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Re: What I Ate and Didn't Eat in November

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:48 pm
by Lynlee


Re: What I Ate and Didn't Eat in November

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:59 am
by Indiana
Sunday was healthy covering all the food groups and eating.

Breakfast - 2 poached eggs, 1/2 english muffin, 2 slices bacon and milk
Snack - frozen grapes
Lunch - Chicken noodle soup, crackers with peanut butter, apple and cherry tomatoes
Snack - warm applesauce
Dinner - sliced egg sandwich, cherry tomatoes, carrots, celery and an orange
Snack - warm applesauce, milk and 2 cookies

Re: What I Ate and Didn't Eat in November

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:40 pm
by Nancy
Had half of slice of ice cream pie at dgd bday party last night.

Re: What I Ate and Didn't Eat in November

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:55 pm
by Harriet
Report from those treating tummies with kid gloves: ;)
Every morning I am having a smoothie of as many fruits as I can muster, usually fresh banana, and frozen blueberries, cherries, peach, with just a few blackberries (little hard bits sometimes remain so I don't like too many). I put a little almond milk with it. Sometime through the day I try to have a salad.

We try to have a simple meat or fish once a day without many additional foods at the same meal, red meat very rarely - today it was pork roast, which is not the best choice but variety. One oddity I have learned seems good for me is Lo Mein. I know that sounds odd, but it is rice more or less, and has healthy oil, veggies. For some reason it makes me feel well. Also shrimp salad seems good for me. I sometimes am having Eggplant Parmesan heavy on the eggplant, easy on the sauce/cheese.

Treats are peanut M&Ms, which also strangely don't hurt me. A daily brazil nut. Popsicle if dessert is wanted. I stop eating at 8 without fail.

Re: What I Ate and Didn't Eat in November

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 4:50 pm
by Nancy
Harriet blue berries is one of those high acid foods that I can not tolerate.

I found oat meal scotchies dough is only 11 carbs. so had one for breakfast today.

Re: What I Ate and Didn't Eat in November

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 5:16 pm
by Indiana
I have been doing very well in eating. I am getting all my good groups in except I was low on starch, which is fine. Eating once again is really making a difference in how I feel. I did have one day I didn't eat as much as I should have but it was only one day.

Although I'm not eating right to drop pounds it is a nice side effect I am eating to be healthy. I was surprised at the 5-pound loss at the doctor. I weigh myself daily to see if I gain water but I only keep track of plus and minus for three days. So week to week, I don't know if I have gained or lost except for my clothes.