Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby Harmony » Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:52 pm

The congestion I've had in my head for so long seems to be 99% gone. It's amazing. Now to work on the rest of the stuff that's wrong.... I went up 3 lbs. overnight a couple days ago. And have no idea why. I also have a sorta hot pain in my mid section and I'm hoping it's not an ulcer. I've never been diagnosed with an ulcer before so don't know just what one feels like, but I'm wondering.

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:07 am

The reason I stopped using a digital scale was that it would not register a new number if the previous weigh-in was within 2 lbs. So while it displayed in .1 pound amounts, it wasn't necessarily that accurate. Dh and I were weighing ourselves daily so it was working fine until I got within one pound of dh (he's always been lighter than me.)

An example of what I mean:

I weighed 139. He weighed 137.5. He'd weigh himself. I'd get on the scale and weigh the same. In order to get my weight, I'd have to pick up 4 lbs in weights, weigh myself, put down the weights and weigh myself again. Only then would the 139 appear. In other words, each time I weighed myself, I had to weigh myself twice (once with weights, once without.)

To see if your scales have this flaw, pick up bottle of water or something else weighing under a pound and step on the scales after weighing yourself and see if your weight changed.

This was a $100 digital scale with body fat measurement, not cheap, but in the end, useless to me. It also had the same flaw when I was trying to weigh my suitcase before a flight, since removing a pound of contents made no difference unless I weighed myself in between to reset the scale.

I wanted a proper scale like doctors have with weights but they cost too much and took up too much room so we settled on a good, old fashioned, non-electronic scale. And I stick with it. It doesn't track anything under .5 pounds (the dial isn't that fine) but I can estimate half pound amounts. It will give me the same reading two times in a row, which is what I was looking for in a scale, although if I step on with my left foot first, it gives me a different reading than when I step on with my right foot!

Since I'm not using the scale for something like a diet bet, I'm just looking for overall trends. Or to be exact, overall DOWNWARD trends!

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:12 am

Won't be weighing myself today because I ate way too much yesterday and don't need the reminder.

I will try and be careful today but have dinner at noon at the seniors' luncheon and a 'coffee hour' tonight between classes. So two times I'll have to make healthy choices. Then tomorrow there's another luncheon.

I'm going to try and go without breakfast this morning to see if that helps cut my calorie intake today. Since lunch is plated, I won't have the option to overeat at lunch. Sometimes we hit it lucky and it will be baked ham but other times the luncheons are high calories. And dessert may be too tempting (although sometimes that is easy to skip.) I won't know until the plate is put down in front of me.

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:38 am

There were several reasons why I selected the new scale, but probably the biggest one is so I can monitor LO weight without him being aware. The scales automatically upload the number after each weigh in without any indication that it is doing it. I don't want LO to become hyperfocused on his weight, but it is something that we definitely have to monitor. LO continues to be waaaaay off the weight/height chart for his age. Because the 3 of us (DH, myself & LO) all weight far apart from each other the scale doesn't have any problem deciding who is weighing and automatically recording it for each of us.

I really like watching the trend data instead of the actual weight. The trend has continued downward in TEENY TINY amounts each day even though the scales didn't move.
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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:56 am

I'm with you scale will hold 4 different weights ... One for each person. Plus it will hold my weight loss for I think a month. I don't use this part because I keep a record for myself most days. And I like knowing the exact amount I weigh, not just because of diet bet. I used my scale for weighing my luggage and it was correct. Matched the weight shown on the scale at the airport. Sweetie will get on the scale, get off, then get back on the scale with the luggage in hand. Works that way for him too, but way too hard for me to do.

My scale this morning shows I'm on hold. Thats alrigth with me. It did that last week and then the next morning showed a 2 lb lost. I should have measured this morning, but forgot. Too late because I am on to other things.

I kept a record of the miles I put on my gazelle last week and the total was 29 miles. Plus I walked my pups 7. So all totalled I clocked in 36 extra miles last week. Even I'm impressed :lol:
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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:36 pm

Another bad day for calorie intake but I moved a bit more today. And my walk to/from school was brisk (3mph) and felt wonderful. That's a huge improvement. It felt good to moving the way I used to move. (Earlier today, I was walking in 1" heels and that was painful and slow.)

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:04 am

Love coming here and seeing the progress that is being made.

Weight took a .7 drop this morning. But what really made me smile was it is .6 less than last Tuesday. That was the day after LO surgery and I was dehydrated making me weight 1.5 less than normal. Even through this stressful time, I am still able to stay with the healthy habits I've been developing.
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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:36 am

WTG Lady M!

Yesterday was a bad day so I'm still not on the scales. I know I will be up, though. And now some of the overeating of the past two days is explained...

Around the world this morning there are thousands upon thousands of women relieved their periods arrived.

Not me. I'm pissed.

For heavens sake, I'm 54.

I'm not sure at what point I need to be concerned about this. About 3 years ago my doctor discussed putting me back on the pill to stop them but with my family history of breast cancer I refused (and I'll probably refuse HRT unless desperate but so far I'm coping fine.)

This explains why my hot flashes stopped! (I had a period start 7 weeks & 2 days ago.)

Note to self - don't have an extra-marital affair. Just kidding although I find it somewhat amusing that this is still a reason to be monogamous. Dh and I haven't had to worry about 'protection' at all for almost 8 years and he was nipped a quarter century ago so if I was pregnant I'd have a great deal of 'splainin to do!

Ended up weighing myself after tea and chocolate and I'm unchanged from Saturday morning. Go figure.

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby Nancy » Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:38 am

After talking to h. And the time span on the length of life of the insulin tweak he helped me by suggesting the it was lasting 8 hrs. Instead if 6 in me. So we brain stormed a new schedule for better coverage on my #'s. Today I had an accaptable number. #268 much better than #457. :roll:

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby Ramblinrose » Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:01 am

I'm with Kathryn LM.....wtg!!!
Nancy ... Glad to see your numbers are changing. Must be frustrating at times.

I am stalled out at the moment. Still at the same weight.. Been here three days nows. Think I will increase my food a bit to see if it will help.

I am teaching to day and may do so for a few days this week. That will make it difficult to reach my water intake. Bathroom breaks are next to impossible when you are on staff and have your own room. At least you are friends with your neighbors which allows you to call on help if needed. This school is newer than my home school. Some fool made the staffs ladies bathroom a one seater for many female teachers, plus the classes are really far away from the restroom making a dash inbetween class periods nex to impossible. I'm not shy and have been known to use the student girls room when needed.
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