What I Ate

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Re: What I Ate

Postby Indiana » Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:25 am

Nice job OKay - you are on a roll. Nice drop in pounds.

lucylee I hink Nancy must have more carbs than that a day unless I don't understand carb counting - which I don't fully understand.

Here is a link of carb foods:


The reason I didn't go with it is because of the way things are counted. Only because I was set in my way with exchanges.


Re: What I Ate

Postby Indiana » Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:28 am

lucylee what ever you decide just let me know if you are going to post what you ate from the day before. I can do exchanges with you maybe Nancy will help you with carbs.

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Re: What I Ate

Postby Nancy » Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:32 am

Can you say Stress eating!
H. has only lost 2 lbs. not the 12 we thought! Bummer!
His doc. visit revealed his #'s were not as good as the initial report said
and he's borderline diabetic, has to go on bp & chol. meds. today.
He has arthritis.

Did my walk before taking b.s. don't tell h. okay?! ;) It was #71

Today I had a p.b. cookie for breakfast! 12 carbs.
with cocoa coffee 5 carbs.
and 2 eggs & cheese. 4. carbs.
[no meat]
21 carbs. total

Only had meat once yesterday;
salad was my lunch, 9 carbs. mostly the dressing
plus a bite of granola bar dgd left. 5 carbs.
blue berries dried sm. hand full 10 carbs.
24 carbs. apx. total

Dinner was Stew meat & stir fry 4 carbs.
it was enough for four we ate it all! :o
froz. fruit bar & bite of fruit leather 5 carbs.
23 carbs total

{I try to keep it to a one serving of starch as day ie bread, taco shell, breading on fish
a day. Seems like if I have more than that I put on lbs.
Today I'll have two b/c I'm having a taco shell at lunch in my taco salad.}
Dietitian & doc. thinks I could have 30-40 carbs. per meal, but at my age I'm
not burning it off even though I walk 30 min. daily sigh!
So trying to get my focus to fruit & veg.

I'm working on getting more fruit intake ~sigh~ it's a challenge b/c it makes bs # go up.
{I eat nuts peanuts an oz. or so like three times a day.}

I do not understand much about exchanges.
I count carbs. to calculate the amount of insulin I need for meals.

My diet is moderate fat content not low fat.

I miss the days of unlimited fruits & other foods too! ~sigh~
oh well I can't eat like a teen ager any more.
White stuff & potatoes are a sin {for me}
I have food issues today can you tell? LOL
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:23 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: What I Ate

Postby Harriet » Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:44 am

Right, Nancy - let me clarify one thing about carb counting/starch counting here. lucylee, I think you are forgetting Nancy is diabetic - it's a whole 'nother world for her as she considers the carbs in her daily intake. There's no reason for you to try to emulate her excellent carb numbers, except of course that hers is a highly health-conscious diet if anyone wanted to try it.

Now, about starch counting. I am impressed with you guys, cool recordkeeping! 8-) That being said, I hope everyone will hug a potato today. ;) The starchy vegetables like beans, corn, sweet potatoes, etc. are good and kind and charming and loving and ... ... you get the picture - they are my heros because they are satisfying while still providing nutrition (in the case of s potatoes, which I have about every other day, fantastic nutrition). They wear the white hat, just like other good choices. The black hat is worn by the dastardly villains, White Flour and his sidekick Refined Sugar. Unless you are going to try a historically accurate Great Potato Famine diet and eat nothing else, veggies aren't what will put the pounds on.

I think choosing a white flour treat and looking forward to it through the day is just too much help to me not to mention it here and recommend it. Yesterday I had smoothie, 4oz mackerel, slaw, broccoli, choc pudding, saladw/avocado-cuke-cheese-1/2 slice bacon, cup almond milk. My ONE treat of white flour, (satisfying me all day long in anticipation!) was the macaroni and cheese I knew I was going to have later. It was just delish, and this morning the scale was fine with it, even down a tad. But if I'd had white flour early in the day I'd have "needed" it all day long. I'm also convinced it makes me crave salt and sugar, but maybe that's just me.

Nancy, bummer for dh!


Re: What I Ate

Postby Indiana » Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:14 am

Yep what Harriet said lucylee.

That is why I like exchanges it isn't tied to insulin but to healthy eating. Everyone has a healthy menu plan that works for them. The main thing is to eat healthy.

For me exchanges helped me get a balance of all the food groups while staying with in so many calories. Now it is just a healthy to eat for me.

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Re: What I Ate

Postby lucylee » Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:18 am

(((Nancy's dh))) So frustrating. I would say, "BTDT" except it has been about 15-20 years since I even THOUGHT I lost 12 pounds. * sigh *

I don't know, Indiana... awareness of the starches IS very helpful, I think. We'll stay with that for a while. I'll post yesterday's eating in a minute... it wasn't perfect, but MUCH better than the weekend, I think!

I know this posting of "what I ate" may get old to some of our readers -- of course, since we're in our own thread, they don't have to read it, do they -- but it IS very helpful to me, b/c aside from what I'm learning, it does help me put the brakes on, b/c as I said earlier -- sometimes I just don't eat b/c I think, "Ooohhh... I don't want to have to tell Indiana THAT." :oops:
Tomorrow is another day.


Re: What I Ate

Postby Indiana » Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:24 am

I would stick with exchanges until the end of August lucylee and then decide.

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Re: What I Ate

Postby lucylee » Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:01 pm

Monday 8/2
10:00 a.m.

PB crackers (1.5 starches)
banana :D
12:00 noon
granola bar (2 starches)
2:00 p.m.
2 slices cheese (low-fat)
8 Triscuits (2 starches)
5:30 p.m.
Smart Ones pizza (? starches)
2 bowls salad :D :D
15 calories dressing
pineapple :D
grapes :D
Goo Goo Cluster (2 starches?)
9:30 p.m.
Popcorn (? starches)
Tomorrow is another day.


Re: What I Ate

Postby Indiana » Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:28 pm

lucylee what kind of popcorn and how much?

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Re: What I Ate

Postby lucylee » Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:42 pm

Orville Redenbacker -- dh popped it w/very, very small amount of Orville Redenbacker oil -- but I don't know how much I ate? 12 handfuls? I'm sorry. I know I should be more conscious of times like this b/c one handful leads to another and before you know it, you've eaten a ton.
Tomorrow is another day.

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