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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:52 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
3200 step walk around the neighbourhood.

Fell. I was on the road, put my foot down on a hunk of asphalt that had fallen off a Public Works truck (about 3" cubed) and thought I was going to twist my ankle but lost my balance enough that I fell onto my 'good' knee so so have sore right wrist but used my left hand as well which I didn't realize until I got home and found I had to pick gravel out of it.

I'll ice my wrist now in order to minimize the soreness tomorrow.

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:33 pm
by Nancy
(((K in C ))) so sorry you fell.

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:01 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Finally I remembered to weigh myself before my tea and chocolate.

I've achieved my freedom 55 goal of freedom from obesity. Now the challenge will be to stay that way, especially during the one month away. My intention is to keep tracking trying to stay within the calorie count that will continue losses, and eat 25% of my calories as protein. If I'm completely successful, I'll be down another 4 lbs by September 1. If not, I'm not likely to gain a lot, I only gained 4 lbs during the cruise (which came off quickly) and wasn't tracking at all during that time and my movement was severely limited by bad knees and being on a ship for days on end.

It will be a long road back towards 'normal' weight. I have 30 pounds to go before I'll be there, 35 to my goal weight, so am expecting to hit those goals next spring.

But for today (and the next month since originally I had hoped to hit this point by September 10) I will be pleased that I am no longer obese.

(I'm using the not-always-accurate BMI as my marker for obese/overweight and overweight/"normal"-weight. For obesity, I figure it was accurate enough since I'm not Michael Jordan. For overweight/normal depending on my fitness level as I approach the 'magic' number of 145, it is fuzzier but I need a number so have decided to go with that one.)

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:51 am
by Twins' Mom
Congrats to Kathryn! You are inspiring me to try to keep up.

I've logged food for two days now, maybe three? Was over yesterday but that's the nature of being on the road; I didn't eat that badly but otoh don't get in many steps.

Just checked and I am right at the border line of obesity for BMI. A loss of a pound would take me below obesity. Of course, that's a pound I lost about a month ago and "found" again, too.

For today trying to get in some treadmill time. Going to be out of the house more than I like too.

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 8:00 am
by LadyMaverick
I am finally out of the obese category too! Two pounds ago it showed that my BMI dropped below 30.

Monday I went for follow-up with Cardiologist. He reviewed results from the last 3 heart tests and said they were normal. The Holter monitor did show occasional heart skipping, but that is also considered normal. With no recent fainting episodes happening and normal tests results the Cardiologist gave a diagnosis of "Syncope-Vasovagal". No treatment needed.

The Cardiologist did put my stats into a healthy heart calculator and said I have 38% chance of having future heart problems. He was quick to say the 38% did not include my family history which would make it much higher. He said doing 30 minutes to 60 minutes of exercise everyday would be the single best thing I could do for my health.

My takeaway from fainting episodes. I believe the nurse messed up attaching the leads on the first EKG which resulted in erroneously showing heart damage. I have had 4 EKG tests in the past couple of months and 3 of them show normal. All other heart tests show normal.

I believe low blood sugar was the cause of fainting episodes. I am intensively monitoring my blood sugar and am discovering some facts that lead me to believe that I am on the right path.

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 8:35 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
LadyM: Certainly stress and blood sugar are the obvious culprits now that heart has been ruled out. And you are on the right track monitoring your blood sugar and learning more about your body and how it reacts to food.

I felt very ill last night after 'overeating' (I had 2 ears of corn instead of 1) that I ended up doing nothing all evening. It felt like the beginning of a gall bladder attack, cold sweats, weak, nausea, discomfort (it was not pain.) I felt that way on Monday as well and looking back at the food diary (another reason why tracking everyday is important even if you are going over on calories) I see peanut butter in both days. One of the people at church was saying that they can't eat peanut butter since their gall bladder was removed.

In both cases (Monday & yesterday) the peanut butter was earlier in the day, long before the symptoms started. But it would still be in my system.

Higher fat days (i.e. 25+% of calories) really seem to be hard on me. My best medical guess is that my liver can't process the fat fast enough (the gall bladder stores & concentrates the enzymes to give a boost to the liver when it needs it but I don't have a gall bladder anymore.)

Forgot to weigh myself today to see what damage I did yesterday. My calorie count was over by way too many calories, due to the junk food snack I had (low-fat but high carb) and when I was feeling nauseous I wasn't upset about emptying my stomach because all I could think of was that it would 1) relieve the discomfort and 2) cut my calories for the day!

I've decided not to bring peanut butter with me on the trip (I use all-natural as opposed to the stuff that will be on breakfast bars at the hotels.) It serves no nutritional value to me except to up my fat intake which is often too low. But it is too low in protein to keep as part of my diet and I do have some snacks with peanuts and some cashews with me when I need to up my fat. I seem to fine with cashews in small quantities (no more than 2/3 ounce a day, preferably 1/3 ounce.)

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:08 pm
by Harriet
Kathryn, HRH has struggled to figure out specific food responses after removal of gall bladder and is almost always stymied. Yes, cold sweats can happen, but never seem to be in response to what he would have assumed. Having to be suspicious of proteins is frustrating.

RunKitty, I thought of what I wanted to tell you. Something from all my thyroid reading. Spiking calories up every once in a while is a method that keeps the thyroid from changing its conversion (T-3 and T-4 conversion) during a time you are generally lowering calories for weight loss. This is the dreaded "lowering of metabolism" that can happen to dieters. I have heard once a week recommended, such as a work week of lowered calories and then really splurging on Saturday.

reaching veggie goals -
I've been spiralizing some zucchini noodles with pesto. Also nuked frozen Brussels sprouts and have parceled them out for a few days, on the side of my omelet breakfast to add extra veggie - pretty. Found Crowder peas in the frozen section. Crowder peas was (were?) my huge (and only) pregnancy craving, so I've held them close in my heart for nutrition favorites, sure they must have something I need!

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:49 pm
by lucylee
I was doing very well... walked away the pounds M-F last week and then again Mon and Tues of this week... and then...
completely fell apart. DGS was here Wed and I guess I got some exercise chasing him around outside, but that led to allergy suffering yesterday and today, and I have not felt like moving a muscle since then. I just want to lie in bed with my eyes closed and my head propped up.

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:23 pm
by RunKitty
Harriet, that is interesting about the thyroid's response to a weekly splurge. I just have to make sure that the splurge items don't find their way back into my usual way of eating. I've noticed, however, that most splurges are not as satisfying as I think they will be. That's always a welcome lesson. And I really do enjoy all the healthy foods that are the largest part of my way of eating.

Zucchini noodles with pesto sounds really good.