Health and Fitness, August, 2011

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2011

Postby Harriet » Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:39 pm

LurkyLou mentioned in PWYC that her trainer had realized she was overtraining and quickly helped her to correct. It is something we need to think about and remember to avoid. So easy to find ourselves overtraining. "Less is More." I thought I'd look up and reprint this short explanation of overtraining by Lannette Madden, Cardiac Rehabilitation RN, and ACE certified Clinical Exercise Specialist .

Overtraining isn't a black and white or you are or you aren't phenomenon. There are different degrees. If you catch it quickly you can take a days rest and be right back at it BUT if a person pushes seriously into the overtraining continuum (you can see this in distance runners) it can take as much as 6-months of rest to get back to normal.

The typical signs of overtraining include:

Achiness or pain in the muscles and/or joints
Elevated morning pulse
Sudden inability to complete workouts
Feeling unmotivated and lacking energy
Increased susceptibility to colds, sore throats and other illnesses
Loss or sometimes a gain in appetite
Decrease in performance

Personally I feel that many people who start to exercise and then lose interest do so because they push it so hard that they flirt with overtraining syndrome. Loss of interest in your workout program and inability to force yourself to do your planned workouts is one of the first common symptoms I've seen in folks who push too hard.

I always say that you can plan any rotation of workouts just give yourself the option of an extra day off each week if you feel you need it or plan an "emergency workout" that's very easy for a day where you don't feel up to a full workout.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2011

Postby Harriet » Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:34 pm

Yesterday was an "off" day although I did do a lot of weeding and cobweb-sweeping around the front of the house.

Today was an "on" day and I did my 55 mins workout. I had two smoothies today, both with raspberry, one soy and one almond milk. A banana. Chicken quesadilla for lunch, crowder peas, a few crackers. A coffee.

The Fun Stuff - I don't think I mentioned that dd12 has been hula hooping. She had a smaller hoop (the smaller the more difficult to hoop). She was pretty good with it but of course it wore her out quickly. We purchased a larger one today, and she's been flying on it, easily able to go 10 or 15 mins at a time since she is used to much more difficulty. Both of these are $5 hoops from local stores. Someday we may buy a nice one.

She doesn't know it, but I ordered a book/DVD set and another DVD from Amazon for her birthday so that she can learn more of the fun movess. You can find a lot of YouTube videos, but usually they are performance, not instruction, except for some very short ones. I did not choose the DVD by Marissa Tomei, only because it seemed a little too grown up. The one I did choose, though (link), has nutrition chapters and chapters on some rather grown-up concepts like feeling/not feeling feminine, self-consciousness, empowerment, some anthropology/culture, etc., so she can get into all that as she feels like it. But basically, the book is about wholesome girlish fun, plus I know how dd feels when the YouTube videos just go by so fast and I think a friendly BOOK is the way to go. Maybe she'll have an opportunity to use all the extra info for some report this year.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2011

Postby Nancy » Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:28 pm

H. said he's lost 8 lbs. yea for him.
Not me sigh!
I did my walk today so that was helpful.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2011

Postby lucylee » Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:24 pm

8/1 -- walked 3.4 miles outdoors, did 13 min. floor exercise routine
8/2 -- walked 3 miles outdoors, did 10 min. floor exercise routine (from Cindy Crawford video)
8/3 -- walked 2 miles outdoors
8/4 -- walked 3 miles outdoors
8/5 -- walked 2.5 miles outdoors

8/8 -- exercised 10 minutes
8/9 -- vacuumed 30 minutes
8/13 -- walked outdoors 1.6 miles

8/14 -- walked away the pounds 30 minutes
8/16 -- walked away the pounds 30 minutes
Last edited by lucylee on Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2011

Postby Nancy » Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:49 am

Today ex. will be cleaning at dd's.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2011

Postby Harriet » Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:22 am

That's great for dh, Nancy.

lucylee, you are going to end the month with such a good tally of exercise days. In training for rigors of teaching, for sure.

Yesterday I was reading in a back issue of First magazine about how fresh fruits and veggies give our livers a break from their hard work. I didn't really know that. And it said that when the liver's not happy, the body's not happy. When the liver is burdened and can't get all the work done every day, we end up with "fatigue, bloat, headaches, moodiness, digestive upsets and brain fog". There was a recipe for a fresh veggie soup to let the liver have one mealtime "off" of work, :) and the base was unsweetened almond milk, which I happened to have in the fridge so I made some. It was 2 tomatoes, 1 avocado, 1/4 bell pepper, 1/2 carrot shredded. You just blend it all. Makes two servings. Not bad - I added some pepper and just a little salt.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2011

Postby Nancy » Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:47 am

bp #'s 107 / 62
81 heart rate

I've always had low bp.

Walked in the a.m. and another 1/2 mi. after shopping in the p.m. for stress reduction seems to be helping!
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2011

Postby Harriet » Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:32 pm

Found a pretty bunch or organic beets (well, as pretty as beets get :) ) and remembered that it is a good addition to juices. Yesterday I added one beet to my juice. I had noticed warnings in "recipes" that when you work with beets they can discolor your hands, but of course what I'm worried about is that my juicer can be discolored. So I tried to work quickly and didn't have any of those problems. I always clean my juicer before I drink any juice anyway.

Have started using a tip I read of drinking homemade juice through a straw to avoid staining of teeth if you are juicing vividly colored produce. And, of course, almost every homemade juice would fit that. But the more vivid the color and the more variety, the better for you.

Also yesterday, large tossed salad with avocado; strawberry and almond milk smoothie; chili and potato salad; chicken salad snack. So, 6 or more veggie/fruits.

Today, raspberry and almond milk smoothie, banana-peanut butter-mayo sandwich on whole wheat.

btw, the Crystal Light Pure still tastes like Crystal Light. I really have to tell myself it's helping me avoid soda and artificial sweeteners to get myself to drink it. I never liked the flavor of CL and the flavor's not changed. So if anyone actually already liked CL, try the Pure.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2011

Postby Nancy » Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:37 pm

Vacuuming @ dd's & picking up yard there is part of my ex.
plus I've walked this morning
yea for an early start on it.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2011

Postby Harriet » Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:31 pm

Acupressure technique from an article in "First" magazine:

Keep tears at bay this way

When your teen is brushing you off, or your boss is blaming you for a failed project, even a calm and collected person can get teary. To stop the waterworks before they start, use the thumb and forefinger of one hand to pinch the thin web of skin between the forefinger and thumb on the other hand. Hold on tight until the urge to cry has passed. The slightly painful sensation distracts your mind from the tear-inducing emotional upset, allowing you to come off as cool as a cucumber.

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