Accessible August

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Junky drawer

Postby Harriet » Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:33 am

Congratulations, sherinjoy, on consistency.

I decluttered the worst drawer in our bathroom - you know the one! The most convenient one to reach for, where everything is in a jumble!

It is now NOT the place for Q-tips, jewelry, tubes of cream meds, samples of toiletries. Those things went to more sensible spots. I rescued odds and ends like a doctor's business card, travel neosporin that went to my purse, pens and a hat pin of all things.

For drawer organizers, I recycled some boxes that came here holding dollhouse furniture for dd and were a good size/height for this drawer. They each had some cubbies/dividers since they were meant to hold more than one piece each. I used two of them as drawer organizers and reorganized completely (still have one that can go to another drawer). Now the drawer is only for me and holds only hair accessories, combs/brush, small mirrors, my glasses cases, my replacement toothbrush heads.
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Re: Accessible August

Postby sherinjoy » Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:35 pm

Hi Harriet! Glad to have you join me and thanks for the compliment.
Great job on the bathroom drawer - dejunking is so satisfying when you open the drawer and see neat, little containers.

Dejunking my bathroom drawers and cupboards is definitely on my to-do list. I noticed the mess when I was packing and unpacking from vacation. I had bought new toiletries because I couldn't find them, then found them later behind all the junk stuffed in there. Frustrating to say the least, and needs to go higher up on the list as a priority before we travel again for the holidays.

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Re: Accessible August

Postby sherinjoy » Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:59 pm

Hi - As I posted in PWYC today, my DH decided to clean out his overstuffed closet and buy new clothes. I worked with him, and posted lots of items on my 183 declutter list. I wish he would do this quarterly, but he waits until nothing can fit in the closet and then empties the whole thing! Big job, but big benefits of clearing out tons of stuff all at once. And finding items we were looking for a month ago at the bottom of his closet - how does that happen!!! Well, the good news is its done for now and the house is lighter for it.

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Warm-weather Project

Postby Harriet » Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:32 am

Outdoor decluttering by the whole family emptied our smaller storage barn/wellhouse, an 8x12 gambrell-roofed building, barn-red with white trim, that my late dh and I built in 1978. Things were either tossed, donated or consolidated into our larger, newer, lofted barn. Ds23 took away a small-trailer load for our county's recycle/swap site.

Dh and dbil then carefully, slowly, tore down the building around the well, and piled the debris onto the same trailer. Ds will take that load away as soon as he has a day off. They "built" our new concrete-foundation wellhouse and raked the area smooth.

We still have organization work to do in the large barn. The loft is half open space right now, for instance, but it's just not very accessible. Plus we need to make more decisions up there and maybe get rid of more things before we start bringing anything up the steps.

Ds23 worked some yesterday on his former walk-in closet, in the room that is now dd10's, and left her a lot more space. sherinjoy, he found a pair of workboots he searched for months ago, very frustrated. They had been pushed into the corner behind his training books, so dd and I never touched that area and never saw them. They had cost a lot. It really does pay to take a look in all the house corners every once in a while!
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Re: Accessible August

Postby sherinjoy » Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:49 pm

Congratulations Harriet and family on the barn work. Sounds like a big project that went smoothly.

I'm still working away decluttering paper - emptied a box of old papers last night, keeping only a few. Might do some focus work in the family room this week. Stuff seems to have crept in, creating hotspots around the room. I want to keep up the areas I have decluttered, so this is a priority this week.

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