Friday Focus PWYC

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Friday Focus PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri May 03, 2024 8:30 am

It’s Friday! Focus is the name of the game today whether it’s cards, a list, timer. Name your own methods!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Friday Focus PWYC

Postby CathyS » Fri May 03, 2024 8:37 am

Hi! Thanks for starting us this morning Twins' Mom!

I focused on getting the rest of the dishes done and put away this morning so now I can go out and play. There is a quilt show that I am going to before I go to knitting. The woman that owns the store where I stitch on Friday afternoon has a booth at the show, which is why I am going.

I have been up since before 6.

Last night at some point dh put the washing machine on. He also put 3 laundry pods in it. (I asked and then I told him I only put 1 pod per wash load) When I got up I could hear something chiming. Poor washer had been announcing a "suds" issue. I turned off the washer and then turned it on and set it to rinse and spin, then it went into the dryer and now all the really clean laundry is all away.

Dh wants to go out for supper. I'm not arguing. :lol:
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Friday Focus PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri May 03, 2024 10:43 am

so now I can go out and play

YES! I want to hang around with CathyS today.

I'm in the middle of 15 year old child rearing episode. Oh, the struggle of being sassed. I don't respond well to that method of communication.
Reminding myself that 99% of the time DS15 is a joy.
I wouldn't take DS15 phone calls so he just came home to apology for being a PITA.
Should I delete this? Nah. It is my real life when not every moment is wonderful.
Alrighty! Putting that incident out of my mind and not letting it ruin my day. Moving on ....

Next up -
** Hourly steps
** 1 decision made about Fun room item and follow through with decision
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Re: Friday Focus PWYC

Postby Nancy » Fri May 03, 2024 10:56 am

Twins thanks for the start.
CI been up since just after five ish.
qt done
journaling underway `
washer twins are going.
bujo entry has been made I have a focus leaf removal but it's a bit early and too dewy for that now.
Breakfast OMM...

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Re: Friday Focus PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri May 03, 2024 11:47 am

LadyM, 15 years ago it was my dkids, mostly dd, so don't feel bad about sharing here.

DH took me to dr's office this a.m. - cast came off, x-rayed, stitches out. For right now I am wearing a "sleeve" and brace over it. The bad news is that the original plate and screws aren't holding so I will have another surgery on Monday to put in a different type of plate. When the bone has healed, maybe 3 months, it will be taken out surgically (again.) So not news I was hoping for. I'm in far better shape for this surgery than I was two weeks ago, tho. Not nearly as swollen and not exhausted and jet-lagged.

This weekend I can take off the sleeve and brace to shower, and I can drive. Although I'll have another cast for awhile, I can drive when I feel comfortable driving. So that is good news.

I'm disappointed dh wanted to grocery shop himself instead of letting me go later. I was looking forward to being out on my own and driving.

I need to organize my cards. I said I would offer my inventory for sale on Sunday at temple. They are having an "Artisan craft fair." Dfriend V talked me into doing it.

I'm feeling pretty bummed out right now, TBH.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Friday Focus PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri May 03, 2024 12:18 pm

((((Twins)))) What a recovery you are having! Thankful that you are making some progress and have new activities that are possible. This whole experience has been a challenge. I can't imagine such a long flight with broken bones. WOW. Just WOW.

DD47 is on her way back from Australia. She left yesterday on the first of 3 flights and expects to be home tonight.

I am D2S and have a load of laundry going.

Yesterday I discovered 3 mole/vole tunnels in the garden because the massive amount of rain we received made the tunnels cave in. I can't see the whole tunnel/cave but they must be extensive. Along with all the water, dirt and grass, over 100 lbs of pea gravel was washed into the tunnels and completely disappeared. It is a mystery where all that went. Because of the location of the tunnels under the raised beds, I am limited in what I can do. I won't use poison or chemicals. I am filling the tunnels I have access to with pea gravel in hopes the vole/mole won't like digging through it and will voluntarily go somewhere else.

On the positive side.....this is my second year without losing a plant to mole/vole. At least I have discovered how to put a cage around the plant roots so they can't pull the plant down.

Next up -
** move laundry to dryer.
** Start another load in washer
** wash and polish the dining room table and chairs in the fun room.
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Re: Friday Focus PWYC

Postby Harriet » Fri May 03, 2024 1:01 pm

Stomping my foot with Twins'. Pouting-face emoji needed. But hurray for driving independence and for...

I'm in far better shape for this

Hoping for a safe, uneventful trip for LadyM's dd.

Dd25 says about her new office that, "this is the kind of thing that's given in lieu of raises, Mother." But she can't talk me out of being happy for her.

I slept rather little, but the Gar min says I still reached 100 percent "battery". Guess where HRH slept last night? Fell asleep on couch and didn't come to bed, lol. So, I guess not being disturbed helps charge a person?

Sitting now with 2nd pint of cold water of the day.
Have been outside until the heat and sun became a bit too much at 12:30. More work on the baskets, more potting-up of purchases. This helps me gather what I'll be sending with dd25 and the young man tomorrow, so the pots are more matchy-matchy for a carrier. General clean-up. Also probably sending them a big bag of raised-bed soil.

HRH tweaked the irrigation a little more.

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Re: Friday Focus PWYC

Postby Nancy » Fri May 03, 2024 1:46 pm

CI~ I have been outside to do a a couple of rounds moved leaves out from under the eves in the front
of the house and put them in the plant cage. Yea for that progress I have two more areas to do that with by the shed in front.
Walked ddoggo.
Added a bush I want to my with amz. list hoping dson see's it.
My rose of Sharron died I think.
Update watered beds I back and leaves I'm going to let compost in the plant cages.
Bread is rising in the oven & cornbread is ready to bake with the bread.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri May 03, 2024 7:41 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Friday Focus PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri May 03, 2024 2:25 pm

Nancy - BWTG!

Moving forward one focus at a time.
** Ate lunch. Bowl of beans, salsa and couple types of meat
** Teamed up with DS15 to take bucket truck to his boss house. It has been sitting in our driveway for a couple weeks. I don't remember why DS15 brought it here but there is no reason for the massive vehicle to take up residence here.
** Walked Hannah Road and our circle driveway to get some steps at a faster pace than I get with walking in the house or garden.
** Created an empty spreadsheet with the same structure and formatting as my SHE card spreadsheet. I have accumulated too many SHE cards and need to eliminate some that aren't essential. I struggle to delete cards so instead of deleting I am moving the cards as I do them. Eventually the new spreadsheet will only have essential cards and the old spreadsheet will have the cards that aren't essential and will be left behind.

Next up -
** Dryer clothes hung up, folded and put away.
** Washer clothes moved to dryer.
** Plant cucumbers
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Friday Focus PWYC

Postby lucylee » Fri May 03, 2024 4:07 pm

(((Twins))) That is so not fair!!! But, as you said, you ARE in better shape for this surgery, so maybe it will go well and recovery will be even faster!

Focus ... hmmm... don't seem to have much focus today but I have accomplished a bit --
* s2s/Bible reading/morning stretches
* man came to pay rent
* sent text to former preacher's wife -- he was the preacher who baptized me and another friend sent me a link to a sermon he preached last Sunday in our little Tiny Town. I just felt like I wanted to talk to him for a little while. They have not answered the text, however (I got the phone number from one of the wife's cousins.)
* went to post office and bank -- ran into classmate and got another address for the stack of thank you's that have no addresses
* called dbil's friend who engraves tombstones, got his recommendations re: where to buy
* called 4 monument places, got ballpark/starting figures for what I have in mind
* talked to ds/ddil a bit
* played the piano for awhile (I've been doing this just about every day for the last week. I play poorly, but the songs -- old hymns mostly -- are comforting)
* will need to pick up ds and dgrands in about an hour -- IF tonight's game isn't rained out! DDIL is working hospital booth at local Strawberry Festival. I did not go to the festival -- not really interested in that kind of crowd.
* DGD will spend the night with me

Yesterday, I just had a Day. Cried talking to dmom... sat in the bathroom floor where dh passed out and cried... held dh's shirt and cried... I was just a mess.
Going through some spiritual warfare moments too... I think Satan tries harder to get at me, find my weaknesses in self-doubt and worries, at times like this. I was having a rough day. DS and DGS talked me through it and (as usual) put a better perspective on all the runaway thoughts whirling through my head. At one point, I told dgs, "I don't want to cause YOU to have problems with this sort of thing, by listening to me." DS said: "He's got more sense than you." :lol: We all knew exactly in what spirit that was intended.
I am feeling much better today.

Waving to ALL of you! I am sooo sleepy, might take a quick 30 minute nap. Maybe that would refresh me for the game tonight.
Tomorrow is another day.

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