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December Declutter Strategy, 2020

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 6:33 pm
by Harriet
Could decluttering and straightening, organizing give you some Clarity of Thought these days? :idea: That's something many counselors are seeing in 2020 as a need for all of us. We find ourselves so often with thoughts wandering to worry or preoccupation. Would some strategizing about defense-against-clutter help with our mental centering as well? How would a clear surface replacing visual clutter make you feel? Could it help you envision a happier season ahead? Hmmmm... .. a good thought.

Harmony had a cheery report last month. Be sure to check that out.

Re: December Declutter Strategy, 2020

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 11:14 am
by blessedw2
I have been away from here bc of so many things and my home is begging me to get back to decluttering. I can't wait!!!
I was proud that I have decluttered Christmas over the years and now have only what I like and use. everything went up and no doubts

Re: December Declutter Strategy, 2020

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:25 pm
by Twins' Mom
A couple of years ago I did the "program" for myself where I decluttered on thing on 1 Jan, 2 on Jan 2 and so on. I didn't get through the entire month - I think I stopped when I went to SLC toward the third or fourth week of the month but it was still productive. I may try that upstairs in bonus room on my stamping things. I have so many I will never use, and I buy more.

Re: December Declutter Strategy, 2020

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 3:14 pm
by Nancy
My plan is ro keep puting away holiday stuff.
Listening to inspiring pod casts as I work on decluttering my zone for this week
The creativity room doing rounds 10 - 15 min. At a time.
Got one surface declutted yea me!

Re: December Declutter Strategy, 2020

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 2:46 pm
by blessedw2
yay you d nancy
ya you d twins

I am making a box of Christmas donation for Oct/nov for next year. they don't want the christmas stuff at our local places
I consider the first to summer my decluttering time; then it's garden all the way.