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Re: July Declutter Strategy, 2020

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 10:18 am
by Lynlee
re those 'shows'.
Those who can afford it and need that sort of help pay for the help, no cameras involved.
Those with a sudden time line to get the issue fixed or else, the ones more likely to have the most severe issues, might apply to those shows, allow them to edit it any way they (program makers) chose, decide whatever they chose to throw away, making sure to edit in the 'juicy' bits.
Like some of the reality tv shows do, choose one to play the villain, to edit them to be a scapegoat and make a mockery of them by cunning editing, and the person only finds out after it is broadcast that they are publicly humiliated with dispersions cast about their character, but that is a whole different story.
Back to the the hoarder shows - have you ever seen 'after' reports from the person who called out for help?
One was left with only the clothes she had on at the time. She had certainly previously had been wearing more of her clothing than those few things, or that nothing else in the house could be saved.
Many of the complaining participants seem to say they have bigger problems 'after' than what they had before, and a far greater problem with trust.
And yes there may or may not have been a way to save the house. Probably they (producers and the residents) had a clue as to the house's viability before but the show required the big reveal at its dramatic end.

So no - not really a fan. Ritual humiliation is not something I enjoy watching, but then again, its why I don't like a lot of 'popular' tv shows that play on people being 'different or 'freaks' to be laughed at, but that is another story too.

Try 'Hidden Treasures" - its a book. I forget if its the one for the sufferer, or the family of the sufferer.
I've heard of people who found it helpful.
Forums for hoarders can give you some clues as well.

Re: July Declutter Strategy, 2020

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 11:36 am
by Harmony
Well, I get what you're saying. Not sure I'd ever do something like that on TV. (Course I'd never need to). But regardless, sometimes when they have to clean everything out, it's because it's all covered in something awful and unusable. The animal ones bother me the most. I'm glad they offer after-care but it's a shame some people don't take advantage of that. I never watched to 'make fun' of anyone...but I can never watch without thinking of a spot here I could pay attention to. I'll never think people sign up for this with blinders on, thinking it's going to be all sweet and rosy. They know what's going to happen and they do sign up for it, so the help must be worth it to them.

Re: July Declutter Strategy, 2020

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 12:08 am
by Lynlee
Harmony - I knew you weren't thinking the hoarder shows were "fun".
My own warped/ no-sense of humour is about things like bigbangtheory. I know there are others who enjoy those. Not I.

As a item from left field - a publican who decluttered/ banned emus from his establishment. ... b/12496000
I'm glad that is not one of my problems at least.

Re: July Declutter Strategy, 2020

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:30 pm
by Harriet
I feel so grateful that somehow I remembered recycling at the last minute this a.m. So much needed to get out of here and missing it would have meant 2 weeks of living with the stuff. I still missed one cardboard box. It was camouflaged with a cat on top of it.

Enjoyed the photos of the emu families, Lynlee. I didn't realize how many babies they had at one time. Songbirds have similar broods, but of course other fowl like chickens can have a dozen following along. Anyway, they are cute and somehow a little scary at the same time! Yes, it would be best to have some boundaries. If they are like geese, you are thinking "how cute" one day and stepping in poop the next.

Re: July Declutter Strategy, 2020

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:07 pm
by Nancy
On my rounds on the office got half trash can stuff off desks and surfaces yea for more workspace.
One basket was old so took it basket and all off that made a huge difference on the one.
The other is my crafting desk. "Found" at least part of it as well!

Got another surface cleaned off and half of a trash can full of stuff to leave to house.

Re: July Declutter Strategy, 2020

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:58 pm
by Lynlee
Yesterday I picked up and binned recycling. Mostly unlooked at. Got Kitchen rubbish and dry waste bin out and that wheelie bin to the street in time Wed early.

A grown emu is 6 foot tall. Intimidating is the least of it Harriet. They don't blink as they stare you in the face. Them looking at me through a car window was enough for me.

another 'domestic' emu story. We need something to offer light relief these days. ... e/12480752