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Re: Breeze through each room March, 2011

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:55 pm
by Nancy
Two lower shelves are cleared off now.

Re: Breeze through each room March, 2011

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:56 am
by Nancy
I gutted two paper planners yesterday it was great to be making progress on that.
They were food logs from when I was 1st out of the hospital no longer need to hang on to 'em.
Yea for letting go!

Re: Breeze through each room March, 2011

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:22 pm
by Nancy
Two patio chairs that swivel and rock have been de-cluttered they take up so much room
in the shop we are glad to see them go. Found a good home for them.
Got the donations unloaded and delivered in the trunk.
I have a few more things at the landing zone to go for the next trip.

Downsizing is pretty uncomfortable and I am trying to wrap my brain around the idea of it,
I'm not sure how this will get any easier but I know that lots of ladies have went through it
over the eons of time does seem to help me now. Life goes on.

Re: Breeze through each room March, 2011

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:50 am
by atlanticflyer
i have been "spring" cleaning this month as I had to take Fridays off at work. I have a teeny house so not real hard. downstairs is done. I have the opposite problem of most, I want to throw out everything :shock: and then i wonder if I should have. I keep filling up the garbage bin. my house still looks a bit cluttered. my problem is that being a teeny house I have no real living room, no dining room, not even a kitchen table. it is an older home so one small closet. everything is out there. plus my hubby has no shed, no dry basement, no garage so his tools (he is a carpenter) are in the porch everywhere, even under the living room couch. whenever one of the kids comes downstairs, they bring a toy and leave it on the coffee table, it is a running battle to get them to keep them upstairs. anyhow i make it a goal to be fairly clutter free. I can do it myself, the others are a bit of a challenge. course my 1000 plus books are not clutter are they :lol:

Re: Breeze through each room March, 2011

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 1:59 pm
by Nancy
AF Speaking of books I've got some in the car trunk to sell they are clutter here as I don't
read them again.

Working on another load in the car trunk some items I'd already decided to let go of so that was pretty painless and I'm trying to focus on how good it feels when I unload the last of it when donations go! Don't need two Christmas trees one is leaving! With a few other decorative holiday items. Things that do not have an emotional connection are much easier to let go of.

More added to the stuff in the trunk now and I've dusted off two empty shelves and two others that have been organized. Moved dishes together and sorted out ones to keep and some to sell.

Re: Breeze through each room March, 2011

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:53 pm
by atlanticflyer
my car trunk is broken so won't even open. as soon as I read a book or get a duplicate, I pass it onto others

Re: Breeze through each room March, 2011

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:35 pm
by bittersweet
I promised in PWYC this morning that I'd tell y'all about my great decluttering adventure yesterday. It wasn't so great really...but every bit counts, right?

Remembering that I had a cheque that needed depositing in the bank, I looked in my wallet for it, but couldn't find it anywhere. After going through every card slot, change compartment, etc...I did eventually find the cheque (in the side pocket of my purse), and in the process, I must have tossed at least 20 assorted bits of paper! Business cards I no longer need, receipts, old scraps with this or that scribbled on them. My wallet closes much better now, and even though I just moved everything to that purse about two weeks ago, I couldn't believe how many bits of "junk" had already accumulated! :shock:

Re: Breeze through each room March, 2011

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:27 am
by atlanticflyer
good for you bittersweet! takes trying to find money to make me clean and declutter too!

Re: Breeze through each room March, 2011

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:24 pm
by Harriet
LOL, atlantic flyer and bittersweet! That is exactly why dd12 decluttered her bookbag yesterday!!

Great job, everyone, on decluttering and donation efforts!

Speaking of purses, I organized my coupons and the like, and put immediate ones into a separate envelope. So far, a week later, I found a true use for only one. I think coupons have their place and make sense for anyone who can put a lot of time into shopping plans. For simplicity of life, though, they do not serve very well.

Nancy, you're smart letting go of papers from when you were so sick. Yes, keep important information, but otherwise don't hang on to less-than-cheerful recordkeeping. You got well, you learned how to eat for your body, you don't need to dwell on that stuff. You are SO over that! :D

In bedroom decluttering this week, dd is unable to join me because of intense end-of-semester homework. But I won't need her in bathrooms next week too much, so maybe there's hope for her bedroom this round after all. I'm trying to give 15 a day to my bedroom. atlantic flyer, although our house has reasonable square footage, it is laid out oddly, having been built in 2 stages (1977 and 1987). Our bedroom is almost as big as the living-dining area because of how the architecture had to match up, and we have no garage or attic, only bedroom closets. So, our bedroom is the "catch-all" room. I know the feng-shui people would disapprove, but HRH and I have gotten used to a bedroom-storage concept!!! :roll: We try for neatness visually, but are always skirting on the edge of failure, so have to be vigilant. It always seems more important to keep the front rooms nice. Yes, I store under furniture. Each bed has an elaborate underbed-storage thing going, and under our couch I have 2 things stored right now.

Re: Breeze through each room March, 2011

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:46 pm
by Dove
Nancy, you are inspiring with all of your progress!

I'm always amazed at how quickly messes can develop here in a matter of days when I'm busy, Lynlee. I like your something extra idea.

Of course your 1000+ books are not clutter, AFlyer ;) :-)! They are my weakness, too. I filled a box & a 1/4 with books for donation & made my husband go :o because he knows how much I love them! It is a running joke between us -- whenever I ask him if he will consider getting rid of some of his (overflowing) hobby stuff, he replies that he will, if I get rid of some books :P .

Good job on the wallet cleanout, Bittersweet! I need to do the same to my phone book. There are more misc scraps of paper than pages in there.

Harriet, years ago on an HGTV program I saw a clever closet storage concept that has stayed with me. A mil was moving in with one of her adult kids & was given a very large rectangular room. She needed storage space in addition to clothes closet space, so a designer covered on entire short wall with shelving & rods, then placed curtains in front of that. They splurged a bit on the curtain fabric to make it look luxurious :-). I believe the bed was placed in front of the curtains. But what I really loved was that they placed the curtains far enough back that the mil could walk into the space without feeling cramped --lots of floor space, elbow room & lighting. She didn't even have to move the curtains to get back there, just slip between the panels. It was as if the wall of curtains was a real wall, but the storage space behind it was amazing.

I've tossed two big trash bags & an old cabinet from my attic purge, & added substantially to our donation & sell tables. Best of all, I cornered dh into agreeing on a date to go to the flea market, & wrote it on the calendar. This works much better than a vague "someday" for actually getting the stuff out of the house! The Salvation Army was here recently to pick up a couch, desk & chair, so I am loving both the empty space & the fact that someone else will be blessed with the furniture.