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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2013

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:46 pm
by Nancy
Did 10 mi. on ex. bike 5 in the am and 5 in the pm today.

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2013

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:04 pm
by Harriet
50 minutes of T-Tapp Total, putting all the stretches in at the normal places this time. I did take some short breaks, but nothing over a few minutes.

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2013

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:09 pm
by Nancy
Did 5 mi. on ex. bike this morning it's cool and has been raining it's wet out so kids may not like it as well outside today so I just used the ex. bike instead. The rest time will tell.

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2013

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:12 pm
by Lilac
I am so irritated with myself. I have had 5 lbs going and coming for at least a month. That is in addition to the 5 I already needed to lose. Grrrrr! I refuse to buy bigger capris, so I am going to have to really watch what I eat and be a lot more active.

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2013

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:04 am
by blessedw2
Me too d lilac. it is frustrating.

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2013

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:53 am
by Nancy
Did 10 mi. total on the ex. bike and a short 1/2 mi. prayer walk to clear my head last evening.

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2013

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:29 pm
by Harriet
Did my third Total workout this week. So that's 2.5 hours of formal exercise, which is beyond maintenance and probably into inch-loss level. At some point I want to start the floor workouts again, once a week substituting for one workout. They are shorter but target the torso more. Wish I could be sure when that will be a good idea. I'll try to start slow.

See-sawing back and forth is so frustrating, Lilac. Not wanting to go shopping is good incentive.

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2013

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:25 pm
by Ivy
I walked 30 min. today, am on a soft diet from my TMJ and I'm wearing my mouth guard during the day, too. :D

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2013

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 7:00 pm
by Harriet
Have a pudding for me, Ivy! They are my favorite! Hope you're past this quickly.

I just dove in this morning after my ddad went to take a nap, and did the 30-minute floor T-Tapp workout after 5 minutes of the standing stretch. I thought of Smile Lee as T talked about putting the body into natural alignment while seated cross-legged - Smile Lee always liked that part. I didn't do every repetition and I didn't do full extensions on a few. But I had no back strain and now I can work up to it.

There's another floor DVD which is newer and supposed to be better than this one, but I don't have to have every toy! (Which means we'll see how long before I break over and ask for it for some occasion.)

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2013

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 3:25 pm
by Ivy
Harriet, I told DH to not get rice pudding nor tapioca or pudding of any type. Why? :?: I'm lactose-intolerant and the only dairy I seem to "handle" well are cheddar cheese sticks and Greek yogurt. I had him get some protein-type soft food items, too.

I'll not be walking on a timed walk today because I'm back and forth to the laptop on and off several times today, to equal getting in walking time. I'm doing laundry, housework, and working on a story. I sort of remind myself of a pin ball machine with that silver metal ball hitting all the arms as it goes back down into the end, to be hit up again, to score some more. :lol: Back and forth! :!: :)