye area
* 5 eardrops in each ear
* lotion under and around ears
* scalp oil on affected area
AND if she took a bath I'd have another lotion for after bath. This is all because of some form of psoriasis, I think. Her scalp looks AWFUL, but fortunately, it is pretty much limited to the scalp, and her hair covers it.

:!: Has anyone heard from Harmony? I need to send her a card and I hate to tell her about dh, but I feel I should. I wish SUNNY would check in and give us a progress report.
:!: And BLESSED... I'm beginning to worry about her situation with her dh and her mom... I hope she can check in soon.
:!: Kathryn -- we're still here -- miss you and hope to hear from you soon!
:!: Likewise, Elizabeth!
-- PLEASE y'all... don't disappear on us!
Tomorrow is another day.

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