Health and Fitness, October 2018

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Health and Fitness, October 2018

Postby Harriet » Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:55 am

How is your health journey going? Have you had any successes, learned about your needs and how your body works?

What are the new plans, the goals, the schedules you are paying attention to for October?

Do you have a calendar event coming up, which may inspire you to greater fitness?

We'd love to hear and encourage!

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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2018

Postby RunKitty » Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:58 pm

Thanks, Harriet, for the information about exercise in the September thread.

I have 11 months of running first thing in the morning for two or more miles. I wanted to get that habit back. I missed doing it when I was working full-time. My weight is staying under goal weight with no special effort. I am using the Daily Dozen to remind myself to make the healthiest choices, as in, "how can I make this meal healthier?" It's all working together and I feel really good about it.

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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2018

Postby Harriet » Fri Oct 05, 2018 3:18 pm

RunKitty, that is soooooo smart. 11 months, so you are close to a year anniversary of your healthy habit. :idea:

Visit regarding my thyroid was enlightening, and I thought some of us here might be interested. My TSH level had increased to 2.2, so doctor recommends increasing my dosage. (With TSH, it's sort of read in reverse : the higher the number the less your own current thyroid-plus-supplement is keeping up with needs. She also tests T4 and T3.). She says the longer she is in practice, the more she believes optimal TSH is 1.8 or lower. So, even though she wouldn't bother beginning treatment for someone who came in initially with 2.2, since I'm already being treated there's no reason not to get mine closer to an ideal. I'm on Armour, so I'll be going from 60mg to 90 for 6 weeks, and she'll test again to see how things look.

Points she made:
Optimizing TSH can mean more energy and stronger metabolism.
while waiting the morning 30 minutes after taking a thyroid pill, don't even have coffee, only water - doesn't matter how much water.

I asked her about the use of the word metabolism, and she said think of it as how efficiently you burn calories as they come in to your system. I asked her what makes the TSH number go up after years of staying about the same, and she said an aging thyroid. (that's pretty straightforward, lol.)

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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2018

Postby Nancy » Fri Oct 05, 2018 3:26 pm

Did get some steps while shopping 1st today and 5 min. On the stat. Bike.

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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2018

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Oct 06, 2018 11:39 am

Very interesting on the thyroid appointment, Harriet. I sometimes wonder about mine. I'm very religious about taking my L-thyroxine 50mcg only with water and waiting at least the half hour before having anything else -coffee, other meds, breakfast, etc. I had to go back and look at my results from July 19th. My TSH was at 3.99 then (standard it says is .27-4.20. And my T4 was 1.4 (standard is .9-1.7). Know I asked Dr then if I needed to take a higher dose and so far she says, no. I go next week for labs so will be very interested to see what my counts are at that point.
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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2018

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:58 am

Went for my lab work this morning. Interesting thing was the secretary asked me if I was getting my thyroid tested. Uh yeah, I believe so. I'm very interested in seeing what that result is. Will let you know after I see the results (probably tomorrow), Harriet.
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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2018

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:09 pm

Sat. I walked with kid N and the dog.
Sunday did some on the exercise bike and walked dog at the fish pond.

Low reading #66 this morning eat and went back to bed.

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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2018

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Oct 16, 2018 11:14 am

Okay, Harriet -got my test results: my TSH has gone up to 5.4 and T4free is 1.5. That # seems to stay at 1.4 or 1.5. In July my TSH was 4.5. Seems like that # is slowly climbing again. Know I was at 10.92 when she put me on the T-med. Started at 25mcg. I'm now taking 50mcg of L-thyroxine. My Dr. in FL last year had told me to take 1 extra pill on my 'busiest day of the week'. But Dr here said she didn't think it was necessary. Now to see if she increases it at all. Know I'm really taking a pretty small dose.

Optimizing TSH can mean more energy and stronger metabolism.
Oh I would love that!
while waiting the morning 30 minutes after taking a thyroid pill, don't even have coffee, only water - doesn't matter how much water.
Never realized I could keep drinking water afterwards, Harriet. Hmmmm…..
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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2018

Postby Harriet » Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:50 pm

I hope she tweaks it for you, Dee. Yes, I even said to her, what if I drank my morning pint of water at that moment with the pill if I was in a hurry for some reason. She said it would make no difference one way or another. I don't know anything about amounts of meds except the Armour I take. I know HRH's mom has been at 90mg on Armour for a long time so she wouldn't think it was a big deal for me to be. I don't know what that "translates" to in other meds. I did notice it cost more this time, but I guess I'm just so used to everything costing more, that I didn't even question it.

I will admit that Teresa T's death has kinda "done a number" on me, mentally, with an odd sort of grieving. Dd38 feels it, too. Not a personal loss, but the loss of the very ladylike, cheerful person I "worked out with" so regularly and often for 18 years. I've had a hard time going back to the videos. A lot of people are participating in a 61-straight-days workout series in her memory (she was 61), but that isn't for me. For one thing, she would have been against it. She was a strong proponent of taking days off, recommending every-other-day, or 4 workouts a week. I'm sure that slowly I'll get back to the workouts and make them my own again.

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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2018

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:21 am

I'm hoping she 'tweaks' my med too, Harriet. I'll let you know after I visit her today. Have an appointment with the office's 'care manager' right after that appointment. The gal who was in that position has moved and we had really become quite close. She made a point of asking her replacement to catch up to me. Nice! Makes me feel so at home there.
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