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Re: August's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:52 pm
by Nancy
Took 1/2 a trunk load of donations out of here this weekend. Got the trash dumped here today as well.

Re: August's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:07 pm
by FelineFriend
:mrgreen: GOOD NEWS! :!: :P DH cleaned out his closet! :shock: :shock: :shock: I folded everything up, stuffed them into our 7 boxes for the Thurs./14th ARC donation, and wow! Whoever gets our donation clothes is going to be very blessed! :D :D We're more than happy to bless others and it's for a worthy cause, too.

I have 1 pantsuit, which is fleece with embroidered yellow flowers on the jacket, which I keep thinking about taking out of the ARC donation box, but change my mind. :idea: It's very old-fashioned-looking on me, I feel kind of frumpy in it, but it's pretty with the flowers. It dates me, as an older woman,too. I'm fighting with every breath to keep will power to bless some other little old lady who wants to look cute, with it instead.

I have sweatshirts, sweatpants, jeans, sweaters, sweater sets, etc.... Skirts, muumuu's, etc... So I actually don't "need" the embroidered sweatsuit. :idea: :) I'll fight off temptation, to bless someone else, although it's really hard to keep from doing it. I need to think of others and since I'm not 100% happy in it, when I wear it, it'll be better for someone who's thrilled to wear something warm and pretty.

Re: August's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:55 am
by Nancy
Tossed some stuff this week that went out in the trash to the curb for pick up later on today.

Re: August's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:27 pm
by FelineFriend
1 2-minute hot spot in my office was decluttered today...
then I took the tablecloth off the dining room table, there is not any papers or books or anything out of order on the table... the wood shows and it's beautiful.....
I decluttered trash and dust in the master bathroom....
DH took out recycle and dumped the garbage. Wed. he'll take garbage to the curb as Thurs. is pick-up day.

Re: August's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 1:27 pm
by Nancy
I we are in the process of clearing tree branches that clean up now has the place looking not so good but it is a work in progress anticipating the 2 loads hauling this big branch off this weekend improving the curb appeal.

Re: August's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 1:43 pm
by Nancy
Today I decluttered some apps I do not use on my tablet, deleted them to clear up some memory space.

Re: August's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 5:33 pm
by FelineFriend
The garbage can's at the curb, I decluttered in the bedroom and my great room end table, journals in the office are up on the shelves now, instead of the floors stacked. :roll: The dining room table still looks nice, as well as the kitchen counters and other places in the house. I think FlyLady's 2-minute hot spot patrol and 15-minute declutters help every day. :idea:

Re: August's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:38 pm
by FelineFriend
ARC picked up 7 boxes for the donation this morning.

I read and purged 2 magazines.

I wrote 2 letters, to go OUT to the mailbox in 20 minutes.

Re: August's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:14 pm
by FelineFriend
Several letters went out today, so they're gone.

1 birthday gift went out, so it's gone.

We put away the Costco/Walgreen's shopping items, from the eating bar.

Later, we sorted the mail, purged what was junk and/or no longer needed, such as cardboard packaging.

I continue to declutter the laundry basket.

I hung up clothes in our bedroom, so the bedroom's been decluttered.

I decluttered and made the great room end table pretty, today, too. (It seems to be an on-going hot spot.) :roll: But at least I'm on top of it. :mrgreen:

Re: August's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:42 am
by FelineFriend
:mrgreen: I was reading a digital library book on my laptop. Different small items on my desk, bugged me, out of the corner of my eye. As I read, I kept putting post-it note pads in my drawer, moved other things out of the way, so I had a more cleared desk. It made reading much more enjoyable. :D