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Re: January, 2022 Decluttering by Design

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:05 pm
by blessedw2
d Nancy - I wanted to thank you for the help re: dh's things and dd's.

Re: January, 2022 Decluttering by Design

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:16 pm
by blessedw2
today we went through light bulbs

I went through drill bits - we have so many drill bits - I could try to figure out exactly what size they are but instead I am going to get a drill bit set for dh to look at - and toss the multiples - the same drill bits (10 of teeny tiny exactly the same) 70 + drill bits. We have new 2 drills with their own drill bits. (mine and a present from d brother)

went through Allen wrenches but didn't toss

I got us down to one drawer set - the other one is tossed
lots of donations made from the garage!

dh is so happy with the space he now has -
all of the garden stuff is on my side - flags my side, chairs will go on my side - garden everything is there.
dh has been letting me declutter his old rusted electric tools - they couldn't be used anymore.

Like things together.

put my garden gloves away.

what needs to be done still: clean the garden tools,

Re: January, 2022 Decluttering by Design

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:37 pm
by Nancy
Blessed you are rocking it!

I got Cmas. Stuff out of the liviing room, boxed up in totes and down stairs.
Dining room still to do maybe tomorrow.
I am giving my self till Feb. 1st. :lol:

Re: January, 2022 Decluttering by Design

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 9:32 pm
by Ramblinrose
Moving is a great motivator for decluttering, but remember I started going through closets and such during the summer. Really helped, but being forced to pack while moving makes you actually handle a piece of something before you wrap it. My donation pile continued to grow as I packed

Here in my rental, our land lord got in a bind getting really for us and just put stuff outside along the side of the house. I asked if I could hired a junk man to take it all away and subtract the cost from my rent. Theo was thrilled by the idea so I took him outside and into the garage and had him show me what I could get rid of for him. We’re going to contact the junk man this week so it’s a win/win type of situation for us all.

Re: January, 2022 Decluttering by Design

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 3:24 pm
by blessedw2
you too d Nancy!!! look at the Christmas stuff being put away - yay!

hello d rose - I am so happy you are here!!! yay on your growing donation pile - yay on contacting the junk person to get rid of the stuff in the garage!

Re: January, 2022 Decluttering by Design

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 3:26 pm
by blessedw2
today I got all of dh's drill bits together - lots were loose and triples/quadruples/ even 8 of the same. I whittled down most of them. dh is okay!
tossed 2 old hair brushes

Re: January, 2022 Decluttering by Design

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 9:10 am
by Ramblinrose
Yesterday my son came over and helped with several jobs. He and Sweetie to the back of my dresser off because several door were stuck and this was the only way to access them. Then the put up some hardware that will hold my mops and brooms and also installed my new microwave.

We hung a few pictures and my son will help us with several more once I find the packed hard wear.

Today I want to empty two of my kitchen boxes and set up my pantry. That will involve some emptying moving of a pantry in the garage to the laundry room.

Re: January, 2022 Decluttering by Design

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 11:15 am
by blessedw2
how wonderful it is to live near your son dear Rose. I am sure he is enjoying it just as well!!!
great work on the unpacking!!!

Re: January, 2022 Decluttering by Design

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 3:06 pm
by blessedw2
I started my day with put away, donate and trash check - I keep thinking I won't find trash but each day I have at least 1/4 bag of it.
today I tossed: an old towel
a dog blanket
broken dog toy
things from the fridge

pulled recycling
also found unmatched top or bottoms for keeping food.

Re: January, 2022 Decluttering by Design

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 11:33 pm
by Harmony
I have 5 men's suits pulled out to donate. Very nice suits, though one is a hounds tooth pattern (who wears that any more) and 1 is a double breasted suit he would never wear. I think there is 1 more double breasted suit coat in the other closet to donate also. Someone gave them to us thinking maybe DH could wear them. Very large. I never could get DH to look at them. This time out of necessity he looked at everything.

Also, the slacks that no longer fit, he's willing to donate or find someone to take them. I'll keep one of each color and pull the rest. I'll keep his 2 suits also, one never knows. He used to have an opportunity to wear dress clothes pretty often, but no more. I'd hoped he would find a reason to do this.

I'll do this before he has time to think it over and change his mind. Though I don't think he will....