Health and Fitness July 2014

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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:07 pm

Obviously you can google Jorge Cruise and come up with many sites to read...some good and some not. But here are two things I can share with you.

1. At one time Jorge Cruise was 40 lbs over weight and learned for personal experience how to loose it. The reason for his success; his mentor Dr. OZ
Oz was the one who explained to Cruise how sugar effects your body and more importantly your organs.

I bought this book thinking it was just another diet plan, but to be honest the historical information of how and why sugar was introduced to humans really made the biggest impression on me...well really that may not be true. Did you know that until the late 1800's there was no obesity problems in the world....wanna guess when the problem started??? When the French learned how to make pasteries with sugar...and the love affair began. Also, during the early 1970's food companies started adding hidden sugar in everything we eat because it made the food taste better and we would eat more of it.

And, the information Cruise shares about how artificial sugar effects your organs, your liver more directly, is what got me OFF of the stuff after using it for 50 years.

2. The plan works for me. Period. Down almost 20 lbs by using his thought process. I don't make many of his recipes, but they are there when I need them. His skinny muffins and chocolate cake muffins...yes you read that right are to die for. I can also have either two glasses of red wine or one large square of chocolate every day if I want to. I don't drink much, but its nice to know if I go out on occasion I can have a glass or two of wine without blowing my program.

I had to change my brain's thinking before I started on my plan. I don't smoke cigarettes any more...well maybe one in a blue moon...because the smoke poisons my lungs...and sugar does the same to my liver.

Now I'm not gonna tell you I don't cheat on occasion, but with his plan I don't crave carbs and sugar like I used to..At one time in my life I could honestly eat an entire loaf of bread in on sitting once I get started. Why, because for me carbs are extremely additive and are the one thing that will really set me off on a binge.

So now I eat clean, and when I eat something that is sweet, its almost too sweet to eat. I was really amazed at that. My mom had some chocolate cookies at her house and I decided to have three. Got the first one down, almost got sick on the second and threw the third one away.

There are many ways to cut out the sugar in your foods and many people on the net that will be glad to share with you how. I just had to make the decision of whether I wanted the fat and weight that was hanging around on my body or was I going to get serious and really do something about it this time. ... rge+cruise
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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:59 pm

I'm glad the Jorge Cruise eating plan is working for you.

I'd rather not cut the carbs I get from grains, fruit and veggies so after a quick look, I'm thinking this isn't the eating plan for me. My breakfast cereal (which has no salt, no sugar, nothing but wheat) has 39g of carbs, then my milk has more and my berries more again. Yet, when I don't have that in the morning, I find I eat and eat and eat, all day.

It is one thing to cut refined sugar and sugar added to processed food (and McDonalds salt) but it is another to cut healthy foods from my diet. In a way, I'm surprised that Dr. Weil did the forward to this book. It seems to go against the first two weeks of the plan I'm reading (granted, Dr. Weil has changed his opinion on his own eating plan so perhaps I shouldn't be surprised.)

I will try the skinny muffin if I find some place where I can buy a very tiny amount of stevia. I'm still not sure about subbing one sort of sweetner for the 'real thing'. I drink a heck of a lot less soda now that I am drinking HFCS sweetened instead of aspartame sweetened and am happy to be off the artificial sweeteners (yes, I know stevia isn't artificial.)

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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:39 pm

Kathryn.... Isn't funny/strange how the same foods effect people differently. Your morning carbs keep you from being hungry and the same would have me starving for the rest of the day.

While I was at my moms I did eat a very small... 1/2 cup... Of brand cereal with a little bit of whole milk. And as long as I drank plenty of water afterwards I did ok. I also used a 1/2 teaspoon of real sugar on my cereal.

Sweetie eats rice checks, a banana and raisins with no sugar and skim milk every day of his life. He uses no salt or butter on anything... But sometimes olive oil on his veggies. He usually eats some sort of sandwich for lunch. He doesn't have an ounce of fat on him... However he eats ice cream every week and needs either cookies or my muffins for something sweet at night. Once he gets into sweets he has a difficult time stopping. He is 67, has the energy of a horse and has weighed the same for the past 15 years.

At one point in his life he was 40 overweight ...drank and smoked too. Then at 43 or so he quit drinking, smoking and started cooking all his for in a pressure cooker. He took up running, ran in jeans in the middle of summer around noontime . His weight came off and he has never had a weight problem since then. Go figure :lol:
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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:38 am

foods effect people differently. Your morning carbs keep you from being hungry and the same would have me starving for the rest of the day.

Nodding head in agreement. And different types of carbs affect me also. I can eat fruit in the morning along with a good portion of protein and not get hungry. When I eat a breakfast of mostly carbs though, watch out - my hunger level will become a roaring lion. No way to ignore it!

Day #1 without sugar was a breeze yesterday. Of course, anything is easy & doable to start with. I had to overcome my reluctance to commit. I'm still leery how hard this can become. Making the decision was difficult but I have no doubt I haven't faced the hard part yet. Grabbing a handful of courage to not keep doing the same thing over and over. I do know that failure is not fun! However, it was fun to see the scales take a 1.5 lb drop this morning. I do not think it was from giving up sugar for one day though.
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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:42 am

I did WW low carb version and mornings were awful for me. As were lunches. I dreaded lunch time because I couldn't have anything I wanted. The first day or two, meat on a salad is OK but after a few days I start to crave bread.

When I cut gluten (as best I could) I refused to stop my breakfast cereal. I lost weight quite well on that but didn't keep it up because of the difficulty (I think I started traveling again.) I don't travel as much now, but that is the number one reason I can't keep to any specific eating plan. WW is the best but even that becomes difficult to follow when I'm faced with a menu I can't read, let alone know what the point value for reindeer is.

For me the carbs in the morning can't be just any carbs. I hate going out for breakfast because bacon, eggs, ham, hash browns, toast and juice will not fill me up. I'll feel overstuffed but 30 - 60 minutes later want something to eat despite having just eaten 3x the calories of my usual breakfast. There's both carb and protein in that but it has no effect on satiating me. The same with most cereal - so when I'm traveling and can't get my shredded wheat, I'm a wreck. Sure I can have raisin bran (that is almost universally available) or a muesli but neither have the 'no longer hungry' effect that shredded wheat gives me.

A good whole grain bread along with other stuff helps when there are no other choices but I prefer to buy cereal and bring it with me to breakfast at hotels.

At European breakfast buffets (where bringing my cereal isn't an option because it isn't sold) I'll have cold ham, veggies, pickles, hard boiled egg, fruit, tea, chocolate (I provide - not the Nutella), and cheese on whole grain crackers (toast is very rarely an option unless the hotel caters to Americans.) I have to eat a lot but that does stick with me. I just try to not worry about the calorie count since I'm on the road so am probably walking 3x as much as usual and can't snack on junk food since I'm either busy or I don't recognize anything worth snacking on.

If I was to choose a 'trendy' eating plan, No White would be my choice - no white flour, sugar, salt, rice. In other words cut the processed foods, no baked goods, cut the added sugar (I hardly have any as it is) and focus on whole grains if one is having grains. Some versions of that include no potatoes and no milk. I won't remove milk and I still think potatoes in some forms are healthy but I've stopped having dh's fried potatoes (which are divine!) because I often feel ill after due to the amount of olive oil he cooks them in.

Dh is another male who is skinny and eats carbs AND fat AND protein as if there's no tomorrow. Oh, and salt as well. He seldom gets any fruit (maybe 3x a week) and at most 1 serving of real veggies a day unless I make him a spinach salad which he drowns in dressing full of sugar. He drinks two cans of V8 (not low sodium) to keep me from complaining. His bowl of cereal is cheerios (sort of healthy) and frosted flakes (not), piled up to overflowing in the bowl. He drinks close to a quart of milk a day as well.

Yet his weight is pretty steady (he's up 3 lbs at the moment but after the move and 2 months of not doing his exercises that doesn't surprise me) and is still wearing clothes from 10+ years ago. Some are even loose on him since he's in better shape now than his early 40s when he was traveling all the time and not exercising at all.

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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby Harriet » Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:26 am

Nancy, I think maybe the B12 is helping me, too. Do you take yours at any particular time of day? I read that some people take Bs midday to avoid "the afternoon slump".

Smiling at Ramblin's reminder that Cruise recommends a dark chocolate square in the evening. I can remember my disbelief that Cruise thought that was supposed to be something I'd consider a dessert! :D That's why I like the muffin on my sugar-restricting days. (Disclaimer - not all my days are sugar-restricting. Ramblin' is WAY ahead of me on this lately. But I have my days.)

Muffin - adding wild frozen blueberries as you finish mixing does require more microwave time, so experiment with the time. The muffin is moister, then, which I like. Cruise says go ahead and put butter on, which I will sometimes do. Both these things will up calories, but neither defeats the purpose of limiting sugar so much that it derails anything, I don't think. Even so, I don't have this every day. Had one last evening to replace supper, actually, since we had a strange schedule. Comforting with tv and couch.

Kathryn, you have always done better on wheat than I have. I remember you enjoying shredded wheat. I don't think my body likes it. Oatmeal for breakfast suits me better. If I could quit burning it on the stove I would be a lot better off! :roll:

Egg breakfasts help me hold the calories down and avoid snack-attacks somewhat, but also conflict with trying to "keep everything moving" as Harmony so politely says. So, bottom line on my breakfasts is that I need to rotate them.

Trays of veggie sticks are my recent boon. Sometimes I get tired of fixing a salad every day and need time away from that visual. The sticks are easier to accept, then.

Was wowed at the grocery store line by the First mag and all the good health research info this month. If I get a chance maybe I'll mention some here. (Other people look at celebrity mags, I suppose - lol. I never know what the celebrities are doing.)

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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby Nancy » Tue Jul 29, 2014 2:09 pm

I took my meds. And supliments in to the doc. Office with me and need to take the b12 now! I need it. To help with stress. Beyond frustrated with info, about my meds. Now they cannot help me with the most expensive one like before. It is back to the same old same old scenario sigh. They lied to me is what it boils down to. Nothing is ever good enought! So much info about the new govt. Rules and regs. Takes up more time than the Acual doctoring.

Down four pounds one good thing.

I walked today at sunrise.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby FelineFriend » Tue Jul 29, 2014 4:28 pm

Eating's on track today.
Did yoga/stretches.
Walked 1/2 hour.

I'll also actively be doing housework and LOL today. :idea:
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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby Ramblinrose » Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:52 pm

Harriet...I gotta tell you I'm laughing at the thought of your burnt oatmeal. I changed to the instant kind for that very reason. I ate oatmeal for didn't make me hungry later in the day, then I switched to eggs and a piece of fruit..usually grapefruit.

I can't eat an entire skinny muffin at one sitting. It fills me up too much. However I save what is left over and eat it for a snack. I tend to alternate my muffin/egg breakfast for the same reasons you and Harmony so politely mentioned.


Sometimes when I'm working I completely skip my breakfast and don't eat until lunch. However when I last lost 40 lbs I ate a small breakfast, a larger lunch and a tiny dinner. Even now if I eat a large lunch, I am seldom hungry at dinner. Sweetie sometimes gets mad at me when he sees my dinner plate with little on it until I reminded him of what a large lunch I had. To be honest that would be my preferred way of eating cause my body seems happiest that way.

Bummer about your med/prescription problems Nancy...I'd be mad too
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