Health and Fitness, May 2017

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Re: Health and Fitness, May 2017

Postby Harmony » Sat May 13, 2017 11:50 am

Exercise does help with weight loss, regardless of what the study says. All that time buying exercise clothes, dressing in them and showering and re-dressing after the exercising, driving to the gym, time at the gym, driving to the park to run, all the time in front of the dvd exercising, all the time on the eliptical, well all that time we're not stuffing our faces!

So it's all about food, huh? Ok, low carb, low fat, high fat. Have they figured any of that out?

It's all so discouraging.

Anyway, yesterday I had to go for fasting bloodwork. I didn't have an appointment at the lab so I know they take me last after all the morning fasters. So I go late, almost 10:00. The night before when I limited food a bit and stopped eating before I usually do, I went to bed hungry. My stomach was actually growling. And I've been trying to eat better, salad and chicken for dinner... after the lab test I stopped at store on the way home and did a shopping. Home and unloaded.

Then I had a bowl of raisin bran. Apparently that triggered a low blood sugar. I didn't recognize it until after I slept a couple hours on the couch. Ate again and couldn't seem to get a handle on it. Went to bed and slept another couple hours. Didn't feel good until evening.

I think there's a reason I feel panicky when I limit calories. Maybe the hypoglycemia I've had off and on all my life is worse than I thought and maybe I can really feel it in the very beginning stages. Now there's something else to think about!

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Re: Health and Fitness, May 2017

Postby Nancy » Sun May 14, 2017 12:05 am

Walked w ddpg at dusk in a shower this evening after I was off duty.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May 2017

Postby Harriet » Tue May 16, 2017 11:02 am

Nancy, is the new childcare giving you more activity?

All that time buying exercise clothes, dressing in them and showering and re-dressing after the exercising, driving to the gym, time at the gym, driving to the park to run, all the time in front of the dvd exercising, all the time on the eliptical, well all that time we're not stuffing our faces!


The desert island would be protective for me, too, Kathryn. HRH is doing so well in many ways, but still looks at me as someone he wants to bring treats to. That's a problem for my weight loss. If he was on a desert island with me, the treats he could find to bring would be healthy ones.

Yesterday I managed to put all my little check marks in their spaces. That was the 3rd day in May that I made it.

Trying to have enough of a healthy starch at each meal that I have a pleasant feeling of fullness going, and don't crave. Brown rices, beans or tofu, whole grain of some kind (pasta, oatmeal), corn, potato of some kind, and just not put much oils on them. No oil at all if I can get away with it and still enjoy, avoiding the extra 120 calories per tbsp.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May 2017

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue May 16, 2017 12:08 pm

Last night's dinner was schnitzel and mashed potatoes or spatzle. Dd was buying ice cream for dessert. I went with her to the store and bought a bag of salad for a veggie and some berries to go on the ice cream. Just a way of making my dinner a bit more healthy.

She and I were laughing at my hope that I might loose weight on this road trip. Partly due to more walking and partly due to no snacking. If I can spend a small fortune in grocery stores on fresh fruits and veggies to have in the car with me, the having eggs and bacon at the hotel breakfast and then just meat and veggies for dinner, maybe I can avoid having too many carbs. Or at least the wrong kind of carbs. I'll pick up peanuts and cashews to have as well as my protein bars. But without as much access to junk food, especially once we are off the beaten track at several points along the trip, I might actually do OK. It is a matter of spending $5 for a bag of salad instead of $2 on an order of fries. Or spending $3 - 4 on cut fruit instead of $2 for bag of chips for a snack.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May 2017

Postby RunKitty » Tue May 16, 2017 2:28 pm

Harriet - The desert island sounds wonderful. However, when I first read your post, I thought you said "dessert" island! I'm sure none of us would do well on a dessert island!!
We went out to lunch yesterday and I had the most delicious salmon ever. If I'm going to have an occasional non-vegetarian meal, beautifully grilled salmon is a lovely change.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May 2017

Postby Nancy » Wed May 17, 2017 7:46 pm

My knee and back were sore Mon. After the gardenimg I did on the weekend.
I only watch the 2 kids every other week so hard to say on being more active. Today I did exercise in smaller segments between rain showers. I did some on exercise bike too.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May 2017

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue May 23, 2017 9:03 pm

My goal is impossible, but I want to lose 6 lbs on this 2 week trip.

So far the plan is working fairly well. I have eggs and meat for breakfast, maybe a small yogurt cup and a piece of whole wheat toast (no butter.) Glass of milk too.

Don't have a meal before dinner but have one packet of goldfish crackers and fruit and/or veggies.

Dinner, high protein, no bread if possible.

So far I've managed to avoid desserts, although I am having a piece of chocolate each day (either evening or morning.) Glass of milk after dinner.

Yesterday I shared a single scoop of ice cream with dh and had a tiny (0.5" square) piece of fudge.

I'm trying to get all my steps in each day and did stretches this morning.

We'll see how I do. Dh skipped on the onion rings on Saturday night because I couldn't share them. So maybe he'll eat a little better too.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May 2017

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri May 26, 2017 6:19 pm

My pants were getting loser and I had to tighten my belt a notch so thought I was losing weight. Then I put on my summer pants which I knew were tight and they were quite tight. So I'm guessing the looseness was from wearing my jeans for 6 days before washing again!

We'll see how things go tomorrow (the jeans are in the wash now!)

I'm having trouble avoiding lunches from a social point of view. With just dh and I it is fine but tomorrow we have a business lunch and then I would normally book dfs and wife for lunch but we've booked a museum instead. It is a little harder, not impossible, but something to learn. Tomorrow I will just have salad if that's an option.

I'm not hungry at lunch but then again, I shouldn't be. I'm basically having almost the same number of calories as breakfast and lunch, just at breakfast time. Then another 100 - 200 calories of veggies and fruit, and maybe another 100 - 200 of 'snack' food (nuts, popcorn, goldfish crackers.) I'm using portion control, weighing and moving the snack food into a small container rather than eat from the box/jar. Oh, and then there's the child-sized ice cream each day. It is more than enough to satisfy but I count it as a holiday treat so I don't feel deprived.

I'm not sure my actual calories will be down. Certainly, yesterday and today, my dinner calories were fairly high (over 700). I'm interested to see if my habits will change and what the results will be when I get home.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May 2017

Postby helia » Mon May 29, 2017 5:55 pm

Maybe I can post my weekly plans here? Each week, I make an exercise plan.

I usually talk over my work out plan for the week with dh. This week, I'm running a 10K on Sunday, so he thinks I should taper down this week and rest both Friday and Saturday. It's only a 10K, but I'll follow his advice.

Dh is running the half marathon on Sunday. Apparently, he starts his race at 8:30. He has booked a flight to Japan that leaves the airport about a 30 minute drive from here at 12:30 or 1 pm. I think he's a bit crazy. That is too tight for my comfort. :roll: He thinks he can make it.

So, my plan for this week:
M - 4 miles flat
T - arb hill (2.33 miles) -- just one time/ yoga @ 5:30
W - walk with dfriend B; not strenuous but b/c of time and heat in the afternoon, I can't run this day.
Th - 2 miles flat
Sun - 10K Run!

Also: I need to do my rigorous stretches more regularly, ideally every day other than yoga day.

I'd like to work on losing weight. I've gained about 1.5 lbs over the last 2 weeks. Being lighter will help my running. I'm not overweight, and am lighter than I was last fall - but the weight can so quickly creep back. And food just tastes SO good! My greater goal is to be 10 lbs. lighter by the time of the half marathon in October. That means I'll weigh less than 140; not sure that is realistic at this age. I'm a bit over 5'7".

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Re: Health and Fitness, May 2017

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon May 29, 2017 9:50 pm

With all the running you are doing, should you be relying on the scale or measurements, Helia? If you are building muscle then the scales won't be reflecting your progress.

I have to remember that toned at 140 is better than just 132 but flabby. Of course, at this point I'm well away from flabby and 140. I'm almost 40 pounds away from that unless this trip has been excellent for weight loss (unlikely!)

My steps are under my 10K for today. I hate starting the week off in a deficit but that's the way it goes.

We are seriously considering abandoning the rest of the trip after tomorrow and just heading home. We'll can do it as a 2 or 3 day drive depending on the weather forecasts.

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