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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2016

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:40 pm
by Ramblinrose
Kathryn... I eat my microwave muffin made with ground flax seed to keep me regular. I really love the results as I have always had issues with regularity and sever cramping. I eat one every other day and am a happy girl.

Harriet... I have discovered a site for people who suffer with cluster headaches. Wow I love it because many of the stories are so like mine and I feel like I am at home. Discussions are not only about the migraines themselves but how having them effects the people around them. That is the part that is difficult to discuss with non-CH (cluster headaches) for a variety of reasons.

But I wanted to share something with you that I have been reading about that you might find interesting. There seems to be a connection between vitiman D3 and those who suffer from clusters.... In several of my websites people who get clusters tend to refer to them as The Beast... Anyway in several scientific studies many CH are getting relief by in increasing their daily intake to 10,000iu of D3. Also recommended is omega 3, cal him citrate and magnesium citrate. It is also suggested to take Vit K2, Vit A, zinc and Boron.

For a while it has been suggested that people with clusters are also lacking in magnesium. I'be been taking the combo of calcium and magnesium for a while, however did not know about the need for a higher dosage of Vit D3. From what I e read you can naturally absorb D3 in strong sun light for 20 minutes a day.... But the catch is you can't use sunscreen because that defeats the purpose of absorbing the D3.

So I figure it can't hurt to try this recommendation. My cluster cycles are usually in the spring and fall so this should give me time to get my body ready. We shall see.

And yes I use bob mills ground golden flaxseed for my minute muffin. I also drizzle just a tad of honey on mine which I just really read today is a natural source of Vit K2 so that makes it a win/win for me.

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2016

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:18 pm
by Harriet
Great info, Ramblin' - while I was reading I just thought how I wish I could go back in time to help my dcousin's husband with his cluster headaches diagnosed about mid-1970s. Unfortunately he has passed. Even back then, we were so amazed by his symptoms, different from my mother's migraines and more severe, as you know.

I am looking forward to March when I will definitely get out into the sun for more vit D. I think even March 1 might offer the start of it here, at least at the sun's peak hour, because azimuth reaches 45 by then here (some say it needs to be 50). But certainly further into the month it will. The table from the US Naval Observatory tells the angle. I'm taking 5,000 IU daily.

Speaking of magnesium and the noggin (not that headaches have to do with smarts, except that they knock you down) I recently changed HRH's magnesium (and therefore mine, since I just take his) to magnesium threonate. As you remember, my father suffered from “age dependent memory decline”, or "age related cognitive decline". Magnesium threonate seems to be able to nourish receptors in the brain better than other magnesium supplements. At least it works in lab animals to help with memory - human studies on the way. It's more expensive, so I'm certainly not saying it's so great an idea. For our household, it hits home with some promise for the particular concern we've seen up close.

We get our K-2 from a supplement, but are considering making homemade sauerkraut like my Grandma used to, to get it naturally. Like I need another project. HRH would enjoy, though.

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2016

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 8:51 pm
by Ramblinrose
Harriet... Just eat some honey. Much faster and easier than grandma's sour kraut ... Might taste better too :lol:

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2016

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 5:12 pm
by Harmony
Does the canned sauerkraut not have the K2?

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2016

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:39 pm
by Harriet
Harmony, it's the pasteurization for canning that makes this confusing. Our grandparent's sauerkraut didn't get cooked - it just fermented. There is always some loss of K during boiling of whatever product, and cans of food have to be pasteurized to be sold in the US. I honestly don't know how much K is left - never saw that info. Also companies usually add preservatives to canned sauerkraut.

However, stores do sell refrigerated glass jars of sauerkraut that only have to be partially pasteurized.

I actually have a store-bought jar here that I need to go ahead and open and use - I notice it goes out of date soon. The date is prominently stamped. It says Refrigerate After Opening, Live Cultures. The name brand is Bubbies Old World Sauerkraut. I have to assume (?) it would have more K than a can would. Live cultures would have been killed during canning.

Supposedly, a lot depends on the "starter" you use. I know starters can be bought for making your own, and some brag that theirs will produce a sauerkraut with more K-2. I have zero experience with this.

Meant to agree with Ramblin' that every-other-day seems about right for fiber muffins for me, too. When I am having flax muffins they are helpful at every-other-day or 3 times a week, and might be too much any more frequent than that. I'd say the brown is more fibrous than the golden.

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2016

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:50 pm
by Ramblinrose
I made it to my 5:00am class this morning but am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. That means I'll be up by 7.

Had plenty of extra exercise getting the house ready for the party. Lots of up and down on the ladder plus the floor. I plan to be in bed and asleep buy 9 tonight. Did the same last night.

I have my Sparten training on Sunday and that will be a work out all to its self.

Eat on plan and got in most of my water today. Glad to get that in...

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2016

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:50 am
by LadyMaverick
This is Day 6 of no white sugar/no white flour.

I resisted the fruit pastries that I served to our guest last night. However, I felt like I needed the Lost in Space robot that would run around saying DANGER DANGER!! I could feel myself weakening and thinking about just tasting them to make sure they were okay to give to the guest. I am happy that I resisted. I prepared a quick fruit/nut/cream cheese dessert (sugar free) and got through the evening without any problems. I am hoping it will start to get easier as time passes.

I served spaghetti last night using high protein noodles for others. I substituted spaghetti squash for spaghetti noodles on mine and found it better than I had expected. In fact I think I prefer the spaghetti squash over the wheat based noodles. I am a bit surprised at that.

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2016

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:42 am
by Harriet
Happy for you, LadyM. You are doing beautifully. I have never tried spaghetti squash, but as pleased as I have been with the pasta-substitution of yellow and zucchini squash and even a little carrots with that, I'm sure I'd like it.

Do you have a squash noodler for the thin vegetables? (zoodler, affectionately called, since most people use zucchini) I imagine you and LO would love it. You may have one - I can't remember. I have the Vegetti brand, which is handheld and cheap. I find that everyone who tries to video themselves using the Veggeti tend to get so giggly doing it, that they don't make a very good personal impression. :roll: It is rather an amusing thing, to have little noodles spilling forth from zucchini.

But here is one somewhat sensible fellow's video of his first use, even though even he is amused. He is making Kung Pao stir fry (hmmm... looks good) and puts the zoodles into the dish at the last while it's cooking, and in my opinion this may overcook them, but it's interesting. I enjoy cooking zoodles separately and putting sauce over, so that they really look and act like noodles in your meal.

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2016

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:11 am
by LadyMaverick
I keep looking at the vegetable noodlers but can't see the worth of it. I did watch the video (and several others) trying to get myself talked into trying it.

After 7 days of no sugar and no white flour, the scales show a 1.6 lb loss. I have not been counting calories this week because it is all I can focus on to watch the ingredients to make sure sugar/flour are eliminated. My primary reason for doing this is not weight loss, but it is a nice side benefit.

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2016

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:27 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I was talking to someone who, about 16 months ago, learned she was sensitive to wheat. Not gluten. Wheat.

She's lost some weight since revising her diet but the biggest change has been the lack of inflammation. Aside from the digestive issues she had (that change was almost immediate), her joints feel better, she has more energy and she's feeling happier with life. Rings no longer fit, though! (They had been resized to fit the inflamed fingers and now the joints have returned to normal.)

I've been toying with the idea of limiting the easy sugars but eliminating the 'easy' wheat out of my diet for Lent to see what happens. Although, that isn't really the purpose of Lent; I'm being lazy and trying to kill two birds with one stone.