Health and Fitness, February, 2018

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:51 am

I have done my 30 min. On the stationary bike this morning.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby RunKitty » Mon Feb 19, 2018 3:38 pm

Wow, Ramblinrose. That's a great weight loss. Congrats on that and on beginning your exercise program too. I get up at 6:30 and go for my run, so I'll be with you in spirit.

LadyM, I'm so glad the OA program is working well for you. No binges is wonderful. You have eliminated the foods that cause cravings for most people: white flour, white sugar, white potatoes, and corn. They are all high on the glycemic scale and really mess with the blood sugar levels. Keeping blood sugar level eliminates cravings. I've found that adding the spiritual component to healthy eating is really the key for me. Your 12 step program sounds wonderful. Congratulation for being free of the binges.

I'm currently at a lower weight than I was last year when I stopped working at a physically challenging job and started sitting around too much. And I made it through November and December which are my usual depressing months. Thanks to Harriet for issuing a challenge in November. I'm really grateful to have lost the weight and a lot of the depression as well. And I'm growing some microgreens!!

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby Harriet » Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:34 am

Happy for LadyM, especially in learning and understanding.

Ramblin' have a good time with all those workout choices. It's nice to have a "library" of video instruction. I sometimes get started on one workout, stop and think about it, and change my mind mid-warmup for any number of reasons. That's a lot better than feeling boxed into a certain one. You can do your own alternating thing with your own ideas of what you want to accomplish.

RunKitty, that is very kind of you to say. I am sure I needed to rein in my November, to keep health needs in focus for a busy time. Fun with sprouting. :) Here, we wait watchfully for the bean sprouts, which just can't mature fast enough for HRH, lol. I am more the broccoli sprouts person, seeing the benefit of sprinkling on our salads more than he does. They are pretty and delicate, so he has to remind himself this is not just decorative but good for him.

I had another small loss today at the scale, even though I had to get up and weigh so much earlier than usual. As long as that's the trend, I am content. White potatoes last evening, which never seems to matter to weight loss for me. Potatoes are so full of fiber and great for satiety, with a lot to offer in nutrition. We have them at supper about every other day. (I alternate with some kind of sweet potato on my other evenings.) I don't cook in seasoning, but use it on the surface only. The gold or red ones or "baby" potatoes are favorites for me, but HRH is a russet guy.

On bread, ya'll remember me having to un-friend white flour long ago because of water retention, etc. We are still on the "outs". :lol: HRH and I get our grains from variety rices and variety whole cereals more than anywhere else lately. However, a true (or close to true) whole grain bread on my counter is welcome - I enjoy real rye, HRH likes the "Dave's" type multi-seed, multi-grain. We do have buns for sandwiches at times, and although from the healthy deli, they're not going to convince anyone that they are a true whole grain. But as long as that's a rare thing, it doesn't seem to bother us.

I realize that I am blessed that plant-based sweeteners that don't actually affect blood don't seem to make me crave more sweets. I will find myself thinking about a starch at the next meal, but not a sweet. Beans and rices, etc. HRH has a sugar mind-set and has convinced himself he tastes the difference if any sweetener is not sugar, and he's set in his ways - so he just doesn't do sweetened things, unless a plan for something after supper.

Lynlee, how are your classes/instruction going? Have you got the transportation timing down so you can enjoy it?

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby Lynlee » Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:02 pm

I went to my 2nd tai chi class today Harriet.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:30 am

Yeah Lynnlee... hope you had a great time.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:46 am

I did arms on the total gym, 5 min. On the gazelle, and 30 min. On the stat bike tonite while I watched ice skating.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Feb 21, 2018 8:41 am

What fun to come here and read about trials and successes! I find it very inspirational and motivating.

I had a non-scale victory when I slipped into a smaller size of pants yesterday. They are tight around the waist but not uncomfortable. I am .1 (ONE TENTH) away from losing 20 lbs over the past year. 6 lbs of that have been lost since starting OA.

My insane cravings came back yesterday for the first time since giving up the trigger foods. The cravings didn't happen at night like they used to but in the afternoon. I managed to not binge eat but it required 'white knuckling" it for several hours. It didn't help that DH was eating chips during this time. He would have been appalled if he knew it was bothering me, but I didn't tell him. I could see, smell and hear the chips being eaten. I used to be an uncontrollable chip-o-holic so chips are most definitely a big trigger for me, but I have been okay with being around chips lately.....until yesterday. I was frustrated to have those craving return. It wasn't until this morning that the light bulb realization happened......I forgot to package my fat serving for lunch yesterday. We were traveling during lunch so I just ate what I had packaged and didn't think about it. The desire to binge eat a few hours after lunch yesterday had a true reason. This realization brought me so much relief. Eating proper portions and all food groups works for me WHEN I DON'T FORGET to eat them.

My OA group allows both white & sweet potatoes and I am able to eat them without a problem. My portion size of a potato is 4 oz so there isn't a huge hit with the blood sugar. It is also always eaten with a protein and vegetables. Before starting OA, I had no idea the portion size I was eating of potatoes. I thought one potato was a serving and didn't realize that was over 2x too much. I have learned to like my potatoes plain or with a little salt & pepper. I find it sorta strange to be learning the taste of food. For years, I have been tasting the condiments on them, not the food itself.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby RunKitty » Wed Feb 21, 2018 1:21 pm

That is so interesting, Lady M. Your body was actually craving the good fat that you had forgotten to eat for lunch. It would have gotten plenty of fat from the chips, but no real nutrition. So happy you were able to resist the chips and figure out why the urge to binge had returned.
I agree with you and Harriet about the white potatoes having enough nutritional benefits to merit a place in our diets. And having them with protein, fiber from vegetables, and some fat makes a big difference in the way they affect blood sugar levels.
I meant to mention that I watched the video of the two ladies talking about making salad dressings. Well, I watched a few minutes of it before I got restless and had to go on to something else....(I don't do well with videos usually.....short attention span or something...) Anyway, i was able to tweak the recipe for the dressing I have been making for years (which I got from Bill Rodgers, a marathoner) and eliminated most of the fat. It still tastes as good and I get fat in my lunch salad from avocados, olives, and a few almonds.
It's good to see so many checking in and sharing all their successes. :)

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:06 am

I'm fascinated with LadyM's realization about cravings. I'll need to watch that for myself.

I had one binge day this week. I had had two low calorie (still over 1200) days and then stress worry and wanted to eat everything in sight. It helps that the food in sight all had nutrition (except the goldfish crackers which I consider neutral but they are single serving packages so I limited myself to one.)

For high fat and healthy snacks we have lots of nuts so I must remember that. I have also brought in raisins to substitute for jelly beans I used to keep in the car. During rush hour drives, I found I was eating too many of those so they are gone and not replaced. I still have to package them into measured packages. I have moment now so will go do that. Yes, raisins are full of sugar but they have other nutrients that jelly beans are missing and seem sweeter so fewer will do, despite them being so much smaller than a jelly bean.

I think I'm down another pound so I have one to go by the end of the month. I can't imagine actually making that goal by Thursday but it is there and I'll keep at it. That would be 8 pounds for February which, given it is 3 days short of a month, is very aggressive. From this point onward, my goals are 6 pounds a month which is my normal weight-loss rate. That won't get me to my goal weight by my birthday but I might get to 'healthy weight' on the BMI scale. My goal for March is to get to "overweight" and leave "obese" behind forever.

Already my energy is up and I'm losing weight visibly from my stomach area. Last night my non-scale victory was a night gown that fit again. It had become too tight across the belly.

My normal shape includes a waist but massive hips, thighs and butt. Losing my waist was what made me realize I was obese.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby Harriet » Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:56 pm

Last evening HRH made sweet potato fries in the Air Fryer. Very good.

My hormone-dr appt was fine. She is usually an easy one - she's an optimistic and encouraging person. She always asks about my sleep, which I seldom think about. She wants a phone call if my sleep changes (maybe has to do with monitoring thyroid, ??.)

BP is getting lower with each 6-month check-up, she tells me - happy about that. I'm questioning the accuracy of either my scale or theirs. At 4:30 p.m. their scale weighed me at my morning weight, which should be impossible (clothing, meals, hydration should have increased it).

Happy to hear about smaller middle, Kathryn.

Good weight success, LadyM.

I had forgotten you have a total gym, Nancy. Bet you enjoy that.

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