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July's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:23 am
by Harriet
We are at the

What a wonderful time to start something anew, to make a plan, to dream a little dream of what could be by 2011. :idea: Join us for at least 15 minutes a day, set aside as a decluttering appointment with your lovely home!

And share with us "where you are" with your own decluttering in relation to the 2010 calendar! How will you keep track of "where you're going" with your decluttering for the next half-year? Will you track, calendar, schedule, MAP :D , or perhaps weigh those outgoing bags?

Here's one plan that might be a helpful one to remember. Indiana will be leading the very cool Focus Cleaners 8-) to these areas beginning these dates in July:

closets 7/5/2010
laundry 7/12/2010
storage 7/19/2010
outdoor 7/26/2010
kitchen 8/2/2010

Decluttering there ahead of those times would mean clear surfaces to clean for those following her lead! :idea:

Re: July's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:18 am
by Nancy
Took some paper backs in to the shop that buys 'em
it's so good to get a few cents for them
soda was on me today I felt rich LOL!!!

Re: July's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:16 am
by Harmony
Well I'm right on track. I've decluttered my laundry room and my master bedroom closet. Things like a broken picture glass out to the trash, a wall plaque I haven't used for years into the goodwill box, a few other things. DH says I ruined a perfectly good closet, all he sees now are empty shelves!

Re: July's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:53 pm
by Harriet
Oooo, decluttering money, Nancy! (smile)

Gee, free shelves - you have something I don't have, Harmony.

Clothing for me. I'm consolidating my dresser drawers (and dd's) as best I can. Trying to let go of a few things that I haven't worn in a year but still think I might... ... :roll:

One tall kitchen garbage bag full of clothing donation to car trunk for Goodwill.

It would be the week to prepare for "outdoor" with Focus, but I can't function outdoors right now, so falling back to do an even better job on "storage" and "closet" seems the smart thing.

Swiffer containers reused - make great neat storage for scarves, gloves, slinky things that get mixed up otherwise.

Re: July's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:36 am
by Nancy
Well the trash truck was late it usually comes in the morning pretty early
so when it did not show up until after lunch I was able to round up one more
bag of trash and got it out to the curb! Yea!

Re: July's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:32 pm
by blessedw2
yeah to everyone

I am starting to do a well needed dejunking. I am getting that old too many decisions to make type thing but over very silly stuff... too many safety pins, crayons, erasers, pencils, paint etc. I did handful of erasers, cleaned out the art supplies of dd14, tossed the container (the old days I had so many containers in my crawl space because I couldn't let go, I noticed my dmom bringing over containers again to house my "stuff" and realized if she is buying more containers again its time to let go of a lot).

dd's room is starting to bother me as she is keeping everything again. so I am trying to clear her room but let her decide and if I have to I will put in crawl space. so she gets used to a clutter free room but still have choices.

Re: July's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:18 pm
by Lynlee
Big`WTG`blessed :D

Re: July's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:42 am
by blessedw2
thanks lynn. I got out of the habit this last year getting rid of things and boy the stuff really overwhelmed before I knew it. ;)

today: emptied 2 of dh's garage drawers (I need to go through everything before asking family for help emptying out the garage to wash it down because dh is always putzing in there.. it makes him happy

also tossed my multi drawer catch all for little stuf and tossed most of it
also got rid of all vhs tapes

Re: July's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:19 am
by Nancy
Have found another suit case of summer clothing so I've been sorting it out.
Got the one top that goes with a skirt I gave to dgds
and gave it to them yesterday
plus two new flag shirts that did not fit
they were pleased with those and I was too
as they did not create clutter
this will give them a start on some back to school clothing also.

Re: July's Dynamic Declutter

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:25 pm
by Harriet
Let go of more from dresser here.

One large dresser drawer freed. Maybe 2 square feet?

Sounds like we're all doing well. Clear spaces are good for you.