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October Declutter and Organization, 2019

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:40 am
by Harriet
Here we go, diving together into the FINAL quarter of the year... ..
of the decade... ..
of the first 20 years of the millennium!
(yipes, are we living up to our hopes?)

Everybody, go look at your house!

okay, it's not that bad. breathe.. ...deep breaths ( :shock: this would be me - ya'll probably have clear lovely spaces )

~~~ Envision ~~~ a clear, clutter-free home for your holidays. (After all, they are YOUR holidays in YOUR home, right?) It starts way back here on the calendar - with our October declutter and organization!

Mentally work backwards from your vision a little, to see how you will accomplish it. :idea: Do you need to divide either spaces or clutter problems into chunks? Choose your preferred method: cards, calendaring, etc. and divide and conquer!

Now, choose your path :arrow:
and remember to post your adventures.

Re: October Declutter and Organization, 2019

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 12:03 pm
by Twins' Mom
I tallied 92 items decluttered in September. That included some multiples, like when I counted a group of smaller things as just one, and there were other times I just put stuff in the garage or garbage without counting. I do still need to take a load to the GOodwill. I just ran out of time and energy for it.

Re: October Declutter and Organization, 2019

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 4:05 pm
by Nancy
Some items decluttered loaded in the rig for donating, others went in the trash.

Re: October Declutter and Organization, 2019

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 12:53 pm
by Harmony
Twins, that's great!

Today I took a throw rug runner to the garbage. It had a vinyl backing that was cracking but still ok to use since nobody much walked on that side of the bed. Today I picked it up to shake outside and it had completely disintegrated, leaving it's vinyl 'dust' behind. Now it's gone!

Re: October Declutter and Organization, 2019

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:29 pm
by Nancy
H. De cluttered some items.
I dropped off books at the thrift shop to made room for new to me ones from the library book sale.

Re: October Declutter and Organization, 2019

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 4:26 pm
by Harmony
I cleaned out the 3 drawers of DH's end table. Well lookey here. I found 2 things I had decluttered from the kitchen months ago and put in the recycle bin. Good Grief.

Re: October Declutter and Organization, 2019

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 4:40 pm
by Twins' Mom
I dropped that load at Goodwill! It's gone!

Re: October Declutter and Organization, 2019

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 1:01 pm
by Harmony
DH managed to find a lady who wanted all the glass block he had stashed up in our attic space of the shop. Probably 40+ heavy blocks he lowered 4 at a time in a bucket with a rope. Lady makes decorations out of them and was thrilled to get them... and at a give-away price. She had showed us how she makes them, hundreds of pictures on her phone; very pretty. And she was saying how grateful she was to us and DH said well, you could make her one...

So she said she'd be glad to and hopefully I have a Christmas one coming sometime. I will offer to pay her of course, as she sells these, so we'll see...

Anyway, one more thing out of the shop!

Re: October Declutter and Organization, 2019

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 2:25 pm
by Nancy
I de cluttered some things from the shed. Had to make room so we could get the new flooring in it
So I can paint it later.

Re: October Declutter and Organization, 2019

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 1:14 pm
by blessedw2
well done dear minimizing organizing wonderful women!!! You are giving yourself and your home peace! Well done!

yay d twins - look at your september - wonderful
yay d nancy - getting the load out - awesome
d harmony - decluttering drawers and garbage - yeah
d harriet - thank you for your vision - decluttering with you and everyone is a pleasure