Health and Fitness, May, 2010

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2010

Postby Nancy » Fri May 21, 2010 11:22 am

Had a brisk but refreshing walk last night after dinner.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2010

Postby Harriet » Sun May 23, 2010 9:48 am

Harmony, one of these days you and dh will be out riding together again. How is he feeling?

The beginning of summer will offer you a pleasant new start, lucylee.

I think it's great you are out walking and enjoying, Nancy. Hope you continue feeling better.

How is the yoga going, Lynlee?

This morning I did the basic-workout-plus again.

In the coming week I'll be at every-other-day, and next week choose between longer workouts or more frequent.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2010

Postby Nancy » Sun May 23, 2010 10:26 am

My blood sugar reading was great after the retirement party
last night I did not want a huge bun on my h.b. the cookies had nuts I was allergic to so
I avoided them, just had veg. & meat, and one bite of cake w no frosting.
Helped clean up after the party and got some more exercise after that shopping for some
things we needed at the super Wal-mart.

Today I'll be mowing, planting marigolds and seeds doing some watering for my exercise.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2010

Postby Lynlee » Sun May 23, 2010 8:00 pm

Nancy - big wtg / fingers crossed bs equlibulem?sp? continues more settled and good for you.

Harriet - I'll stick to the gentle beginers yoga though I got sudden shoulder pain their too. I think I'll skip the >50s exercoses w lots of pumping inc weights over head.... :shock: On reflection after xrays I'm sure thats what a gpdoc told me to never do - adding she didn't think it needed surgery. Gosh I'd need to be desparate to look at surgery, but don't want an exercise class to take me there. If I can keep a full range of movement I'm happy - relatively (lost full range of movement several times in the past w injury) . I have amended washing on the line techniques to help out here. Still need to get back to regular chiro appointments as well though things are definately improved there.

I/L exercise class under my jeans and jumper I'm dressed to go do gym routine circuit trainer gave me when I told her what worked and what didn't. I think that will be healthier for me, I have increased things (number/weight/time) as I can to get up to what she first suggested.

Harriet - What is the exercise program you are doing?

Nancy - I need get my keystart/self propelled mower to service so I can get a mowing habit going here. Still lots of exercise even with that as it is heavier than a normal mower, and my yard is big. Neighbour who prev helped is moving or gone?
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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2010

Postby Harriet » Tue May 25, 2010 1:53 pm

Lynlee, T-Tapp is a physical-therapy-based series of video workouts with Teresa Tapp leading, sometimes alone, sometimes with a diverse small group, no music, no weights, no impact. It has some elements of Pilates and yoga, in that it is neurokinetic (NK) -- communicating mind-to-muscle. There's emphasis on getting the lymph system moving. On the one hand it is highly acclaimed as a no-nonsense healthy series. On the other hand it is criticized because the videos are pricey. If you remember Smile Lee who posts with us (my age), she does it much more regularly than I, has worked up to the very longest most challenging workouts 3 or more times a week.

I've done it for almost 9 years, with some times on the sidelines, most recently because of caregiving and acid reflux (the workouts have you bending down from waist a lot, and some days I have the feeling I should go easy on that kind of thing). For a year as my 50th bday present to myself, I did the intermediate ones 3 times a week and probably never felt better. On up in the toolbar at top of homepage you can click on "Try Before You Buy" and scroll down to find lots of mini-videos and instructions that very nearly let you put together a workout yourself. But it does not have the warm-up stretch Teresa Tapp always does, so be sure to stretch some first if you try any. At the bottom is her book page on with a quick video to do while seated at computer.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2010

Postby Lynlee » Tue May 25, 2010 8:05 pm

Harriet - Thanks for that info on TTapp. I'm with you - taking care with the head down stuff. Last 3 days I've been "wonkey on rising" and need to be slower to get up. On Monday I did my weight / strength workout at gym. Putting up resistance on bike so that 5min felt like a workout there, etc. Managed better for longer on ballance board. (aim was 2 X 30sec w/o hanging onto the wall. ) Using 1.5k i/l of .5k weight to step ups, and shoulder curls. That was all ok. but the tummy crunches I did too fast (maybe) or came up from them too fast and was left so woozy and feeling ill I just sat for a long while, then did one i/l of 2 lots of 30sec hoverball to feel ill (another abs one) and waited to get myself ok enough to walk well enough to leave, sat in the car an age before asking dGod to help me get home to bed. On the plus side - my shoulder joint did not aches/ sore to touch for the next 5 days as it was after both exercise class and yoga - of both types. I'm going to gentle yoga again today and will tell instructor before hand I'm not doing the "on fours" exercise.
I am wondering about odd things with reflux. I need go back find the old discussion about it. Wondering if the woozy/wonkey on getting up is more than just blood pressure changes.
Under the off diet heading I have had gluten pizza and bought chicken w stuffing - possibly also a film of some sort on skin.... as the first reflux set off so maybe thats a clue. I did have more of the chicken last night but did take the skin off though that does not pass as really gluten free.
re gluten - it can effect every system in the body, not just digestion so effects can be wide spread.

I'll look at the TTapp site, also one on Strong Women series by Dr Nelson - I cut and pasted a lot of info re workouts ages ago - not sure the exercises are still up there as virtual trainer. Dr Nelson broke vertebra as a teen and shares exercises she uses to keep core strength & on top of pain.
Then of course theres the ones from PT - neck problems bk, and all those muscle stretches that are a 30 min workout in themselves.
I just need to do w regularity would be a help. Still needing an attitude adjustment.....

Washing is on hopefully it can go out this sunny day before I go to the gym for yoga. That and hair care is major part of my shoulder exercise these days.
Poof to do that.
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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2010

Postby Harriet » Tue May 25, 2010 9:09 pm

Got my exercise in this a.m.

Joined Nancy outdoors this evening getting in some yard work.

Oh, ((Lynlee)) I wonder if helia had any similar experience while she was feeling so woozy for days recently - she also does gym workouts and might have had to stop a while herself. Always be sure you are hydrated enough.

Actually, I'm very impressed with any of us that feel confident about going to the gym.

Here's a really honest admission from me about exercise videos - I gravitate toward them because they are private.
I'm never anywhere but home if I don't feel like continuing.
I'm never anywhere but home if I'm dressed like a frump.
I'm never anywhere but home if I look foolish or lose balance or take twice as long to finish as I thought.

I'm at home. I have a pause button! :idea:

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