October 2012 Three-Quarter-Year Mark Declutter

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Re: October 2012 Three-Quarter-Year Mark Declutter

Postby Nancy » Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:00 pm

It's okay to let it go Blessed; it might be just what someone else is looking for at a 2nd hand store and save them some time! I agree with what Harmony said.

After I watched an episode of hoarders while I did 4 mi. on the ex. bike tonight. I am motivated to do more decluttering can't work on the yard so will settle for my creativity room. But on my way I found the bag of water bottles so I sorted out the newest ones and the rest are in the spot where the stuff to go is under the sink. Yea for progress.

Next divide and conquer gkids books.
My purses do not need to hang in multiples on the back of door handles duh!
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:26 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: October 2012 Three-Quarter-Year Mark Declutter

Postby Harmony » Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:43 pm

I think (and I may be wrong) but I think it is not the fabric you're holding on to, but the letting go of a dream you once had to have a business...this fabric represents that and letting go of that will make you admit once and for all that dream is gone.

In my opinion, it's not that one thing that we can't let go of that causes all the problems, it's the rooms of stuff, the whole collections, the junk that's absolutely useless that is so stressful when we can't let go. Maybe you're not ready with this one thing. But if you are truly trying to do this, just jump in and do it. Let it go. Otherwise, revisit this item in another 3 months. Maybe recognizing that it sat there for another 3 months unused will be just the ticket.

A few years ago I let go of a lot of fabric. It was mostly old polyester stuff I'd have never used, the styles changed. That freed up space, and guess what, now I have a lot of new cotton in its place! :lol:

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Re: October 2012 Three-Quarter-Year Mark Declutter

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:44 am

It is stressful on me to hold on to so many possibilities. Every time I come across these two things it makes me sad and why keep something that makes me go back and not forward. It makes me sad I think because I wanted to make a dress for younger dd and for years I moved it and thought about it; yet I haven't done anything with those two pieces of fabric. I want to move forward more instead of moving back. When I was younger I spent much of my time saying "it will be useful", when I have time "I will make ....", plus who was I kidding, (bc I had so many "dreams" of crafts to be done and so many types of crafts and not enough time). I really didn't honor it because it wasn't given to someone who could use it, maybe for their little one.

I think it is the right time to let it go! :D I am not that person any more and I have gotten rid of almost all of my crafts and material that I am not now. The stress of the what if's and the stress of I have to make something, I admit was stressing and depressing me. Thank you all for the support. I can't tell you how much better I feel. (so silly over 2 pieces of smocking fabric! - I am going to give it hug ;) and let it go. gosh that feels good. Really thank you from the bottom of my heart. I couldn't have let go of things in my house without you; you all allowed me to have a present and future with my family without having to hold on to the past. :D (I know that sounds soppy but I mean it.

Thank you dnancy, dharmony, dharriet, dbook! (you are all Blessings!)
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Re: October 2012 Three-Quarter-Year Mark Declutter

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:53 am

4 miles on the exercise bike and then decluttering bwtg dnancy

I saw the episode, Hoarders, where the woman's cat died where all the ammonia made the cat sick from not cleaning up, it made me so sad and then I put away the pictures I had put on the stairs. It does give me thought of what I want my dear children to deal with. dh is getting into the same routine and feels great every time he goes to the donation place.
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Re: October 2012 Three-Quarter-Year Mark Declutter

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:13 am

((Blushing)) True confessions - I also have a smocked partially finished baby dress that was supposed to be a baby gift for a dcousin and was never finished. I think it went upstairs in a box labeled sewing, for later decision making. I did let go a bunch of sewing stuff (remember the thread I let go?) but didn't know what to do with it. I also have two half finished Christmas stockings from my pre-Jewish days....lol.
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Re: October 2012 Three-Quarter-Year Mark Declutter

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:36 pm

lol I am right with you dtwins with true confessions! :D

Being a SHE is being creative and thoughtful! I remember knitting my dnephew (who is now 30) a sweater and on Christmas even while everyone was downstairs I was sewing the sleeves in :lol:
I also gave my dsil a folding star pattern saying "I will do this for you someday" before her babies (the nephew is 30 above) never done - lol.
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Re: October 2012 Three-Quarter-Year Mark Declutter

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:51 am

Today at church the Priest had children at the altar talking about the story of the angel fish. It was so cute but he brought in how sharing what we have not only make someone else's life a blessing we bless our selves. He talked about how hard it is for so many to hold onto their stuff that it makes them so unhappy - that they end of clinging to it rather than blessing their life and the life of others - that they can't live free. (so apropos) Thought you all would find it interesting and inspirational as I did.

Many blessings to you today and this week.
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Re: October 2012 Three-Quarter-Year Mark Declutter

Postby Ivy » Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:44 pm

I set my timer for 30 min. and decluttered a box with an "Act" post-it note on it. I filed and put things away. :) The box is empty, but I also have another Act box sitting next to it and a File box and Stand & Deliver Box, too. It's fun to find things we can use, like the disaster preparedness booklets from a TV station and our fire station, both.

blessed, I donated 2 large Ziploc Big Bags, 2 boxes and 1 magazine rack to ARC on Thursday. It's so nice to be able to bless others with things we didn't have use for. Many items were clothes that were very nice, but too large now.

Twins' Mom and blessed, I have true confessions, too. :oops: I have bins of yarn, bags of yarn in bins, and occasionally, while sorting through the yarn, I'll find about 24" long of an afghan pattern I started, but have no clue where the pattern is, what size hook I used, and just don't know what to do with it. :?: I'm thinking of taking 1 such afghan start, turning it vertical and crocheting around and around it to make a rectangle lap robe out of it. My other blunder was a 2-strand afghan for myself, but I didn't finish it, and then I got so cold one day! I had an idea! :idea: I took out the unfinished afghan, held it up to my arms, it fits to make a perfect shawl for myself. So now I need to finish it. It's 1/2 done.

:oops: I've found 1 baby bootie and no mate and lost the pattern and didn't know where I put the yarn, too. :o I guess we're all human and do these things. :lol:
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Re: October 2012 Three-Quarter-Year Mark Declutter

Postby Nancy » Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:41 pm

I decluttered a stack of books today took them to the church.

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Re: October 2012 Three-Quarter-Year Mark Declutter

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:04 pm

Yes we are ALL human!!! DIvy I think for me, being a SHE, I thought no one else ever had one of something, didn't finish something etc. but being here has really been a blessing and has blessed many others too. Great idea, by the way, Ivy about the ACT box and doing it! love that.

Great job dNancy and DIvy: the two have gotten rid of bags and books and even a book rack. Great de cluttering!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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