Febuary, 2023 Clutter Control - Hearts Turn Toward Home

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Febuary, 2023 Clutter Control - Hearts Turn Toward Home

Postby Harriet » Wed Feb 01, 2023 1:27 pm

Home. This is our dream space! Here is where we'll find the space to grow into our creative, contented, generous future selves.

Let's take time this month to show some love to our homes by freeing our dream space of the clutter that crowds it.

blessed was Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨Ʒ inspiring Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨Ʒ
a few days ago by telling us that she shot a video of her kitchen. Now, she was honest that there was "mess", but what inspires me is not just that there's honesty in a "Just the facts, ma'am." view, but that there's confidence of "seeing" how things can be better!

We don't all need to really take a video, but we can certainly imagine that we are going to show our honest view (gasp) to a friend, maybe those here. Imagine how we'd be explaining that what's in the video is part of our dreams. How can we zero in - do a close-up - of the difference between what is loved, and what is crowding us.

Part of having our dream space is loving our home enough to let go of clutter and let the dream space bloom. What are your February dreams?

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Re: Febuary, 2023 Clutter Control - Hearts Turn Toward Home

Postby Harriet » Sun Feb 12, 2023 8:38 pm

About "Dream Space" :D
I've gone through about 5 sessions/days of a targeted sewing-space declutter plan online (A, C and N thread). My space looks more inviting, and I already have more of a handle on where everything is. Have rediscovered some things, like my tiny iron, which I'd about forgotten having. (And I've already used it again today! Works great.) There are 21 sessions, although several are just going over what's been done, for emphasis.

If I can get that much-needed elbow room, I'll be able to come in and really use my space productively. I see youtube videos out there on someone saying they can make a quilt top SO FAST. That's not really what I dream of, although it would be nice to just fly along sometimes, for pure fun, happy with however it turns out. I want the space to decide between fast and well-designed. Also, the space that's needed when it's time to decide on a good finish, like what's the right border or what parts look best beside others. You need to be able to back up while staring at your work, without tripping over what's behind you!

That takes freeing up your space, and that's declutter. Otherwise, I guess I could set a ladder up to a window to get far enough back for a look! (Not a good idea!)

In the midst of that, because my office and sewing are in the same room, I'm seeing better decisions on using desk drawers and other office space, too.

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Re: Febuary, 2023 Clutter Control - Hearts Turn Toward Home

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 13, 2023 1:01 am

I need to do some work on this in my zone this week, the dining room is up / kitchen needs attn. as well.

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Re: Febuary, 2023 Clutter Control - Hearts Turn Toward Home

Postby Harmony » Tue Feb 14, 2023 12:44 am

Last spring when I was moving all my things to a different room, I had loaded up the dresser. I had taken DH's stuff from one drawer I had given him for all his hearing aid things, supplies, pamphlets, boxes and put them in a box on top of the dresser. When the move didn't happen and I moved most of my stuff back out, I never moved his supplies back in. Today I gave him back a bigger drawer and piled the rest of my things on my bed to make decisions. I now have too many socks and I must try on all my bras because I'm in the process of changing sizes. Changing sizes or things just fitting differently is a dilemma I tell you! I guess I'll put everything in those categories out on the bed together and make decisions on what to keep. I've already tossed a bunch of things that looked so tattered I wondered why I ever thought to keep them. I have to do this work now or I won't have a place to sleep tonight!

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Re: Febuary, 2023 Clutter Control - Hearts Turn Toward Home

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 14, 2023 4:19 pm

Old vacuum lower part is gone on trash day today.
Rest is bagged up for later.

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Re: Febuary, 2023 Clutter Control - Hearts Turn Toward Home

Postby Nancy » Thu Feb 16, 2023 5:58 pm

Lugged up the folding truck bed cover out of the basement and the tail gate cover out of the basement.
It is in the shed now I put out a text for a group to see if any one wants it.
And the full length mirror maybe the church can use it for weddings.
So that is a step or two of progress got some steps on my goal today doing that as well.
I wanted to do it before the cold snap next week. Yea for progress!
Might have a taker on the truck stuff! I am excited!
But have not heard anything else from them. Drat!

I got a book and magazine loaded in the rig with other donations to go.

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Re: Febuary, 2023 Clutter Control - Hearts Turn Toward Home

Postby Harmony » Mon Feb 27, 2023 12:06 am

From my decluttering sessions in the garages: 1 full recycle bin, mostly plastic containers I found mostly empty or totally empty. 1 stuffed full garbage rolley bin all sorts of carp in there. I was ruthless. To my donate bin: 1 aluminum easel, 1 men's pull over hoodie sweatshirt, extra dog brush. I will duct tape together all the metal pieces of a bed frame and take that also. It is heavy and it is in the way. I did not give DH time to protest. I told him "we are donating this, we're downsizing and will not ever need an extra bed". I wanted to get rid of it when he insisted we put it up on the top of the cabinets 7 or 8 years ago. Some fishing equipment. Good progress.

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Re: Febuary, 2023 Clutter Control - Hearts Turn Toward Home

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 27, 2023 12:42 am

I put a book in the rig with the other items to go to donations / books sale.

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