Health and Fitness February, 2012

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Re: Health and Fitness February, 2012

Postby Harriet » Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:31 am

Oh, wow, that is both an amazement and a sadness about your dsisil, Kathryn. She sounds like an all-or-nothing personality, for sure. Losing so much so fast would take the kind of toll on the body that would happen if you faced some terrible famine. Yes, I can imagine hormones would be off-kilter, and I hope she is eating some carbs - she can get into real health trouble without any.

I will admit to you that I've heard the word "shred" but had to look it up to be sure of meaning. I found everything from Linux to political discussion and had to plug in "30-day" to get fitness results. I now see that the phrase may have actually been coined by Jillian and that she's done a few videos about it and there is a "sisterhood" and there are "shredheads". Who knew! I used to be well-versed in what was out there in video workouts and subscribed to Collage video's little magazine back in the day. When I settled in to T-Tapp I kind of dropped out of that loop. Your sister's experience sounds much more healthy and if it means she is leaving a cane behind, that is fantastic. I hope they can find a middle ground and reconnect.

I think the BL producers wanted to have the "good trainer, bad trainer" idea in viewers heads there for a while, to spark interest in the show. Bob would be so sensible and happy, and then Jillian would come in like gang-busters and shock everyone with a lot of wide-eyed screaming. That was when they started showing the people running outside and vomiting, too. That may not have been her real persona - who knows. I haven't watched in a few seasons, but this video with Bob reminds me of the earlier days of the show, when Bob and Kim were smiling and bringing everyone along together - I don't think I would enjoy a Jillian-dominated video experience!

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Re: Health and Fitness February, 2012

Postby OKay » Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:54 am

Feb week 1 accountablity -

Success -
** Stayed on target with C25k. Did the 4 routines from this week. I admit they were simple and easily done. This week was about establishing the firm commitment to do them and get me into the routine of exercise.
** Ate fresh vegetables from garden 4 days this week (radishes, collard greens, turnips and turnip greens). There is plenty of lettuce that needs to be picked so that will be another fresh vegetable I add in the near future.
** Liquid intake is staying on target

Improvement needed -
** I'm not losing weight like I want. Grrrr In fact my weight is headed in wrong direction :shock:

Correction to met goal -
this week I will write down what I eat. Not going to track calories, carbs, etc - just write foods/drinks down so I am more aware.

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Re: Health and Fitness February, 2012

Postby Nancy » Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:55 pm

Today's goal eat more veggies & walk hoping dgson will do that with me today may be in the field. :mrgreen:

Last night when I peeked in the thrift shop after it was closed last night did not see the elliptical machine I'd been toying with the idea of getting it. Took a tiny half block walk w dgson. Had to do my exercise on the exercise bike after dark. Happy to report bs was very good this morning! :mrgreen:
Last edited by Nancy on Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:27 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness February, 2012

Postby Harriet » Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:49 pm

30 minutes tonight - warm up, 1st workout and cool down of Biggest Loser Bootcamp Workout.
Feb 1 25 mins
Feb 2 30 mins
Feb 3 30 mins
Feb 4 30 mins
= 1 hour, 55 minutes so far this month.

Chatting about videos made me go over to the Collage video site. You can watch clips of every workout video they suggest. Very interesting to see. Somehow, I lost a video from about 14-15 years ago that I really liked but of course they don't have it there - theirs are new. But seeing the new titles from the same folks made me spend a little time at ebay and Amazon seeing if I could find it! I wrote down a few at Collage I wouldn't mind having, but I don't know. I may be ready to get back to T-Tapp any time now.

I have eaten too much today. Hopefully, I'll get back on track soon. I think it had to do with having dstepson here and making sure he was well fed.

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Re: Health and Fitness February, 2012

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:32 am

Skipped workout yesterday and ate too much. Those two facts are sort of related - I had to make an impossible bacon pie and muffins before we left for church at 9 so the house smelled great (bacon, muffins) and I had to test a muffin before we left.

Church was a brunch and I ate relatively well but not great. No dessert because it was a brunch which was a bonus. On the other hand, the main courses were quiche and bacon pie, hashbrown casserole of some sort and ham plus there were lots of muffins and biscuits. One fruit tray. I came home with only one muffin (which I ate after my rest.)

Dinner was leftover shepherd's pie. Looking back over the day, I didn't have too many snacks so I probably did ok on the day except not enough veggies (just 5, barely.)

The fridge is getting empty. I have one package of bacon left (we buy 4 at a time from C ostco) but that may end up in the freezer. Cheese is also almost gone (but can go in the freezer.) There are 4 eggs to eat up and some veggies but not too many. The meals for the rest of the week should eat up almost everything. Dh has Chinese tomorrow night. Tonight is stuffed pork chops. The last night is steak. That should use up almost all the potatoes but the rest will be stored in the fridge to see if they'll keep. To buy loose cost 2+x as much as buying 10 lbs so we bought them last week and had the shepherd's pie which uses a lot.

My freezer is getting empty too but I have almost everything I need for both Feb and March meals. So I don't have to buy as soon as I get home, I can wait for sales. The freezer has been over packed for a long time so I'm glad we are eating our way through it. The pantry cupboard is doing better too although I still mistakes and overstock, but it is much better than it was last spring when I tossed a green garbage bag of food.

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Re: Health and Fitness February, 2012

Postby Harriet » Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:29 am

Kathryn, unless I deliberately choose a big salad every day, I have a harder time getting enough veggies. Lately I've been putting avocado on tossed salad and yesterday added lentils on top. Salads help me add in more veggies - without much prep time - to a day that is not stacking up in the veggie dept.

30 minutes tonight - warm up, 1st workout and cool down of Biggest Loser Bootcamp Workout.
Feb 1, 25 mins
Feb 2, 30 mins
Feb 3, 30 mins
Feb 4, 30 mins
Feb 6, 30 mins
= 2 hours, 25 minutes so far this month.

Decided to go ahead and work out Sun night to get 4 of the BL workouts in before Monday, so that could complete a week (needs to be 4 workouts). Now calling Mondays the start of new weeks I can continue "on calendar" if I want to stick with their idea.

Ds26 came by and chatted about video workouts with me. He and his workout buddies (coworkers) are finishing up a weight training series and go back into P90X together next. He says there are some parts of P90X he does not do because of some previous injuries and he wouldn't recommend it to me - I was thinking he might say that. He says the weight lifting parts are fine with him but he avoids some of the cardio, which is jarring to the back and he wouldn't want anyone who's ever had their back to go "out" on them (like his mother) doing it. He was very impressed that my dr has achieved 4 straight years of it and was going to tell his buddies, who are all 25 or 30 years younger than my dr. I advised him to find out in advance the likely time they'll be working out and drink a pint of water during the previous hour.

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Re: Health and Fitness February, 2012

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:34 pm

I did my walk yesterday.

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Re: Health and Fitness February, 2012

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:31 am

Back went out while on treadmill so I had to give up my walk this morning since slowing down and decreasing the incline didn't help me 'walk it off'. I was limping too much to make it worthwhile. I'm always afraid that if I push myself when I'm limping badly that I'll pull some other part of my body.

No idea what's up, do have to walk today from the hair cut to doctor appointment but that's well under a mile.

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Re: Health and Fitness February, 2012

Postby Harriet » Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:07 am

((Kathryn)) I know how you feel. On the one hand, you don't want this to define your day but on the other you want to be protective enough. I hope it's over quickly.

Nancy, had the eliptical been sold already? It's hard to decide to purchase an exercise machine or supplies. We've been hemming and hawing about a purchase quite a while here. Eventually the right decision comes along.

30 minutes last night - warm up, 1st workout and cool down of Biggest Loser Bootcamp Workout.
Feb 1, 25 mins
Feb 2, 30 mins
Feb 3, 30 mins
Feb 4, 30 mins
Feb 5, 30 mins
Feb 6, 30 mins
= 2 hours, 55 minutes so far this month.

OKay, you won't be surprised to hear I'm not losing any right now, either. The extra exercise seems to have me in a loop of eating a little more to compensate for the energy. Also, I imagine my muscles are a little swollen with water weight since this is a different workout the last few days. I'll take a day off one of these days. With HRH's friend "threatening" (not really) to spend an evening with us, that may happen faster than I think.

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Re: Health and Fitness February, 2012

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:24 pm

Yes, that machine was gone already. I was able to discuss it with h. we decided to wait a bit and h. said in the summer there will be more and for less $; now lots of folks are still on the new year's res. this machine was rather bulky and large we both had back issues in Jan. so hoping we will be better later was another consideration.

Yesterday I did my walk in the field that was a nice change.

BS was up yesterday and today.

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