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Re: November's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:08 pm
by blessedw2

Re: November's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:36 pm
by FelineFriend
Got all the dishes loaded into the DW, ran it, so the counter/dish drainer are clear.

Put away groceries, etc... from the kitchen counter, when DH got home.

Re: November's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:12 pm
by blessedw2
getting things put away d friend... what a lovely feeling - great job

Re: November's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:14 pm
by blessedw2
I can't put things back tonight but I got 3 large black garbage bags out of my closet and the linen closet which used to be the unmatched anything place.

Got rid of old halloween costume stuff, bags (gym etc) extras that are of no use anymore (I had too many of them), old wallpaper roles that are no longer in my house or necessary, went through some pictures and tossed the non important ones.

boy I am so happy d Harriet posts this site.. I couldn't dejunk for a year and now I have been going through all my closets again and it's freeing even though hard at times to make so many choices.

Re: November's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:21 am
by FelineFriend
WOW, Blessedw2!!!! Bit WTG!!!!!

I made the bed this morning, hung my robe & tank-nightie. It fits so nice now that I've lost weight. It love it! I put dirty LOL into the LOL basket, tidied the MBathR counter, the bedroom, and kitchen counters. I put out fresh kitchen mats, in pretty colors, and put the old Autumn-colored ones into the LOL basket to wash up with towels.

I'm decluttering my office, by replying to pen pal letters today/tonight. I'm on my last letter, but then I'll write my Dsis, because I found an article for her, to mail her, from a magazine. I might write DD a card, too, and maybe my best friend, too. It's 9:20 p.m. and Federal holidays are wonderful! I can declutter snail mail, to go out into the mailbox tomorrow. YIPPEE! :mrgreen:

Re: November's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:51 pm
by blessedw2
A Yipee is always good d friend.

Re: November's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:53 pm
by blessedw2
November 12 I have been able to focus on dejunking because it is just dh and myself right now. It's better now then when it gets crazy again. I couldn't have done this without my other responsibilities were temporarily diminished or this site to keep me focused.

I am in the linen closet (everything closet)
I know you are supposed to look at a space and see what I really want it to be:
so... I want the one area to be towels :D , and laundry baskets for towels :D - other part blankets :D , photos only spot :D , sheets that match, comforters, extra's for soaps etc. for upstairs, travel things :D , suit cases :D , gym bag :D dh put new shelves up and what a difference it has made. :D I have all of our sheets separated to the person they belong to. :D More work to be done tomorrow: pull the curtain hangers together and toss the extra and other put away

tossed 2 black garbage bags of towels that were overly rough, torn, or no edges... why I kept them.. worry that I would run out of clean towels. honestly we never touched the bottom ones - I can't double doubt myself and put myself down because I didn't do this earlier - 3:43 ANOTHER BAG GONE OF JUNK- unnecessary for living today, 5:00 another garbage bag gone of blankets etc. that no longer are presentable

I now have just a towel closet only with 2 laundry baskets on the bottom for family's dirty towels and misc. (It needs to dry still from the leak and needs mold spray and paint but that will not happen until february. most wood pulled. I almost feel grown up. :D

I can actually have others go into the closet to get pillows, blankets and comforters without being embarrassed - same with the towels.

Re: November's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:56 pm
by Nancy
Took a few things by this mo.
A few more books to go are gathered up but ~ waiting for a break in weather.

Re: November's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:11 pm
by blessedw2
great d Nancy!

Re: November's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:09 am
by Harmony
Up late, I've had a nap this evening.

Remember at least a year ago we helped a lady from church move across the state? We'd taken a whole trailer load of furniture over to her XH for him to store for her daughters..... and after we'd done that we found a whole stack of large throw pillows that matched that furniture. Well, it all got put in a huge garbage bag and stashed in my laundry room.

It was dark when we went to his house and I didn't know how to get there again..and DH never made the time to take it over. So here it sat, taking up space where my little rechargeable sweeper should sit. Today I googled his name and found his business address, with his new wife's name on that website; then I found her name on a county website with same street address. Followed the directions online and yep that was where we went! One can find anything on the internet!

So today I threw that big bag in the car and rode over there and left the bag at their door. At least a year I procrastinated. And I'll just bet DH will never discover it's gone.