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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2014

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:06 am
by Cowinkie
Well I'm .4 lb away from my birthday goal. Close but no cigar ;-). However I did win my betfit challenge. That's the site where you bet $30 and sign up for a challenge. The one I did was to lose 4% of my body weight in a month. That I did. Everyone's money is put in a pot and winners share the amount. Administrators get $5 so at least I will get $25 back.

I am going to sign up for another 30 day challenge starting tomorrow. There are other weight challenges as well. Some play the 6 month 10% game with great results. Anyway it was fun to do and helped keep me on track and motivated.

I will have my cupcake today, but knowing I need to weigh in tomorrow to start a new game will help make sure I don't eat more than one ;-)

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2014

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:54 pm
by Harmony
Good job, Cowinkie.

So much better than me right now.

I've counted my thyroid pills and I will be completely out the very day I go to get my next blood test. And I don't see the dr. for a week after that. I'm not going to get another prescription for that week and have at least 3 week's worth left in case she changes the dose. I've already had to call that place once and have this current prescription renewed. Evidently, when I was there last time they neglected to give me a 6-month refill. Maybe I could have it refilled and if it's changed try to cut them, etc., but I'm really mad about this. It's not what I pay this drs. place to do. I pay them to help me take care of this condition.

Sorry, I'm just pretty stressed and mad about everything right now. Adding this to the list. :x

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2014

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:57 pm
by Nancy
I did 25 min. Pruning and yd. Work in our yard today fir part of my exercise.

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2014

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:52 pm
by Harriet
Evidently, when I was there last time they neglected to give me a 6-month refill.

Harmony, I think you should call and say that sentence, and say you expect this to be handled, because you are SURE the doctor wouldn't want to hear that you are not getting the correct dosage. ;) btw, my hormone dr told me that he was perfectly happy with me cutting a thyroid tablet in half for a while and thought it would be fine. (Of course I'm on Armour and don't know if that makes a difference.)

Or of course, you could innocently ask, "Does the doctor mean for me stop this medicine?" That ought to light a fire. ;)

Cowinkie, I'm very happy for you.

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2014

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:14 pm
by Nancy
Harmony My dr. Office will okay via fax. refills if I let them know or even half a month w/out a prob. Yd wk has been my ex. Today.