Health and Fitness, June, 2010

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2010

Postby Indiana » Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:48 am

Lilac I haven't taken insulin. But I do know a few things.

You are doing tight control - I'm not sure if you are doing it deliberately or not. But it is ideal to do it at least for Type 1. I was doing it when taking my meds while for Type 2. It meant I had to eat at certain times so I wouldn't have lows and test myself before driving. I also neede to be consistent with exercise.

Your doctor's recommendation makes sense in that he is gradually modifying your medw to get you on the mark and not bouncing all over trying different things.

Now I don't do tight control I just eat right and exercise (stretch).

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2010

Postby Lilac » Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:59 pm

This morning dd1 and I walked. Dd2 wanted us to go to neighboring town but her ex wants her to pick the boys up at 1:00, so we postponed our trip until next Sat. So I decided I would also mow. I thought I would treat myself to a cappacino. Between that and my breakfast my BS was 373 when I got ready to mow. Yikes! I thought that would surely cover my mowing. I had about 1/6 of the lawn left and although I didn't feel low, I kept getting the vibe to go check it. When I did, it was 30!!!!!! I remember thinking while I was getting the vibe to check it, that I'm almost done, it can wait. Then I remember thinking don't be stupid, just do it. So I shut down the mower and did it. I still shudder to think of what might have happened if I would have waited.

When I recovered from the low, I went out and quickly finished the mowing. Came in and ate lunch. Now I just feel wiped out. I had never hit 30 before. Last Saturday I hit 39 and I was just doing yardwork. It didn't feel like I was working hard. It scared my dh, he said I was as white as milk. He spent the rest of the day watching my every move.

It seems like every time I think I have it figured out, it changes. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to my BS numbers. The site that Nancy recommended has a lot of info and maybe I can find answers there.

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2010

Postby Nancy » Fri Jun 04, 2010 7:53 pm

Joshlin Diabetes Center has a web site also.
I hear what your are saying about the b.s. all over the place,
that is normal when you are newly diagnosed.

I was all sweaty took mine 192 so it must have been the weather or a hot flash definitely not a low. Just after dining out a couple hours doc. said not to be surprised if it hits [200-250 then]
So I got out the stroller and dgd & I took our walk. [I keep candy, smarties in my pocket.]

There is a book out called using insulin I think it's by John Walsh I've seen others recommend, I guess I need to read it.

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2010

Postby Lilac » Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:00 pm

Nancy, I was diagnosed 2/2/09. I was initially put on insulin but was titrated off of it and put on J anumet. That worked reasonably well until Dec. 09. I have had a thyroid problem for 33 years and it messed up and in turn messed with my diabetes. Even though my A1C have been good, I never figured out how from the way my BS was running. Then in April the BS numbers were high daily. Then he started me on V ictoza, which was supposed to stimulate my pancreas to release insulin, if I had any. That didn't work so he put me on insulin May 24. I had another low tonight 44. Those lows can really wipe you out.

I will check out the Joslin site. Thanks for all the support and info Nancy.

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2010

Postby Nancy » Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:59 am

Found an interesting blog a dad is writing about their experience
the daughter has type 1;

For tracking #'s, meds. and stuff a couple of websites with plans might help:
just found the one above have not used it. ... odno=14296
I've used the above one like it then after a year just do a loose leaf note book
so H. can see what I've eaten and taken for meds. I'd like to do it on line but h. is not cyber savy so kept to pen and paper info. it's come in handy when e.m.t.'s come and when we call the doc.

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2010

Postby Nancy » Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:31 pm

Went to a church reception one of those things I used at avoid 'cause there would not be any thing on my eating program, but this time I was able to deal with it in diff. way I ate first, then
avoided the sugary punch and cake there.

Went through my summer clothes a few sniffles as I loaded too small fav. dresses etc. in the car trunk for donations.

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2010

Postby Harriet » Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:50 am

((Nancy)) for letting fav clothes go.

Thanks to Indiana for further insights.

Noticing Lynlee mentions less fatigue - that's great.

With all the walking during the weekend (1 mile planned walk with dd30, and then a shopping trip) I'm sure I more than reached my exercise goal last week.

Salmon is on my mind, having heard so much good about it recently. Am researching healthier recipes for salmon patties. I know that entree is so very good for my family, but I have always put in bread crumbs. I found a recipe that substitutes "oat bran", so I'll try to find some. Canned salmon is both inexpensive and super good for you. My mother made a "skillet meal" of salmon and egg that I plan to replicate again, and I think it is very like the first recipe in this 1915 cookbook. The book is so interesting - look at the instructions for opening a can in 1915, for instance.

2 hours per week goal
wk of June 7
Monday - 30 mins (first 15 and last 15 of total workout)

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2010

Postby Nancy » Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:10 pm

Harriet thanks for the hug I needed that!
I'm hoping I find other clothes that I like just as well that fit.

BS was up a bit in the afternoon,
then I took a walk after dinner and it was down
I got a snack before bed.

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2010

Postby Harriet » Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:25 pm

Today I was able to check off all 14 Healthy Habits. That is rare so I'm pleased. But I must admit it is partly because I haven't been feeling well for a couple days. If parts of that are related to something I can change health-wise, I'm determined to try.

2 hours per week goal
wk of June 7
Monday - 30 mins (first 15 and last 15 of total workout)
Wednesday - 30 mins of total workout

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2010

Postby Nancy » Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:26 am

Way to go Harriet!
Got my walk in between showers yesterday.

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