Health and Fitness, November 2010

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Nancy » Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:58 am

I have only found one work out video/dvd so far.
But that will help.

Yesterday it was 50* and mild here so I pushed dgd in the stroller and did my walk yea!
We love the fall color she pointed at a tree with yellow leaves and said "green" so
she is noticing the fall color too! Such great memories!

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Harriet » Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:22 am

Lynlee mentioned exercising before brfast stressing body -
I didn't used to think it mattered, but HRH and I JUST watched the Sci channel documentary, Human Timepiece, in which scientists look at the 24 hours in our day and what we should be doing for our bodies when. Interestingly, although we should be eating most of our food through the mornings to lunch, we should exercise around 4 p.m. or through late afternoon/early evening. It's when our bodies are ready for it, core-temp-wise, and when it is safest (morning exercise being a shock to blood vessels which will be less flexible, affecting blood pressure negatively, etc) AND we can be as much as 10 percent more effective (at about 4) burning 10 percent more calories and getting peak performance on sport activities because of this (athletic records are often broken at that time of day, btw).

If anyone ever gets a chance to watch Human Timepiece, watch it, because it is full of fascinating facts about why we should do certain things at certain times for the most benefit.

HRH started sublingual B-12 today. My dream is that it will be effective enough to allow him to stop injections, which otherwise he would need for the rest of his life. Dr is on board with our experiment. This would not only be less stressful, but less expensive and more available, and would help end the "idea" of being "sick" that forever-injections puts into your head, you know? There are also spray vitamins out there (spray onto the soft tissues of the mouth for absorption) and if sublingual doesn't work, I'd be willing to pay for those to help him. Someday, sprays may be how we get all our vitamins.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Nancy » Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:21 am

I like to think of injections as "getting to live another day" that helps my perspective.
H. does not like it when I say I get to live another day but it helped me in the beginning.

It was cold and rainy here on Wed. so I did house work and indoor exercises yesterday
using the timer getting the kitchen spiff done did the dining room as well as the floors
in those too room and a spiff on part of the bathroom.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Harmony » Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:24 am

BWTG Cowinkie!
Lilac, I hope you are feeling better. I've btdt with recurrent uti when younger. Are you getting enough water?
Indiana, DH is using the same type bar as you. 2.5 lbs lifting with sore arm is good. DH has to use the lightest hammer now.
Nancy, I'll just bet you get a lot of steps in with your grandkids. How old are they?
MT, weight loss / diets are very much a yo-yo process, don't you think?

I'm having some discomfort off and on, from doing those k. exercises, the ones you can't see... :oops: I guess that means they're working. Sort of like isometrics, having to isolate one set of muscles while keeping 2 other sets relaxed, very difficult.

About the twinkie diet, I do agree that lower calories composed of whatever will assist one to lose weight. However, and here is my present dilema, with my weight loss and then my flurry of very hard work, I put on some pounds probably due to some muscle. So the twinkie guy, will he put pounds back on more quickly when he eats more normally and starts to gain muscle back?

I need to figure out a low calorie diet, one that works to take off the fat and not the muscle. Even though I've put some back on, I'm not noticing a difference in inches (a little, not much) so I know muscle is some component of this. I wonder if there is any research out there about this?

To Nancy: I came to grips having to take a medicine by just not focusing on it, doing it by routine rather than dwelling on the sickness. That helped me.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Lynlee » Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:40 pm


Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Harriet » Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:57 pm

Nancy, I hope it wasn't insensitive of me to say what I did about HRH feeling bad about taking injections of B12 forever. Obviously, everyone on insulin takes injections every DAY and it's very common, with several of our villagers on insulin. He can't seem to feel that he's "in charge" of the injections, and instead they seem so medical, very "doctor-ordered". The tablets, which are right in with his other supplements in his pill container, seem ordinary and not urgent. (Although like you say, without B-12 his living from day to day would be in jeopardy, just like doing without insulin for someone who needs it, so whether it's injections or tablets, it should be thought of as a blessing.)

Harmony, unless the Twinkie guy decides to start exercise (and he may) he won't put on muscle just because he stops dieting. If he gains weight now without changing his activity level, it will just be a rebound from the diet and won't be muscle. You are very blessed to have added activity and gained muscle. Well, you earned it. So many benefits including looking better.

I find myself a little bewildered to have learned that exercising is easier/healthier and more effective in afternoon or early evening. I already have so many restrictions on being able to exercise, just from daily life. Plus with acid reflux I realize that I should exercise on an empty stomach if possible, so that adds another layer of scheduling confusion. I pick dd up at 4 and our best plan of action is to immediately go to my ddad's, because with darkness falling earlier he wants to be able to eat by 5. I guess I could try exercise at 3:15/3:30, If I can manage to eat a good meal by noon (and nothing after). Or, I could try to wait until after we return from my ddads, and put my own supper off.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:53 am

Harriet, it is first thing in the morning (at least for me!) and I'm on the treadmill so I was bemused to read your comment on timing of exercise.

Dh and I walk in the mid-late afternoon. School lets out at 2:45 and we have to wait for the school-yard to be cleared before we can cut through there so we don't normally leave until at least 3 and often closer to 4.

On the other hand, when I'm using the treadmill I like to exercise before my shower because I'm guaranteed to work up a sweat.

I think it is far more important to exercise than to obsess when in the day you exercise (unless you have sleeping issues if you exercise just before bedtime.)

Mentally, if I get the day started with exercise, I feel like I'm "on a roll" and my day is productive.

I'm posting here because I have to do something to get my weight under control. Actually, it is under control, I haven't gained anything in a year, but I'm within the same 4 pound range, a range that is 40 pounds higher than I should be.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Nancy » Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:37 am

Great discussion here.
Harriet does HRH do his own injections or have to go in for a nurse to do them?
Maybe I missed that. No you were not being insensitive.
I used to like to exercise first thing before getting the diab. Rx.
LynL. I've been doing wts. w /Dgd in the after noon around four seems to work for us.
Maybe be doing these in the morning when she is not here. Yesterday we just did a short walk ten min. in the warmest part of the day but it was still pretty nippy. I have to do that after a meal or h. has a cow! I did the vacuuming for the rest of my exercise when we got back home.
Just before doing the wts.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Harriet » Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:45 pm

flat`theres`roundness.`I'm`blaming`yoga...and`changed`activity`here. - Lynlee

That's terrific, Lynlee. There's a lot of strength in our glutes for us to take advantage, and also our glutes can make our clothes fit more youthfully.

Nancy, HRH's dr had been believing that he only needed injections every 2 weeks so they have been done at office. However, recently dr has been saying that he probably really needs them every week, and doing them at home becomes more sensible. So far, the only ones that have been done at home was at first, when it was an urgent situation (when deficiency was first discovered) of every-day shots for a while, and ddil the RN did them during that weekend.

I'm remembering one more interesting thing from that program - that our body deals with sugars more efficiently through the morning hours and poorly at an evening meal. So one of the experts they were showing quoted the old "eat like a king at breakfast, like a prince at lunch, but then dine like a pauper".

Kathyn, I know how it feels to be able to say you have held the line, but not be able to say the line is at the right place. Remembering your recent posts of photos, though, I have trouble believing you need to lose 40 - you looked great in that sari. Good job on the treadmill.

Yes, the right time for exercise is the time when you will do it. That's the most important thing. lucylee's "Get 'r done" fits here.

Good job, Nancy's dh on having cows when needed! :) Supportive dhs are sweeties, even when they nag. The other night I just looked at a slice of dd's pizza and HRH said, "It'll hurt you!"

I did the "Total" workout for about 25 mins today, slightly more than half the "total".

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:58 am

Harriet, there's a picture that didn't make it onto the website and shows the 40 lbs quite clearly - it was so disturbing, I didn't post it during the cruise. I might post it later today.

I'm on the treadmill again this morning. Eating was obviously bad (except for two packages of the 100 cal Baked Cheetos and since I'm capable of eating a whole big bag of regular Cheetos, that's nothing.)

I'm starting

Dh is on the exercise bike so I can have only have one earphone in since he's wanting to chat from time to time. Both exercise machines have been modified to handle laptops so he's working on his mail lists right now.

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