October Clutter Challenge, 2015

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Re: October Clutter Challenge, 2015

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Oct 27, 2015 6:49 pm

Hmmmm, I crossed off Hobby & Craft. Not that I have either but I have all the geneology stuff in boxes under the spare bed (which is very, very, high, on risers so that file archive boxes will fit underneath!)

Long story short, needed page protectors, knew they were with the geneology stuff, specifically the unfinished family history books for the kids. Went through every box under the bed. Not there. Not in the closet, nor the storage shelf in the apartments storage room. Found them in the last place I looked.

But in the meantime, I've at least looked at all that I have stored away. Knew I wasn't going to declutter any of it, but have made eye-contact with things I haven't seen in 15 months so that's good.

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Re: October Clutter Challenge, 2015

Postby Nancy » Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:21 pm

Got too small jackets decluttered oyt of the coat closet this week. Last week one bag left crafting zone.

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Re: October Clutter Challenge, 2015

Postby Harriet » Sat Oct 31, 2015 11:04 am

Yipes - catching up on my reports so I can tell about the Halloween Fun of the last two!

This month, decluttering has been under the "umbrella" of getting our home ready for becoming a household of 9 sometimes as dd35's family will be coming for weekends here. They used to stay here when my parents' lived at home, but back then there were only 3 or 4 of them and now there are 6!

(about the several previous days of filing organization - HRH has done a huge file changeover and I made the new files and labels for him)

15th - Book cases - HRH helped me with a book case flurry of organization, toss and consolidate. He dovetailed this with his filing flurry, and oddly some book-like items are filed now... hmmm... neat.
16th - Stationery stash - didn't really get to this... :oops:
17th - Mending basket - pulled several pairs of slacks over to this, made post-it note notes about what hem-length or other measurement changes and pinned them to the correct spot
18th - DAY OFF
19th - Entertainment centers (open or closed shelves) - Redo of upstairs has brought a tv-watching area there. Dd35's family's DVDs brought in from my parents' house. General clean-and-straighted.
20th - Linen closet - Lots of change here - the new sheet set washed up and ready, organizing of what came from my parents'. Unfortunately, I had mixed up a bag of towels I needed soon with a bag of curtains I don't. Sigh. Must pull those towels from storage!
21st - Office supplies - The big filing push HRH did brought a lot of office supplies to light. My office area has become the staging spot for this. I am shocked at how many glue sticks we own...? Maybe years of buying for school supplies and then they weren't needed? Must test these.
22nd - Laundry room cupboards and/or shelves - didn't really do these... :oops:
23rd - Gift wrap supplies, greeting cards - everything for gift wrap pulled out, area cleaned and redone.
24th - Weather Gear - didn't really do these... :oops:
25th - DAY OFF
26th - Bedside tables - a complete re-do. One is virtually neked.
27th - Books - My contribution to HRH's efforts was to neaten all at our master bedroom bookshelf which is a part of our storage wall around the bed. Also I rotated and remembered any pressed flowers in heavy books! :D
28th - A junk drawer - Didn't really do this yet! Does it count if I made an extra one? :lol: :oops:

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Re: October Clutter Challenge, 2015

Postby Harriet » Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:30 pm

29th - Halloween's coming up :o Deal with an oooold Stash and Dash!

Definitely found one of these with no trouble! It was not-so-completely hidden under the quilt rack in our bedroom. Mostly paper in the "social" category, but some office supplies. A hodge-podge of photographs, funeral bulletins, shower invitations, thank-yous, a wedding invitation. About half could be tossed. Several of the photographs were full-page 8 x 11 sheets of smaller photos, from the time we and others were using photo-printers a lot - very few of our friends seem to be doing that any more. Sitting and cutting those apart so that they could be stored with other photos, normally, took the bulk of the stash-and-dash way down right away.

30th - Halloween's coming up. What's Under the Bed?? :o

A whole lot less is under my bed right now! Of our four matching underbed storage boxes, I have consolidated down to 2. I'll be thinking of the best use for the 2 empty ones, but for now it is nice just to know there is open space in these.
This was not without it's HORROR STORY, however. There was a child's plastic dinosaur toy, about 1 inch by 1.5 inches in the very corner underbed of our wall of storage on my side. Cleverly, I used the vacuum wand to retrieve it for the boys. Taking it in my hand, I noticed it wasn't a dinosaur, and it wasn't plastic. :| It was a dead toad! (fainting icon here)

Eating Halloween candy - Check. It's a tough job but somebody had to do it.

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Re: October Clutter Challenge, 2015

Postby Nancy » Sat Oct 31, 2015 11:00 pm

Dropped off donations today while I was at the thrift shop. :mrgreen:

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