Friday Focus PWYC

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Re: Friday Focus PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri May 03, 2024 7:25 pm

(((LucyLee))) I have no words of wisdom but hope and pray you continue to be surrounded by those who love you as you go through the grief.

I could write several pages on what has transpired over the past 24 hours with DS15, friends and trucks. Nothing horrible happened but it was full of drama moments between the boys as they decided to trade vehicles and then change their minds.

DD47 has landed in Dallas and is driving here now. Her 2-week travel adventure is almost over.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Friday Focus PWYC

Postby Harriet » Fri May 03, 2024 11:47 pm

lucylee, I'm sorry you've had a struggle today. It can be unpredictable, something of a roller-coaster. Hugs to you.

Looked out this afternoon and felt that the leaves outside were moving too much. By the time I got outside it was darker. Sure enough, I barely got things undercover before the rains came. So much for the forecast that suggested a dry Saturday morning. Now we're not sure any outdoor work can be done at dd's new house anyway.

I tried a new pre-shampoo product to try to avoid frizz, maybe look smoother. We'll see. L Orea l - not particularly exotic, just new to me.

Call from dd44 to let us know she'll be away with some combination of boys 4 days in the coming week and 2 the next. It is EOG tests for one thing.

Tip/advice for those who attended college (this from dd44, who has to keep abreast of procedures) : Check the digital system, or, if graduation was too long ago for that, ask for the unofficial transcript. Colleges, universities and technical or community colleges all do intermittent retroactive "Restructuring" because their course offerings will have evolved or requirements changed, and that can result in a different tally of minors and certifications. Former students sometimes find that the courses they completed while they were enrolled now mean that they actually have an additional earned distinction. That might be valuable to know for resumes, adding to work files, or just being aware.

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