Health and Fitness August, 2021

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Re: Health and Fitness August, 2021

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Aug 08, 2021 7:17 pm

I stare at the data trying to make sense of it. It just does not make sense when I watch it day-to-day.

Earlier this week I ate 5 pieces of pizza and cake.....the next morning I lost .8lbs.
Yesterday I ate 1348 calories ...... this morning I gained .8 lbs.
Both of those days are just not logical!

When I look at the chart showing calories over the past 116 days, it shows that I am slowly learning how to be more consistent.

The chart showing weight loss is still painfully slow (each line is 5 lbs). I have to keep reminding myself to be patient and not to give up.
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Re: Health and Fitness August, 2021

Postby Ramblinrose » Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:47 am

Low carbs is working out much better for sweet attacks. Yesterday was a much better day, thank goodness!
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Re: Health and Fitness August, 2021

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Aug 11, 2021 11:43 am

Doing better with sugar cravings so finding it much better staying on my eating plan. Still need to get more water and steps in. Off to get on my glider :D
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Re: Health and Fitness August, 2021

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Aug 11, 2021 1:19 pm

I'm not trying to do low carb but it sorta happens that my carbs usually stay below 100g daily. Last week I averaged 65g carbs a day.

I am finding keeping my protein % up is a learning challenge. If I eat things that have low protein then it messes up my % and it is very difficult to recover before the end of the day. I think of it as being similar to a mind game. Can I eat this or that and still make my daily protein % goal?

I use berries (strawberries and/or blueberries) as my sweet thing. Sometimes I add a squirt of Spray Whipping Cream on top of it.

I am still winning at being the slowest loser. **Frustrating** If I continue at my current weight loss rate I will reach my weight goal by the end of the year. I'm trying to keep looking forward and not get discouraged by how slow it is happening.

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Re: Health and Fitness August, 2021

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:27 am

I baked a store bought thin crust pizza for Sweetie last night. Never bought this before. The crust was paper thin and crisped up in the oven. I decided to try a small piece and it was good. That will be my weekly cheat. I had 4 ozs of baked chicken early along with a salad. For a snack I at 16 almonds and breakfast was one of my skinny muffins which I adore. It’s made with ground flax seed and almond flour and cooked in a coffee cup in the microwave wave.

I bought new to me 85% coca bars and they are quite good. Best of all I only need a tiny bit and it quells my sugar cravings.
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Re: Health and Fitness August, 2021

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:32 am

Since last Thursday with my stomach/hernia being so wonky my eating has been off. Some plain chicken, a few scrambled eggs, several pieces of bread, not toast, yogurt and saltine crackers have been the only things I can eat.

Have a difficult time drinking so it’s been peppermint tea and some water and not much more. Once I’m over this I’ll get back on track.
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Re: Health and Fitness August, 2021

Postby Harriet » Wed Aug 18, 2021 12:57 pm

Hi. I exist among the chaos! I've lost 5 pounds while moving. Can personally attest that all of our villagers who have moved over the years were AMAZING to be able to keep posting much at all, much less regular meals. I can't "find" the kitchen well, for one thing. At this point, there are 3 large boxes still waiting to be unpacked in there and at least that much - at least! - is waiting on me to move it from the other house. That's just the kitchen, btw. LR is box city. We have had many hurry-up-and-wait moments, especially HRH's eye again. Appts piled up. But also cooking is tough when learning a smaller kitchen, everything else needs to be done, and you forget who's eaten and who hasn't while you hurry.

Somewhere in the mix, my shoulder has gotten even a little better than the improvement I already told you guys about. I don't do anything fast with it, believe me, but I can reach for the ceiling and I can stand with hand on hip convincingly. I can just almost clasp my hands behind my back a la Teresa Tapp again.

Having dd41 here close has reminded us both how much we miss current exercise news since Teresa has passed away. We used to chat about it at a distance, of course, but now notice even more that it's out of the picture. We both have all the videos we could desire, of course, and there are trainers who make youtube videos. They are super good, but it's interesting that they don't have the persona that really gives you a kick in the rear, lol. They're not demanding in the pleasant way she was. Dd is such a nose-to-the-grindstone person that she is more consistent and encourages me. My set-up for videos is in the bedroom and works fine - miss the thick carpet for floorwork!

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Re: Health and Fitness August, 2021

Postby Harmony » Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:20 am

LadyM, I love the weight / calories charts. My medical file from Dr. has a graph-type chart of weight done every 6 months as that's when I go and weigh-in and it's interesting to see the line go up and down. Yours has more info.

I lost weight, probably 5 lbs when we moved in here. I remember I organized my kitchen first and then worked on the rest and I suspect I just did not have time to snack.

I do much better when I keep records. But I've been struggling to do that consistently, so I don't make much progress.

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Re: Health and Fitness August, 2021

Postby Harriet » Mon Aug 30, 2021 1:21 pm

I am with you on that, Harmony. I am running out of time so often these days that record keeping falls by the wayside. I try to get out a bowl for a big salad every day to insure I'll put salad in it! Most times I manage it.

DD41 signed up with one of those companies that brings you less attractive produce to your door. So far she likes it. All the produce has been tasty and fresh so far, maybe not pretty.

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Re: Health and Fitness August, 2021

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Aug 30, 2021 3:42 pm

I had an NSV (non Scale Victory) today. It is silly but it gives me motivation and inspiration to continue the weight loss effort.

I was busy teaching homeschool but had to take a quick break to pee. My brain wasn't paying attention to what I was doing but instead, it was still focused on the homeschool lesson and thinking about how to teach the next segment. I was washing my hands when I realized........I didn't unbutton and unzip my jeans! The jeans are so loose that I just slide them down and back up. These are the same jeans that I was wearing when I was 17 lbs heavier (4 months ago). These jeans used to be super tight and uncomfortable but now they are approaching the about-to-fall-off danger point. #GoodProblems
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