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April's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:54 pm
by Harriet
Get credit for what you organize - finish by labeling clearly. :idea:

Here are some good tips:

Let no box go unmarked!
Use masking tape, a label maker, or permanent-ink pens. I like to tape an index card to the outside of a container. Or, take snapshots of what's inside. - Heloise

What are you labeling this month? Let us know!

Please join in and tell about your dynamic April decluttering!

Re: April's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:34 pm
by Harriet
I sure do agree with the 3x5 cards idea :D if the container is clear, I mark a 3x5 with a Sharpie and slip it in facing out. They can be changed in a second. For plastic containers that are not very clear, I use a piece of Scotch tape and mark on it with the Sharpie. Also can be changed in a second! (Can you tell I need the feature of easy mistake correction? ;) ) The Sharpie-on-Scotch also works for quick freezer labeling, too.

In the last few days I've been able to do some kitchen decluttering at my parents'.

Yesterday I gathered all greeting cards here that didn't have writing inside and got them combined into one former Christmas Card box with clear lid. I labeled it "Note Cards" and now I won't be grabbing every box but the right one to find those.

Re: April's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:05 pm
by Harmony
I bought one of those label makers when we moved here. I wanted one of those expensive printer ones, but settled on the best kids' version and it does fine for marking bins, etc. Not as good as a list maybe, but at least I know what's in there.

Tonight I worked on that bedroom closet mess a little. I tried on all my slacks and pared them down. I have a few nice too-big ones in suitcase (not ready to give them up yet). I have some in donate box and a couple to ask someone if they want. I tried on skirts and blouses too and let a couple of them go.

I tried a couple sizes on in the stores today and I am definitely down 1 size and those are roomy. I have about half as many clothes as I started with in my closet.

Re: April's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:57 am
by Harriet
Harmony, first, what good news while trying on clothes :!: 8-) Also big congrats on getting your closet and clothes so much more organized.

I have gone through 2 of those large (2.5x2.5 or almost 3x3) cardboard boxes in my parents' dining area. I knew these 2 were filled with upright trophies, and now I have that upper-closet space readied for those. Some trophies were throw-away, but most I dusted and placed up there. My goal is to keep a few meaningful trophies set out as decor for my dad, but give him the ability to just open that double-door closet to show off the rest to any interested visitor.

I took the boxes all the way to break-down and out for garbage pickup. So with all this closet-declutter/purge and box change-up, there's a gain of about 15 square feet of living space for the dining area.

Until I can remember to go around and count again :roll: , I believe my tally is 9 large boxes to go in the dining room, 11 overall.

Every time I can fight this clutter back some and vacuum a little more actual floor, it is such a victory.

Re: April's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:46 pm
by Nancy
I finished reading a book & some mags. last week
and de-cluttered them this week.

Re: April's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:24 pm
by Dove
Harriet, I found myself nodding in agreement when I read your post about labeling boxes. I have several tucked under the eaves in the attic, & as I packed them I wrote each item on the side of the box as I packed it. Never did that with craft supplies, though. Bought colored plastic containers that I can't see through years ago on sale. Hoping to go through & purge a lot of it & will then label what is left so things are easy to find.

Also, Harriet, WAY TO GO!! on all the decluttering in your parents dining room! 15 square feet of living space -- a huge achievement! Congrats on all your hard work :D .

Harmony, big congratulations to you, too, on both your closet decluttering & your weight loss! :D I really need to go through my clothes, too. You are inspiring me. That would make a good summer project for me -- or maybe end of summer, before switching out spring/summer & fall/winter clothing.

Nancy, I need some of your mag & book decluttering vibes :) . I have a really big stack of recent mags that I have read but am saving to pull out some articles & recipes. If I would just do one or two a day (or as I read them) I could make that stack disappear. I should just tie the whole bunch up for recycling or hospital donation, but I haven't ...

I've been working in the attic the last couple of days, taking advantage of cooler temps. Cleared off the table, & the floor all around it :oops: . It was mostly my stuff this time & not dh's. Got four boxes of sale/donation misc filled & brought them down to a holding area in the basement. Then I got to the fun part -- books. I have more books than shelf space now, so some have to go. Was overwhelmed at first, so decided to start by only pulling out books I knew I wouldn't read or refer to again. Got almost one full box from one tall bookshelf. Have 3 more to go through.

Looking forward to finally organizing them once I have more space. I have several books in different categories & want to put all like books together. 90 percent of my cookbooks & craft/sewing books are grouped together in separate book cases. I don't even look through cookbooks at the stores any more because I have more than enough. I blame Borders and B&N for having such wonderful bargain book sections :P !

I realized yesterday that I need to start a "Not Yet Read" shelf (or two) as I have many of those. I started a small pile on the table of "want to read soon" books.

Tea time is over -- I'm headed back up to the attic. Happy decluttering, everyone! :)

Re: April's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:39 pm
by Nancy
Dove I figure stuff is on the internet if I need it.
That way I can give away a whole mag. and not just a part of one
don't think folks want to read a holey one! LOL!
I have more to do on that front still.

Got the trash dumped today.
Yard trash has been rounded up and that's a great feeling when we get this much done!
Cardboard boxes are next to go I think!
Moving right along here with some progress each week.
Got some stuff cleared off the counters and put that and the table on my weekly list!
:idea: What a great idea for me this morning to get it tweaked!
I'm loving that.

Re: April's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:14 pm
by Dove
Hi Nancy :) great job on getting so much done! You're right about stuff being on the internet -- I should just get rid of those mags. I keep trying to talk myself into that but no luck so far :roll:

Will work on the next bookcase after lunch. Only pulled a few off the last one. Next up are a lot of paperbacks & will probably be able to put many of those in the sale/donation box.

Re: April's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:27 pm
by Nancy
I am counting this h. hung a shelf in the play house and
some other decorative items that had been in there for a while.
Getting these things off the counter / shelf in there and hung up made it more clutter free
and much easier to clean up for summer play yea for progress.
It looks better now too!
I could tell that he was in a "tinkering" mood and wanted to "fix" something this just fit
the bill.

Re: April's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:35 pm
by Harmony
Thought of all our Village Declutterers tonight, listening to the news about the guy who got a ring from Goodwill and it turned out to be a 2+ carat diamond! Either this guy or Goodwill is going to auction it off for charity.

Be careful when you give away stuff! Make sure the jewels aren't real and check all pockets first.