Exciting Saturday Minutes

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Exciting Saturday Minutes

Postby Harriet » Sat May 04, 2024 8:07 am

It's "The Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports Day".

Other than those two, what exciting minutes are on your schedule today?

Official post time of the Kentucky Derby is 6:57 p.m. EST, and the race will continue until 6:59 and a few seconds, unless someone can beat the time of Secretariat and his momentary competitor, Sham, the only two horses to have broken the race's two-minute time.

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Re: Exciting Saturday Minutes

Postby CathyS » Sat May 04, 2024 8:19 am

Hi Harriet! Thanks for opening the village today.

I will be going to a stitching group from 10 until 1.

Dh has a now rare Saturday customer. It's a regular customer and dh knows that this guy has a crazy work schedule, so dh offered to do his oil change today.

We went to a Chinese buffet. I had prime rib. This place has an entire section with non-Chinese food. They also have a massive salad bar. Dh wanted fish and other seafood. His first plate was all seafood with lots of shrimp piled up. We were both very full when we left.

No idea what will be for supper tonight.
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Re: Exciting Saturday Minutes

Postby Harriet » Sat May 04, 2024 8:58 am

Have an exciting stitching time, Cathy!

I had some excitement last evening when washing up some dishes. Suddenly chaotic fountains of water began alternating directions from the sink faucet, up, sideways, at the curtains, but mostly at me. I shrieked, as you do. Family came running, then had a good healthy laugh at me. Ahem. ... .. So, I need to order a new little strainer thingie for the end of the faucet. It had come partly loose but partly hanging on, being very creative.

I've just put away groceries. This was easier in a kitchen that benefitted from HRH's sleepless night. I had awakened to a clear bar and counters with some surfaces I didn't expect to see. The fridge could almost be called neat. Wow, he really couldn't sleep. There is a bit of suspicion about some things that might have been tossed, but usually he's not ruthless about my things.

I honestly don't know yet if dd25 is still at home :? but I think she must be, and just getting some better sleep this a.m. after a long week. Even loud-ish voices around her door and outside not waking her. I will have to check soon, because it is possible she had an early plan with the young man and they took his truck. I sent a text and got no response but that's par for lots of courses. I refuse to do my laundry before I hear from her, because she might need a morning shower right at the same time in a dead rush - ask me why I think it's a possibility, lol.

She runs every morning, but it is definitely raining today, and she could pick any other time to do it, wouldn't have to be squeezed in before work.

The unpredicted rains have pretty much ruined any idea I had of helping them this weekend, since all my help was outdoor. I predict quite a bit of potting up into larger pots than I've ever been used to transplanting from, so that we can do this later with still-thriving plants.

This morning, I have about a dozen ingredients destined for a breakfast smoothie, so that's up first no matter what the day holds.

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Re: Exciting Saturday Minutes

Postby Nancy » Sat May 04, 2024 9:42 am

When I first read the topic I thought is said Exciting Sat. Muffins! LOL!
Might be a great topic for Mon. Morning !
Nope no muffins here but I do have a couple of mixes I do coffee cake with them from time to time.
Had my QT up at 4:55 and journaling is next up for me.
I swept up some seeds after watching 2 pair of quail out front.
I slept well, feeling better so I might tackle floors, vac. & swiffering first .

Thanks for the great start gals and the mojo.
We have light rains in the forecast that have not showed up yet here.
48*/70* today's temp. F. range.

Waving to all who follow.
I like to check on line & see stuff is in stock before I go in person.
I have been out and moved leaves before rains happened yea!
The fresh air was good for me this morning.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat May 04, 2024 11:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Exciting Saturday Minutes

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat May 04, 2024 9:54 am

We have rain today also, Harriet. It kinda matches my mood these days. Dh and I had a argument last night. He was going to grill nice steaks for us and then fell asleep. I had to finally wake him to light the grill, then remind him again to put steaks on. I should have just done it myself but he goes on about how much he helps me so I was bound and determined he would do it. I was in a mood about everything he did yesterday, honestly. When we were back here after appointment, I really really wanted to go to Publix in my car all alone (not surprisingly) but I couldn't go until after dfriend V had come by here. But he insisted he would go - thinking he would "help" me - and didn't understand that I wanted to go. So that was a disappointment for me. In the afternoon he insisted I go to HD with him for a shower head (that I had mentioned weeks ago) and for soil and a dog barrier for the raised bed in which I will scatter zinnia seeds. And then when HD didn't have the shower head he insisted we go to Lowes too. And of course, they didn't have it either. (I'll never understand why he doesn't "get" checking online and ordering that way.)

Anyway. I'm thinking that today I'm just going to do what I want. I'm not fit to be around people, honestly. Picture a black rain cloud over my head. In between sprinkles I'll go out and scatter zinnia seeds.
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Re: Exciting Saturday Minutes

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat May 04, 2024 11:26 am

Good morning

The doors of our home are getting plenty of use with people and dogs coming in and out this morning. I had a brief thought of counting how many times the doors have been used this morning but quickly decided that was a futile effort even for a person who likes tracking things. It is more than 20 times so I'm not going to put the mental effort into getting an exact number.

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Re: Exciting Saturday Minutes

Postby Harriet » Sat May 04, 2024 11:54 am

An interesting thing about not being fit to be around people... .. we're people (we're your peeps) but we're not "around". So, it's fine to be completely unfit. Even if you are, like, skunk sprayed and your nearest family runs - you can just come right in here and hang out, start a perfume discussion if you want.

HRH threw away the rest of my blueberries as he cleaned the fridge. Sigh. He says I wasn't there to ask (at oh dark thirty), which is true. But I was going to have those this morning. He is so suspicious that food items are spoiled when I think they are fine. Oh, well. The fridge looks good.

Dd25 came into kitchen as I was starting to gather breakfast and said, "I feel like I'm alive. I slept from 9 to 9." lol Wow, she must have needed it. Loud thunder today has reinforced her wise decision to just stay in bed a while.

The current wedding drama is the rehearsal dinner. The young man has one unmarried sibling who does not choose to bring a "plus 1". Dd has 3 plus 3 spouses, almost as many as number of bridesmaids/groomsmen. She has evidently spent time talking her future mother-in-law out of the feeling that she should host everyone at her home, adding to her family's stress. But future mil is all worried that a smaller group at a restaurant doesn't use this opportunity to have the two families get to know each other before the wedding/reception. Hmmm. I respect that, but I don't want her household driven even more crazy than it already will be. I understand that a restaurant isn't ideal, but it does make some sense.

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Re: Exciting Saturday Minutes

Postby Ramblinrose » Sat May 04, 2024 1:23 pm

I was busy yesterday helping set up for a comedian last night at our club house. Unloaded 150’folding chairs from the rack and setting tables for 140 people. Came home and went back later to cut up a sheet cake and set up a desert table.

Came home to get Sweetie. I had made a plate of dinner for him and put it in the refrigerator. Showed him where it was and then said…I set the timer for 5. Take your dinner out and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes I also made a salad for you.

Came home at 5:30 to pick him up and saw his dinner sitting uneaten on the counter. Asked why he hadn’t eaten and he said when he took it out of th refrigerator it was cold and he was waiting for it to thaw out! I just shook my head and sent a text to my friends at the clubhouse who were waiting for me to come back to finish up what I need to do and then laughed.

Lesson learned. Next time I’ll put a colored index card with instructions on what to do on top of the food in the refrigerator … maybe that will work.

Today is Derby day and I have a party to attend. Have a new hat and money in my pocket.
Sweetie decided to stay home. After working in my garden I spent my morning making a home made pie crust and an authentic Kentucky Derby pie complete with bourbon. I have it chilling in the fridge.

In the meantime I have vacuumed the main living area as well as my area and throw rugs. Also vacuumed the couches. Did Sweeties office as well. Cleaned up my kitchen and am running my dish washer. Have done two loads of laundry and have one load left to fold

So I’ve been a buy girl…
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Re: Exciting Saturday Minutes

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat May 04, 2024 2:08 pm

Kentucky Derby pie

I did a quick search to find this unusual pie. It sounds like a memorable and wonderful treat.

It is raining....again. It is normal rain with no storm. We are around 8" of rain this week. The ponds are full to overflowing.

The joy of doing the SHE cards is returning since I have removed over 100 non-essential cards. #TooMany!
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Re: Exciting Saturday Minutes

Postby Nancy » Sat May 04, 2024 3:41 pm

After Lunch CI
I cooked and age my lunch.
Rested this morning.
Went a back out for a few more steps and moved a few leaves around.
Watered the beds b/c we did not get enough rain to really count.
Watered leaves in the plant cage too and pounded in a metal rod to help the boards stay in place better
:idea: used a rock to pound with!
We have walked.
They caught the 4th Zebra!

This is my 3:00 CI ~
I have done more rounds of weeding and it's starting to show yea for getting to that.
I'm removing tall grasses out of the three beds I see out the dining room when I sit her and type or do the dishes. Got my steps in today.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat May 04, 2024 7:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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