Health and Fitness, May, 2014

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby Cowinkie » Wed May 28, 2014 10:35 am

Keepin' on lol

This morning my scale told me I lost the .4 lbs needed to win my diet bet next week :D

The challenge will be keep on keeping on... I have a big graduation party to attend on Friday with my retired dept. buddies from school. We remain tight buddies and are my closest circle of friends as well. We we're known through out the school for our dept celebrations. We celebrated many things each year... Birthdays, birth of children and grands... And ate lunch together every day for years.. There were 15 of us.. Now the main core is teachers make dates to see each other as a group twice a month.

Every one has a favorite food that the other's love... Eclair cake and amazing brownies just to name a few. Friday nights dinner table will be fill with temptations which contributed to my weight gain in the first place.

So I am planning my strategies ... First is to stay away from the table spread with food. I will bring my almonds to munch on and chew sugar free gum. I can eat the hamburger w/o the bun .

I can do this... Food does not define the enjoyment of the night... I can do this.
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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby Harriet » Wed May 28, 2014 1:41 pm

Hurray, Cowinkie! You go, girl.

Thinking of you, Harmony! My hope is that you'll look at these days later and be glad you didn't spend much time worrying about things that didn't amount to much.

Yes, there is something empowering about knowing how many calories (or sugar calories, depending upon your count) that you've had, and how many you have DECIDED will be good for the next meal, rest of day, etc. Good word choice, OKay.

Nutrition sites - although I continue to find glitches with, OKay, it does seem to be pretty accurate with the effect of exercise. I put up with it because I just want a lot of info about one day at a time, and don't want to commit to long-term record keeping online any more. I have learned to use it fast.

After an "up, up and away day" (what they call too-high calories on the Up Day Down Day forum) and seeing a 1.5-pound gain that was, like, SO unfair ;) my low-calorie day took me right back to the exact weight of the morning of the uuaa day. No problem. So today if I stick with a sensible range of 1,600 to 1,800, even if I don't count, I should be back to the same pattern of very slow, steady loss, which is all I want.

So far today, my skinny muffin with butter and wild blueberries

- either
322 calories or
20 sugar calories

So, plenty of room to enjoy meals with family.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby OKay » Thu May 29, 2014 8:23 am

Another day of tracking and happy to see the scales go down .6 this morning!

Slow and steady. Just keeping on.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby Cowinkie » Thu May 29, 2014 10:41 am

You go Okay... Me too .4 lb

Isn't it funny how just a small amount of loss feels like such a big victory??? I attribute this to my digital scale and it's ability to show my hard efforts even in such small increments.

Yesterday I decided to try one a pair of short that I haven't been able to wear in several years. I wanted to use them as a gauge of what I have lost. Figure I could get in them, but didn't expect t them to zip. Imagine my surprise when not only was I able to zip them, but they fit... Right I must add

I wore them with great pride yesterday prancing around when no one was looking lol

I have a dearly loved dress hanging in full view in my closet. It's a sheath sundress that I haven't been able to wear in years. I look at it every morning when I step on my scale. During the day when I get tempted to eat something not on my plan I visualize myself in that dress... That and thinking abt my morning weight has really helped me stay on my plan.
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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby Nancy » Thu May 29, 2014 4:18 pm

Mowing done next door = ex.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby OKay » Fri May 30, 2014 8:25 am

Cowinkle - what a great visual reminder! I need to copy-cat that! :) Congrat's on your progress

Yesterday was a tough eating day for me. I ate a good breakfast and had lunch & dinner planned. However, life happened. Eight hours after I ate breakfast, I found myself driving an unfamiliar vehicle in an unfamiliar city trying to find SOMETHING to eat. I took the first place I found so I wouldn't get lost and could find my way back. :) It was fast food drive-in. Since I typically don't eat at those type places I didn't have a plan or didn't have time to make one. I stared at their menu hoping to find calorie count or at least a "heart healthy" icon on some food. Overwhelmed I just finally gave up and **Picked a number** Looking back with a clearer mind (and not under stress and starving mode), I can think of several things I should have done. However, it is what it is. My fast food meal was 890 calories and was documented. Moving on....

The scales showed another .8 loss this morning :shock: even after a sodium & calorie high day. I find that strange, but I'm not complaining!

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby Nancy » Fri May 30, 2014 9:11 am

Mowed our yd. Yesterday done also counts for ex.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby Cowinkie » Fri May 30, 2014 11:59 am

I am even-steven this morning.

After my two cups of coffee I am now working on my water. Tonight is the graduation party. Usually I would eat my dinner before I went, but since hamburgers are being grilled I will eat one without the bun. Gonna bring my almonds and diet gum to chew on. Need to stay away from the "tempatation" table.

I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.... :lol:
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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby Harriet » Fri May 30, 2014 1:17 pm

I stared at their menu hoping to find calorie count

Fast foods - although Chick-Fil-A has something similar to what OKay wished for, it doesn't tell the whole story. At their drive-up menu boards, the choices have calorie counts written right beside them. However, sodium counts are the problem there (and in fact, at many fast food places). For instance, even their grilled chicken wrap sandwich for 340 calories, which seems like a sensible choice in the picture, has a sodium load of 900 mg. If you dare to order a chicken sandwich instead, there are just 100 more calories, yes, but the worse news is that you hit 1,400 mg sodium. According to the default at my online nutrition site, that is more than half the sodium I should have in a day.

Dd34 wants to use the T-Tapp MORE workout to get back into shape after pregnancy. It is recommended for after pregnancy and for any very slow return to fitness, and includes a seated workout. So I ordered it and have wrapped it as a present to open in the hospital room. I thought it was just as thoughtful as baby clothing for a Mom who has plenty of hand-me-downs.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby Lynlee » Fri May 30, 2014 10:02 pm

for an out and hungry where you don't know the stores solution I will sometimes go to the supermarket instead. A banana, or a tiny can of tuna and some allowed crackers, or a small yoghurt if they have one that is ok for me, or nuts. or an apple. Or - I have found a carob covered buckwheat twin pack that does the job of a meal. The harder part - not buying too many of the above - plus a bottle of apple juice. That is the penalty for being over hungry and panicking with food choices.
When I worked 5 hrs was the max allowed between meal breaks. Being pro active and getting something before starvation hormones kick in really helps. DD is really strict with her 12pm meal. Late means she and her daughter are really twitchy and it shows.

That sounds like an excellent gift Harriet.

I have not been as constant at 2 tai chi classes a week, and it really shows in my fitness and posture.
I bought a rubber ball to practice squeezing with my left hand. My arm is tightening up again. Everything is an effort and aches.
Could be the work done on my neck / upper spine has worn off as well. And an off diet medicine repercussion. Muscle spasms are a side effect of that. Might be recovering but not over it yet. Maybe a lie in bath w epsom salts will help.
Just begin.
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