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Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:34 pm
by lucylee
Harriet -- I have noticed you are being careful not to type complete brand names of certain places, like S_bw_y, Diet C_k_, etc.
Do we need to avoid using these brand names for some particular reason?

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:10 pm
by Harriet
No, absolutely no reason to avoid typing brand names. Partly my left-over habit from the other board where we would get advertisement/banners relating to what bots "saw" us posting about, lucylee. Other than that, not necessary except that when I'm posting about a company (or any entity) that I'm not recommending (or am perhaps even saying something bad about) I don't want anyone happening to search and find criticism posted here. As soon as I recommend a company I will type bold as brass, I assure you!

btw, you never think you are a leader, lucylee, but I will remind you you're the most faithful record-keeper among us. Your trend may slip in some numbers you want to keep track of, but no way do you ever miss it happening. I'm telling you right now from experience you're going through the plumping years (how's that for a pleasant way of saying it?) and no doubt you've already held off gain by being vigilant.

I hate to think about you working out in pain, Twins Mom. As far as that particular pullover move, it sounds pretty advanced to me - thinking about it I believe it would bug my lower back. Can't you just avoid that one - as the doctor in the old joke punchline said, "Well, then don't move like that!" I was scheduled to work out today, but the way-of-eating dh and I are trying suggests avoiding exercise for the first 4 "jumpstart" days. Two 12-out-of-14 Healthy Habit days in a row, though.

Below in "Daily Logs" I'm just going to change colors daily to log in our experiences with our recent "Way of eating" here.

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:39 pm
by lucylee
:oops: Thanks, Harriet, for the reassurance re: record keeping. DH says I am too obsessive about the scales, but I agree with you -- if I weren't at least keeping up with it, there's no telling WHAT I would weigh now. At least the scales sorta shock me into good sense for a day or two sometimes.

BTW, twelve out of fourteen healthy habits is GREAT!!! BIG WTG!!!

Twins, I hope you feel better soon! I can sympathize b/c my arm is STILL bothering me -- doctor will probably tell me "then don't move that way" tomorrow! :roll: * sigh *

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:13 pm
by lucylee
Good thing about dentist-imposed fast (almost) yesterday!
I am back to 155!
Aunt Flo's arrival probably helped a little bit, too.

Sad, and scary, that it doesn't seem like long ago that 145 was a much-feared number... but right now, I am sooo glad to see needle moving toward ANY lower number.

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:23 pm
by Twins' Mom
Lucylee, I totally KWYM! Several years back I'd have died of embarrassment to be at the weight I am now - and now I'm doing well to get back down to it. Weigh in is Friday...I'm going to avoid sodium and white flour (a la' Harriet) tomorrow, and also plan for a walk.

Harriet, I'm not hurting so much as experiencing some discomfort...not huge. I'm trying to remember, too, that when I started working out I couldn't have walked 30 minutes on the treadmill at this speed w/o my back hurting. It's the question of when and how much to keep pushing. Speaking of the pullover move, the feet altho hanging over the end of the bench are typically resting on the supports at the end of the bench, which helps to keep the back stable. If I feel it in back, I do bring a foot up onto the bench to bend the knee, which flattens the back down.

Shoulder was fine today.

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:40 pm
by Harriet
Lost 2.5 pounds on the 4-day jumpstart of the way-of-eating I'm doing with dh. Mine at least was some water weight because this way of eating is targeted to get rid of that. I'd already lost 1/2 pound toward that 6-weeks goal of 5 pounds down by mid-August, so 3 down, 2 to go so far. Three weeks left. Might be a tight challenge if the sodium level goes up on these meals. It's fun to be chasing a goal again.

New healthy foods dh and I have bought for this - safflower oil, pine nuts, potato pancakes by Dr. Praeger's, flaxseed oil.

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:23 am
by Twins' Mom
Weigh in was yesterday a.m. - Had lost 3 pounds for a total of 16 now. I had only lost 1/4 pound the week before so I was due, I suppose.

Hips still aching; probably not helped by the fact I was in the car approx 2 hrs going to Huntsville, and almost 3 hrs coming home, what with rain and sluggish traffic and accidents along the way. After working out, I s2s-ed there, and then left from my workout; I'm assuming that some of my stiffness was from being in the car so long so soon after the workout.

Fast food recommendation of the day is W**dy's - had a grilled chicken sandwich with a side salad for a late lunch. I was starving by then so was pleased that I didn't dive right into something I shouldn't have eaten. The sandwich w/o their honey mustard sauce was 7 points, zero points for side salad plus 2 more points for the low fat ranch dressing, which I divided between the sandwich and salad. (The honey mustard sauce would have only added one point to the sandwich, btw.)

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:39 pm
by Indiana
lucylee I was thinking about you this afternoon.

Do you know herbal supplements can increase the side effects of one of the meds you are on?

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:42 pm
by lucylee
Ohhh! Which one, Indiana? What side effects am I risking?

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:29 am
by Indiana
lucylee - Paxil side effects can increase with herbal supplements especially St. John's Wort. I don't know what other meds you are on.

Dh came home with a great handout because one of his meds is on it. They list 10 different groups of meds and then list the nutritional concern - natural and herbal. Paxil was one of the meds.

My coumadin was on it and all the don'ts were right.